After much heartache and heartbreak

Hi PamPam,

I just found this thread again and see that you will be going back again soon. I was wondering if you would like me to send your daughter a postcard while I am there (Jan 4-11) telling her that the princesses can't wait for her visit. If so, please pm me your address and I will send it out the first day we are there (as I am not sure how long it would take to get to CAN). Let me know if you would like me to do this. I know that our son (special needs) has received a few postcards from wonderful people on this board before our trips saying that they can't wait to see him and he has been so excited when he receives them so I would like to do the same from someone else and your story really touched me.

Either way, I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful trip and make many more Disney memories.

Hi PamPam,

I just found this thread again and see that you will be going back again soon. I was wondering if you would like me to send your daughter a postcard while I am there (Jan 4-11) telling her that the princesses can't wait for her visit. If so, please pm me your address and I will send it out the first day we are there (as I am not sure how long it would take to get to CAN). Let me know if you would like me to do this. I know that our son (special needs) has received a few postcards from wonderful people on this board before our trips saying that they can't wait to see him and he has been so excited when he receives them so I would like to do the same from someone else and your story really touched me.

Either way, I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful trip and make many more Disney memories.


That would be wonderful. :hug: However, I don't know how to pm. I don't even know how to post a picture. I'm self taught on the computer, and I have a fool for a teacher.:rotfl:
That would be wonderful. :hug: However, I don't know how to pm. I don't even know how to post a picture. I'm self taught on the computer, and I have a fool for a teacher.:rotfl:

If you want to recieve and send pm's just go into your 'user cp' section at the top of the screen, and 'edit profile', ensure 'enable private messaging' box is ticked.

Then to send someone a message just find their name say in a thread like this one, ie JohnnySharp2, click on the name and the send a private message option appears. Then onwards it's straight forward.

For pictures you need to register at a free photo hosting website such as photobucket.
It looks like JohnnySharp explained how to accept and send private messages so I will await your info. If that doesn't work let me know and we can figure something out.

Again, I hope that you and your daughter have a great trip. Does she have a favorite princess so I could look for a postcard with that particular one on it?

I think I stumbled around and got it right. Now I'm having trouble getting notification that someone has posted to a subscribed thread, so it still may not work. Man, do I feel :confused: :upsidedow :blush: :tilt: :( . I can't find a smilie for dumb, stupid or foolish. lol
It looks like JohnnySharp explained how to accept and send private messages so I will await your info. If that doesn't work let me know and we can figure something out.

Again, I hope that you and your daughter have a great trip. Does she have a favorite princess so I could look for a postcard with that particular one on it?


Please send again. My blocker blocked it and when I
tried to allow it I lost it. sorry.
We got the Cinderella dress, and it is wonderful. To my way of thinking, it's an exact replica of the real thing. We went to a second hand store and bought her long gloves, over the elbow, and a pair of silver slippers. She is magically transformed into a real princess. With extra fabric, I made her a matching cape with malibu trim, to hide her sweater on chilly nights. We were talking about it and I referred to it as a Cinderella dress. DD corrected me. "It's not a dress, it's a ball gown". And it truly is. The lady who made it put extra fabric in the skirt, and with a crinoline under, it looks wonderful. I don't think the wheelchair and the cannula will spoil the effect at all.

We are packing now. We leave on Saturday. I want to give special thanks to stampin_fool. The postcard was recieved with much joy. It has a treasured spot on her bedroom mirror. Also to livndisney. Your kindnesses will be long remembered. Actually, to each of you, for being so kind and patient with us. :grouphug:
Hope you and your daughter have a wonderful time at Disney. Make sure you post pictures when you get back so we can see the dress. I bet it is beautiful!

It was one of our best trips ever. So many special moments.

The magic started right at the start of the vacation. Imagine us , dead tired at 1:00 A.M. checking into the hotel, when the CM realized who we were. "Oh, I have a package for you " she said. I knew what it was, but even I was surprised. It was a beautiful Minnie Mouse outfit, made special for DD by someone here on the Dis.:disrocks: There was also a matching fleece blanket to cover her wheelchair!!:woohoo: She got many favourable comments when she wore it. So many people smiled, or said "Hello, Minnie". Of course, she had to wear it the first day in the parks, to see Minnie, and Minnie made quite a fuss over it, especially when DD got out of the chair, and she saw the blanket.:cheer2:

DD had quite a special moment when she wore her Belle outfit. Belle stopped her in France, and asked her if she had been in her closet. Then, while taking pictures, she warned her about watching out for Gaston. It was great! (I hope I'm not using too many exclamation marks, but everything was so wonderful!!).

