Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

I understand why @IceSkatingPrincess wanted to clarify her initial statement, but beyond that initial clarifying post -- if I was Cherry I'd be starting to feel a bit picked on for be willing to own up to my bad behavior.
You are right, and I hope that my post didn't make her feel that way. If it did, I apologize. As I stated in my post - I am not judging.
Why would they only install them at Value resorts? I don't get it....:confused3

I think it's because the moderate and deluxe resorts don't have nearly as many people waiting for buses. From my experience, waiting at All-Star Movies, there were normally two to three times the amount of people than there were when we've waited for buses at WL and BW. I don't recall waiting for more than ten other people at either. Also, the deluxe resorts and some of the moderates seem to have alternate modes of transport - boat, monorail, etc.
We put the little girls on our shoulders to see Celebrate the Magic. Apparently, this is rudeness on the same level as selfie sticks and pushing Grandma off her ECV. Yes, I did get there early and yes I thought we were in a spot where no one could push in front. I was wrong about the second part. Yes, I could have held little dd on my hip, but I'm 5'2" and I couldn't see either.

And worse still? I'd do it again.

I've done this. Got into a big argument with someone on another board about it. I somehow made it through almost 50 years of life without ever learning this is rude behavior.
I have been that person before. Many times as a matter of fact. One time at EPCOT we were waiting to get in at the front gate for a 8:00AM breakfast. This family kept trying to work their way up to the front of the line. The did not make it past us because I kept stepping in the way. Then once we got in the mother tried to speed walk past us. So the for of walk back to Norway just a little faster than her and in her way the whole back there.

I have also been known to walk in front of people in line as they do the interactive things and no pay attention to the line. I hate when the line stops so some one can do some interactive thing and hold up the whole line.

How did you stay in her way all the way to Norway? That is a pretty wide walkway.
LOL great thread.

Last trip my wife (OK I'm blaming her for being the rude one - but I was right next to her and didn't stop her) cut in front of the (long) queue waiting to check in for lunch at CRT. At first it was an honest mistake, and she didn't realize how long the line was. But after she realized there was a line she didn't bother getting in it. In her defense we had paid several hundred dollars for this lunch and didn't feel like having to wait in a long line - however everyone else waiting in that line also did. She took a well-deserved verbal reprimand from the woman in line behind her.
Right, but my kid is on my hip and can see great. Then the person in front of me puts their kid on their shoulders. Now she can't see and neither can I. If the person in front of us just put the kid on their hip too then there wouldn't be a problem. I refuse to put my kid on my shoulders because I think it's so rude. Of course I care about my own child more than the kid behind me but I refuse to be an a**hole just so my kid can see. It happened to us last time and I had no problem telling the guy in front of us that we had been standing there for half an hour before he strolled up and put his kid on his shoulders. He moved. I really can not even fathom being that rude.

I am beginning to think this is a regional thing. As I said in another reply here, I made it through almost 50 years of life without ever hearing this is rude behavior. Every local parade, festival, outdoor concert, etc. I've been to has many children on their parents' shoulders. I've never considered it rude, nor has anyone I know.

That said, your opinion is far from uncommon. That leads me to believe this is a hyper-local thing where it is accepted behavior in some locales, but not in others.
I have been that person before. Many times as a matter of fact. One time at EPCOT we were waiting to get in at the front gate for a 8:00AM breakfast. This family kept trying to work their way up to the front of the line. The did not make it past us because I kept stepping in the way. Then once we got in the mother tried to speed walk past us. So the for of walk back to Norway just a little faster than her and in her way the whole back there.

I have also been known to walk in front of people in line as they do the interactive things and no pay attention to the line. I hate when the line stops so some one can do some interactive thing and hold up the whole line.

