About To Give Up On These Boards!!


Retired and loving every minute of it!!
Jul 24, 2000
I thought they were switching servers and that was supposed to improve the speed of the DIS boards. Am I the only one still experiencing slowness here? Switching boards (like DVC-Planning to DVC-Operations) seems to take forever. Even retrieving specific threads is excruciatingly slow. I do not experience slowness on any other message boards I frequent. I am ready to just give up and go to one of the other WDW message boards.
same here but I'm just trying to deal with it:laughing:
It worked better for me before the switch.
Sometimes it takes me 3to 5 min to post and al least 1 to 2 min to open a thread.
:surfweb: this is me at the computer now most of the time:surfweb:
TUG uses essentially the same software, has a lot more members, more boards, more allowances for email, uses the regular search feature of the software system and is very fast overall. I wonder what the difference is.
Take a few thousand people with you and that might solve our problem.

Or just move to Europe ;) We have a very fast service (when you are all asleep in the USA) in our morning!
TUG uses essentially the same software, has a lot more members, more boards, more allowances for email, uses the regular search feature of the software system and is very fast overall. I wonder what the difference is.

I "think" it may have something to do with EXTREMELY looooog threads? Like hundreds pages, 10 thousands of posts long? Someone with more knowhow of how these things work, mentioned this problem to me once. I don't think the TUG has threads like that - or do they? :confused3
i've never been able to get the search thing to work which is a real pain)
and sometimes it's slow and sometimes it's not. i never paid much attention since i'm usually doing something else at the same time.
I thought they were switching servers and that was supposed to improve the speed of the DIS boards. Am I the only one still experiencing slowness here? Switching boards (like DVC-Planning to DVC-Operations) seems to take forever. Even retrieving specific threads is excruciatingly slow. I do not experience slowness on any other message boards I frequent. I am ready to just give up and go to one of the other WDW message boards.
I agree. If anything, things are even slower than before. I am no expert on message board databases, but I'll venture to guess that allowing threads which contain thousands of messages and not purging old threads is never a good thing for performance.

PS To the folks in control...What is the point of keeping threads around that are more than 6 months old when the same questions are being answered on a daily basis. In addition, the lack of a working search function renders old posts meaningless.
I agree. If anything, things are even slower than before. I am no expert on message board databases, but I'll venture to guess that allowing threads which contain thousands of messages and not purging old threads is never a good thing for performance.

PS To the folks in control...What is the point of keeping threads around that are more than 6 months old when the same questions are being answered on a daily basis. In addition, the lack of a working search function renders old posts meaningless.

If the search function worked, people wouldn't NEED to post the same questions over and over. Sure, some people always will do this, but for the most part people these days prefer to do a search over posting a question and waiting for a trickle of answers.
TUG uses essentially the same software, has a lot more members, more boards, more allowances for email, uses the regular search feature of the software system and is very fast overall. I wonder what the difference is.

Would love to know the hardware differences. You would be amazed how much CPU/memory (lack of) can affect performance.
I "think" it may have something to do with EXTREMELY looooog threads? Like hundreds pages, 10 thousands of posts long? Someone with more knowhow of how these things work, mentioned this problem to me once. I don't think the TUG has threads like that - or do they? :confused3
TUG puts a LOT more posts on a single page which I assume should take longer, not less time to load.

Would love to know the hardware differences. You would be amazed how much CPU/memory (lack of) can affect performance.
I don't know the differences but I'm sure the IT people for TUG would be happy to talk to the IT people for DIS. Given that TUG doesn't appear to compromise features much or at all and DIS does and is much faster, my guess is along your line of thinking, that it's hardware compromises that is the root. Mind you I'm not complaining, just observing, I'm happy to have DIS as a community and service reqardless.
I've got a feeling it's a bandwidth problem coming in to the servers. The DIS folks really need to get the problem fixed though or they will begin to loose readers. Folks may say it's a free service why are you complaining. Well the fact is this service is supported by advertising and if they start loosing readers to one of the many other Disney related websites, their advertisers will make them take notice real fast.
i agree, im from the uk and im really struggling with the dis at the moment !! imo the new servers have only made the problem worse :headache:
I've got a feeling it's a bandwidth problem coming in to the servers. The DIS folks really need to get the problem fixed though or they will begin to loose readers. Folks may say it's a free service why are you complaining. Well the fact is this service is supported by advertising and if they start loosing readers to one of the many other Disney related websites, their advertisers will make them take notice real fast.

Relax a little bit. This is a "fan site" to be enjoyed as is. It isn't an service where you can demand or expect a return for your investment...because you haven't made an investment (other than time - which doesn't pay for hosting services).

If you want faster service or better entertainment:

1. Click on the banner ads or use the sponsor's sites. That will create revenue for the DIS boards.

2. Find out who owns the boards and send them a donation. I'm sure they would love the support!

Relax a little bit. This is a "fan site" to be enjoyed as is. It isn't an service where you can demand or expect a return for your investment...because you haven't made an investment (other than time - which doesn't pay for hosting services).

Baloney. I guarantee you the advertisers on this website don't look at it just as a "fan site" to be enjoyed as it is. If you are going to offer a service for people to visit and are using it as a revenue source, you are expected to provide certain levels of service. And right now these MB's are not providing an acceptable level of service. Contact one of the advertisers directly and ask them if they are happy with the service, I bet you will get a completely different answer. Sure we may not pay out of our pockets, but how many people have bought DVC memberships thru the Timeshare Store which advertises heavily on the DVC boards. These people are paying indirectly by these purchases as is anyone else who does business with one of the many advertisers. This is a major website and should be managed as such.
Baloney. I guarantee you the advertisers on this website don't look at it just as a "fan site" to be enjoyed as it is. If you are going to offer a service for people to visit and are using it as a revenue source, you are expected to provide certain levels of service.

I guess you get what you paid for.
So much for "The Internet's Largest and Friendliest Disney Community". :sad2:

And I found your post to be neither witty nor ironic.

Sounds like you might be one of those "less than magical" cast members we sometimes (though rarely) encounter.

Anyway, I have found the speed here to be very spotty. Usually very fast after I post, but slower than molasses in January going between boards and opening threads. Not much improvement yet anyway.


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