DD also wore her Belle peasant dress when we went to see Beauty and the Beast at HS. We were sitting front row center, where the wheelchairs go, and of course DD loved the show. She laughed. She cried. She was right in the moment, as she watched. After the show, the CM asked us if we would wait and stay behind. We did and the theater emptied out. Then they asked us to go in behind, and there was the whole cast (except for Beast, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Luminiere, and Cogsworth) lined up to meet DD. I was almost bawling over that one. Belle, Prince, and Gaston gave her a rose and autographed her HS book. I was flabergasted over that one!!! We never get to meet Belle, Gaston, and the Prince all together, and then all the dancers in their beautiful ball gowns were there too! What a thoughtful thing for them to do.! DD took it in stride but I'm sure I floated out. I phoned home and was telling my DH about it, and he exclaimed "You mean you met the Tea Pot!!!??:lmao: :rotfl:

On our last full day, some very special CM's did something that overwhelmed me. DD was wearing her Cinderella ballgown, and looking very regal, I might add. They arranged for her to have a private sitting with the photographer . Then they had us select the pictures we liked best from the photopass and gave us 3 5x7's and 2 8x10's. I know she paid for this out of her own pocket. We had to pick them up at the package pick up, and inside the larger pictures were autographed by Cinderella and Belle. Not only that, but there was something very treasured inside the bag, which I'm reticint to say, incase it should ever get these wonderful people in trouble. I know many people were involved in that magical moment,and I'm eternally grateful to each and every one.

Every time DD wore an outfit, the oxygen cannua disapeared. The eyeglasses and the wheelchair became invisible. All the disabilities vanished. She was just a normal child, enjoying dressing up. She answered to Minnie, Princess, Belle, and even Alice:laughing: Once, as we were having lunch a CM came up to her and asked her for her autograph. She wasn't sure how to spell Cinderella, so she wrote her name instead. Of course it made for another Kodak moment.:cool2: She completely enjoyed every minute, and truly did not want to come home. I can't completely explain it, but she blossoms while she is there. She is more alert and talkative when she is there. Even her blood pressure and oxygen saturations are better there. I'm not sure if it's because she is closer to sea level, or if it's because she is in her happy place. I strongly suspect it's the latter.

I want to thank each and every one on this thread for all of your support. Certain ones of you remain near and very dear to me.:grouphug:
Every time DD wore an outfit, the oxygen cannua disapeared. The eyeglasses and the wheelchair became invisible. All the disabilities vanished. She was just a normal child, enjoying dressing up. I can't completely explain it, but she blossoms while she is there. She is more alert and talkative when she is there. Even her blood pressure and oxygen saturations are better there. I'm not sure if it's because she is closer to sea level, or if it's because she is in her happy place. I strongly suspect it's the latter.

I want to thank each and every one on this thread for all of your support. Certain ones of you remain near and very dear to me.:grouphug:

Sounds like a wonderful trip. Yes...all the equipment disapears and our kids become like any other child. Emma is so happy at DW, she is a whole new kid and seems much healthier!

Amy :wizard:
It was one of our best trips ever. So many special moments.

The magic started right at the start of the vacation. Imagine us , dead tired at 1:00 A.M. checking into the hotel, when the CM realized who we were. "Oh, I have a package for you " she said. I knew what it was, but even I was surprised. It was a beautiful Minnie Mouse outfit, made special for DD by someone here on the Dis.:disrocks: There was also a matching fleece blanket to cover her wheelchair!!:woohoo: She got many favourable comments when she wore it. So many people smiled, or said "Hello, Minnie". Of course, she had to wear it the first day in the parks, to see Minnie, and Minnie made quite a fuss over it, especially when DD got out of the chair, and she saw the blanket.:cheer2:

DD had quite a special moment when she wore her Belle outfit. Belle stopped her in France, and asked her if she had been in her closet. Then, while taking pictures, she warned her about watching out for Gaston. It was great! (I hope I'm not using too many exclamation marks, but everything was so wonderful!!).