Are those even considered rude lol? If they are then I must be a jerk. I think if you are stopping to do something interactive in a queue its your choice to do that and its my choice to continue in the line. You don't mind stopping in a line to do something else so why wouldn't I keep walking forward?
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We were in line for Peter Pan and my hubby (then fiance) was putting his backpack back on after we both enjoyed some water. While trying to put on his backpack, his elbow did something weird (We had two large mostly filled water bottles inside so maybe the heaviness threw him off?). Anyways he accidentally elbowed the girl in front of her, either on the head or shoulder. You should have seen the looks she gave him. She seemed to think it was on purpose, even though my husband was apologizing like crazy (We're Canadian lol). She didn't seem to care anything for it at all so the rest of the wait was quite awkward... Thankfully we were almost to the front of the line.

The nice part was when we were getting into our flying ship, the CM told my hubby that he had seen it and it was an obvious accident. It had made my hubby feel a thousand time better hearing that.:rolleyes:
I know it wasn't a purposely rude moment but the girl sure made it seem like it! My hubby is just an awkward giant though.:cutie:
I'm sorry but there is no way your baby could have been hurt by your belly being pressed against the glass in the early stages of pregnancy. You were more at risk after you decided to resort to violence.

What exactly does she have to say to satisfy you? She's posting in a confessional thread about bad behaviour. She's acknowledged what she did was wrong and says it was out of character. She hasn't claimed her actions were justified, only that she 'snapped' out of fear for her pregnancy, however unfounded that fear might have been.

Instead of piling on, why not share one of your own less than magical moments? For extra credit, actually make it about a time you were rude to someone else, instead of a time someone was rude to you and you gave them what they had coming. ;)
It's funny, the original topic of the thread was YOU being the rude guest, but it's turned into "This is what I did when I witnessed a rude guest..." :duck:

Last March, we happened to be lucky enough to be at MK for the inaugural FoF parade, right in Frontierland by the popcorn stand across from Pecos Bill, you know the one, where the bridge that goes over the turn for Splash Mountain is. We had gotten there about a half hour prior, and were lucky enough to be in the second row or spectators. My little one had just turned two and was asleep in the stroller, my older one, was almost 8, and has pretty bad ADHD and ODD. At the time, we were still working out his dosage on a new medication. He tends to get moody when he's hot, tired and forced to stand still for more than a minute, so he sat down. My wife and I stood around them. Now, I know that just sitting there is bad, but again, just like others, we never know what's going on with other people, and that a kid is not just being bratty or spoiled, or whatever. I let him sit, because, it was crowded, hot and, the parade was going to start. I could have pushed the issue with him, but it would have lead to a meltdown and embarrassment for all of us, guaranteed.

In any case, there was an older couple that overheard me trying to reason with him at first, and seeing me getting nowhere. Without even being asked (because I never would), they moved to the side and smiled to let my son at least sit by the rope. Well.... next to them were two women with HUGE strollers, I'm pretty sure they were sisters, not that it matters. As soon as the Gentleman moved, she thrust her leg out and pulled her stroller over taking the little bit of room. I know she was aware of my son sitting behind her because she kept looking down at him with disdain as I was trying to talk to him. That had already annoyed me. So, about 5 minutes before the parade, the other sister decides she needs to go to the bathroom. She walks away, and sister #1 decides to block off a good 10 ft section with both strollers, facing each other and spreading her legs out. Meanwhile also blocking people that were still making the futile attempt to squeeze by and either get to the walkway back into Frontierland or even worse, squeeze between the crowd and the popcorn stand. Like I said earlier, I'm 6'4", and I was about to just give one of my patented remarks, when the gentleman who had originally moved said something for me. She didn't budge, acted like she didn't even hear. Parade started, he stood up and was able to see over the stroller wall, so it wall worked out, but that was the closest I've ever come to just completely unloading on a rude guest. Of course, if I had, I would have been the bad guy...

Now, I tell my wife and older son, "If you want to see the parade we have to go now, if not, we can either skip it, or you'll probably miss seeing a lot of it". We are fortunate enough to be able to visit what amounts to yearly, so to me it's not worth the hassle and the rudeness of others, and the quirks and issues of our little family that could disrupt other people to see a parade I've seen and can see again.

