Advice please,going in April

Exciting Exciting :dance3:

We are leaving early on the monday morning, need to be up at 2am as flight leaves at 6am. Thinking it will be a long day and the kids will be wanting to sleep early on Mon night.

Do you pack snacks in your suitcase? is it ok to take foods by plane??

Sweetlovin Eiffel tower sounds fab :thumbsup2 how long are you out there for?

As its our first trip and only 4 days we are planning on staying at the parks and soaking up as much disney as we can:cheer2:

You can add my youngest DS and I for April 4-7. I have some business to take care of the week before. We are preparing to move to metro Paris. He has no idea that we are going to finish up the trip at DLP. We have been to WDW dozens of times, but this will be our first trip to another Disney resort.

We will be at the Cheyenne. Really looking forward to it.

Anyone know how the crowds will be that time of year?
I don't think the crowds will be too bad as most French and English schools are out the following weeks for Easter or Spring Break. However, there are not as many rides as WDW so it sounds as though the wait times for each ride will be longer.

This is my first trip to another Disney as well. Funny that I ended up heading to DLP before Disneyland Calafornia, but there you have it.:)

NuttyNess - I am in Paris 3 days April 1st - 3rd before heading to DLP. I have been to Paris, but my children are very excited to be crossing the pond. It's their first trip overseas.

I don't blame you, I really want to soak up as much Disney as well, but I needed to split my time up. I may sneak another trip back to WDW this Dec if I didn't get enough Disney this time around.
With 9 sleeps left before we leave, I am feeling extremey overwhelmed!!

I am installing hardwood floors in one room and the rest of the hardwood floors refurbished while I am gone. I thought the idea was brilliant at the time, now as I have to move rooms of furniture, paint the floor coverings, pack up all the coat closet and pantry (not to mention laundry, packing, and tying up all loose ends for the trip) ..brilliant idea became not so brilliant. Add to that, the day after I get back, the new bedroom and living room furniture is being delivered and I think I have lost my mind:upsidedow

To keep my mood light and happy, I thought I would have a little bit of fun at my oldest child's expense. If you happen to see him walking about at DLRP, just say "Hi Nico!"


It will put a smile on my face watching him wonder how on earth anyone in Paris knows his name.
Sounds like you have a lot planned, how excited are your children??? Mine are off the wall already and jumping round singing 13 days to go!!

Good luck with packing up your house along with your cases, any idea what the forecast for Paris is like when we are there?

I will definatley be looking out for Nico but maybe you should post a piccy of the whole family as you will be easier to spot as a group ;)

I have just booked a hotel at the airport for the night before our flight, I just need to hunt out our cases then I can start to pack :cool1::cool1:

It's getting closer :banana::banana::banana::banana:
LOL! I stand out in my group. I'm 5'9-5'10 blue-eyed blonde and all the others have dark hair and dark eyes.


This little one will be clinging to me most of the trip.

This one is most notable for her gorgeous hair. Long, thick, black curls although it's pulled back in this picture.

My kids are getting excited. Nico is thrilled he is going to have a stamp on his passport. The youngest is only excited about Disney. I imagine the first three days she will quietly keep asking, "but what about Disney, when are we going there?" A kid after my own heart:rotfl:
As far as the weather, it looks like it is low 50s - mid 60s Fahrenheit. I keep checking and March 31st is the farthest out it goes. I am sure I am going to be checking daily for updates until I board the plane. ;)
Oh sweetlovin you have taken a lot on I'd be having a meltdown. Will keep an eye out for you.
Countdown is really on now. DD still has no idea is making plans for mother's day none the wiser that we will be miles away in lovely France:yay:
Exciting Exciting Exciting :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Violetta how and when are you planning on telling DD about your trip?? You must be beside yourself with anticipation :banana:

sweetlovin' will be looking out for you and your gorgeous family, when do you leave for your trip?

polymerpig what dates will you be there?

I have just pulled the cases out of the loft, just over a week left to pack.... :cheer2::cheer2:
NuttyNess -
Unfortunately we will only be there for a short weekend - April 9-10. But I can't DD is a WDW cast member and she has passes to get us all in. So short, crowded and free is better than nothing at all, right?? It will be our first time at DLP, so can't wait! The main reason we're going to Europe is our other daughter is studying in London, so we'll be there for a few days, over to Paris, then back to London for a few more days. We couldn't be that close and NOT visit DLP :-)
Polymerpig - how nice that you get to visit your daughter and sneak a trip to DLP (A free trip at that!!)

Violetta - I am wondering that too. How and when do you plan on telling your little girl? I know you are renting a place, so are you just going to drive through the DLP gates and let her realize it, or will you tell her that morning?