I'm just happy to be there and not here. pooh:
What exactly does she have to say to satisfy you? She's posting in a confessional thread about bad behaviour. She's acknowledged what she did was wrong and says it was out of character. She hasn't claimed her actions were justified, only that she 'snapped' out of fear for her pregnancy, however unfounded that fear might have been.

Instead of piling on, why not share one of your own less than magical moments? For extra credit, actually make it about a time you were rude to someone else, instead of a time someone was rude to you and you gave them what they had coming. ;)
She doesn't have to say anything to satisfy me.

I didn't realize we weren't allowed to express our opinion in this forum.
I find it about the same, but I also think Disneyland has more frequent visitors so if you think you can go early and have a front row seat for the parade, add an hour to that estimate. ;)

I've been /that guy/ but not on purpose. Just last weekend I stepped in front of people trying to take a picture to take a picture. When I got back to my husband his mouth was hanging open... I didn't even notice them. Sorry guys! :(
I posted up thread but I have to add one because I just did a milder version of it at my local zoo. . .
I have definitely been that genius parent loudly saying some nonsense to my kid like "we're all hot and tired! Not stop your whining and have fun RIGHT NOW!" Embarrassing my family and acvomplishing precisely nothing :guilty:
I posted up thread but I have to add one because I just did a milder version of it at my local zoo. . .
I have definitely been that genius parent loudly saying some nonsense to my kid like "we're all hot and tired! Not stop your whining and have fun RIGHT NOW!" Embarrassing my family and acvomplishing precisely nothing :guilty:
I'll go even further - I have been that parent forcing a crying child to ride something that scared him. I know - I should be flogged for it and can't believe that I did it (more than once). At the time, I really thought that I was helping them get over their fears. It fills me with remorse thinking about it years later.
I have two "my bads" that I find myself doing at WDW. 1. Sometimes on the Magical Express, a man will sit next to me and do the man spread thing with his legs. Inevitably, he is of a certain age (never young & cute) with too short shorts and big hairy legs. I hate having a stranger's big hairy legs pressed up against me. Those bus rides take forever & its just not a good place to be. So I have developed a routine. I politely lean over and tell him, "Pardon me, but I have a problem. I have a skin thing. On my legs. I'm in a flare up right now. Sorry about that." Do those legs ever retract in a hurry. :-) I really don't have any skin problems. But I also don't want to catch something from those hairy legs either. Who knows where they have been. 2. When I'm ready to leave a park and I'm tired and its crowded, I sometimes look to see if I can find a Mom pushing one of those big double wide strollers. You know the type of Mom I'm talking about. She's beyond tired, at the end of her rope, and is walking fast and pushing that stroller as hard as she can. She's telling her kids to be quiet, to stop crying and at the same time having a go at anyone in front of her. I then slip in behind her and basically just slipstream my way out of the park. I'm not a scary looking person and I try not to get right up on her heels so no danger that I might frighten her. But I definitely get myself right in behind her as she uses that stroller to carve a path. Am I enabling bad stroller behavior? Possibly. But I figure that she is going to do what she is going to do regardless. It really does get me out of the park fast. I probably shave at least 15 minutes off my exit. Is it worthwhile? It always seems to be at the time. When you're tired and ready to get back to your room, it's really tempting to follow the leader.
We were just pregnant with my second baby. We went to Disneyland Paris. I went to guest services to ask what rides I could and could not go on. For example pirates I was surprised was not recommended. Guest services instantly gave me a special-needs pass for pregnancy. I didn't expect it but it was great to not wait for the rides. Only thing was we couldn't go on many rides like Indiana or splash. My job was working with high medical, high behaviour special needs so I felt bad.

Once we were on the computers in animation building. I let my 18 month old daughter play two rounds of coloring. A man appeared behind me and started screaming at me saying I wasn't sharing the computer. I got off instantly and started to shake. I still worry about it- 4 years later- I get anxious so I try not to tick anybody off. I should've told him that he should learn patience but it is what it is.
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