Nuttyness - I leave Thursday morning, but I pricelined the flight. I got a really great deal, however with it came layovers :( I think it's about a 10-12 hour flight with layovers and stops. We head from Atlanta to Miami and sit at that airport for a few hours before making our way to Paris. I don't think that is so bad, because the excitement will keep us occupied. On the way back, when we have the long layover in Miami that will not be as fun. Your children must have become overjoyed once they saw the cases come out!! Are they counting down the days?
Erm- We don't have a plan on how we are going to tell her:confused3
I think we will have to tell her we are going on holiday & once she realises it's to France she will know it will take in a trip to Disneyland:dance3:
I might pretend we are just going off on a boring caravan holiday (the boring is her words although she always enjoy's it).
Then maybe on the saturday morning let her watch cartoons, hope a Disney ad comes on & when she say's her usual kids stay & play free can we go, say YES we can let's get going!!!:cool1: or if she doesn't say that or ad doesn't come on, pretend we are just going off on a holiday in Scotland then rock up to the airport!
Anyone any suggestions?
Hehe she will be so excited when she finds out where she is going!

Ewan and Erin are on the countdown now- 6 sleeps until their birthday and 9 sleeps until Disneyland Paris.
We got the suitcase down last night and will need to start thinking about clothes soon. :)

I still haven't decided if we are doing a character meal or not. We did Cafe Mickey the last time.:thumbsup2

It would be great if the weather in Paris was mild like today:cool2:

There has been a development since I posted earlier. DD received an invite to a school-friends birthday party next Saturday. I had to explain that she couldn't go as we were going away. :sad1: there were a few tear's unfortunately we said we are going away to Edinburgh which she was not impressed by, (Edinburgh is lovely by the way) I think she is just so disappointed to be missing the party. She did ask if we were flying or driving, I replied "we are driving to Edinburgh" so not really a lie, just omitted "then flying to France" bit.
Just had a wee thought, I could buy her a Rapunzel doll in the Disney store on Friday, then pop her on dd's bed with an invite from Rapunzelprincess: to come visit her in France for her to find when she wakes up on Saturday morning.
not long now getting all organised started packing, how is everyone else getting on?

my daughter is getting so excited we have so much planned so i dont think she actually knows what to get excited for. we leave on Saturday night looooong bus journey to london but its over night then spend the day in london we have tickets to go to the sea life london aquarium (£6 ticket baragin with tesco club card) then madame tussauds shes never been before and justin bieber is there so can imagine how excited my 7 year old is lol. Then monday off to disney for 4 days.
And friday before we leave we have tickets to go to the x factor concert aswell too much going on and we are 5th row so very excited.
Claire - your trip sounds wonderful!! She is going to be so happy to have a mommy that does so much for her :)

Violetta - you will have to tell us how and when it all went down. As well as the excitement on her face. Too bad about the party. You are definatly doing the more fun adventure. She will forget all about the party and be so happy to be in DLP :wizard:

Fiona - I bet your children are so excited. A birthday and a trip is an amazing week. I have Cafe Mickey's booked, because we always go to Chef Mickeys at WDW. However, I might change Inventions. I heard the price was not worth the food/characters.

We have two plane flights totaling 11 hours with a 6 hour layover. All and all, tomorrow we will be traveling for 18 hours straight. However, the kids are so excited:thumbsup2 Nico has to take 4 tests today to make up the work that he will miss (he emailed his teachers begging them to let him take the test now because he is certain he will forget everything in Paris:rotfl:) and the youngest decided to do a weeks worth of homework last night. She is planning on turning it all in today.:thumbsup2 The middle child got excused from everything, because she is taking a class project with her to photograph while we are there :)

I moved my bedroom set and a desk last night, now I have to take apart and move the kitchen table and chairs, the family room couches and TV, take the dog to the caretaker, clean out the closets and pile everything that is on the floor up into two rooms. Move two couches to the basement

My goal is to sleep on the plane and hopefully, be rested by the time the flight lands in Paris. :laughing:
5 days till we go!!!!

Claire we're going to X factor on Saturday - front row so excited about that too!
Bon Voyage Sweetlovin, have a fab holiday, will look out for you in DLP next week.
Unfortunately we don't do organised V well, but we are getting there. Just have to pack really. Final decisions to be made re what we do on our trip. We are thinking of 2 day's at DLP-maybe the Monday & Thursday, a trip to Paris & 1 to Provins as it's really close to where we are staying. (Look at that I've just planned it all lol).
Claire - safe travels on the bus!! Hopefully you and your daughter will be able to sleep.

Violetta - good luck with the planning!!

Everyone have a safe journey.

This board will get hit with a lot of trip reports all at once as we get back:rotfl:


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