DD also wore her Belle peasant dress when we went to see Beauty and the Beast at HS. We were sitting front row center, where the wheelchairs go, and of course DD loved the show. She laughed. She cried. She was right in the moment, as she watched. After the show, the CM asked us if we would wait and stay behind. We did and the theater emptied out. Then they asked us to go in behind, and there was the whole cast (except for Beast, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Luminiere, and Cogsworth) lined up to meet DD. I was almost bawling over that one. Belle, Prince, and Gaston gave her a rose and autographed her HS book. I was flabergasted over that one!!! We never get to meet Belle, Gaston, and the Prince all together, and then all the dancers in their beautiful ball gowns were there too! What a thoughtful thing for them to do.! DD took it in stride but I'm sure I floated out. I phoned home and was telling my DH about it, and he exclaimed "You mean you met the Tea Pot!!!??:lmao: :rotfl:

On our last full day, some very special CM's did something that overwhelmed me. DD was wearing her Cinderella ballgown, and looking very regal, I might add. They arranged for her to have a private sitting with the photographer . Then they had us select the pictures we liked best from the photopass and gave us 3 5x7's and 2 8x10's. I know she paid for this out of her own pocket. We had to pick them up at the package pick up, and inside the larger pictures were autographed by Cinderella and Belle. Not only that, but there was something very treasured inside the bag, which I'm reticint to say, incase it should ever get these wonderful people in trouble. I know many people were involved in that magical moment,and I'm eternally grateful to each and every one.

Every time DD wore an outfit, the oxygen cannua disapeared. The eyeglasses and the wheelchair became invisible. All the disabilities vanished. She was just a normal child, enjoying dressing up. She answered to Minnie, Princess, Belle, and even Alice:laughing: Once, as we were having lunch a CM came up to her and asked her for her autograph. She wasn't sure how to spell Cinderella, so she wrote her name instead. Of course it made for another Kodak moment.:cool2: She completely enjoyed every minute, and truly did not want to come home. I can't completely explain it, but she blossoms while she is there. She is more alert and talkative when she is there. Even her blood pressure and oxygen saturations are better there. I'm not sure if it's because she is closer to sea level, or if it's because she is in her happy place. I strongly suspect it's the latter.

I want to thank each and every one on this thread for all of your support. Certain ones of you remain near and very dear to me.:grouphug:

Disney MAGIC!!! Just as it should be!

I am so glad you all enjoyed your trip. It sounds like your DD had a GREAT time!:cloud9:
It was one of our best trips ever. So many special moments.

The magic started right at the start of the vacation. Imagine us , dead tired at 1:00 A.M. checking into the hotel, when the CM realized who we were. "Oh, I have a package for you " she said. I knew what it was, but even I was surprised. It was a beautiful Minnie Mouse outfit, made special for DD by someone here on the Dis.:disrocks: There was also a matching fleece blanket to cover her wheelchair!!:woohoo: She got many favourable comments when she wore it. So many people smiled, or said "Hello, Minnie". Of course, she had to wear it the first day in the parks, to see Minnie, and Minnie made quite a fuss over it, especially when DD got out of the chair, and she saw the blanket.:cheer2:

DD had quite a special moment when she wore her Belle outfit. Belle stopped her in France, and asked her if she had been in her closet. Then, while taking pictures, she warned her about watching out for Gaston. It was great! (I hope I'm not using too many exclamation marks, but everything was so wonderful!!).

DD also wore her Belle peasant dress when we went to see Beauty and the Beast at HS. We were sitting front row center, where the wheelchairs go, and of course DD loved the show. She laughed. She cried. She was right in the moment, as she watched. After the show, the CM asked us if we would wait and stay behind. We did and the theater emptied out. Then they asked us to go in behind, and there was the whole cast (except for Beast, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Luminiere, and Cogsworth) lined up to meet DD. I was almost bawling over that one. Belle, Prince, and Gaston gave her a rose and autographed her HS book. I was flabergasted over that one!!! We never get to meet Belle, Gaston, and the Prince all together, and then all the dancers in their beautiful ball gowns were there too! What a thoughtful thing for them to do.! DD took it in stride but I'm sure I floated out. I phoned home and was telling my DH about it, and he exclaimed "You mean you met the Tea Pot!!!??:lmao: :rotfl:

On our last full day, some very special CM's did something that overwhelmed me. DD was wearing her Cinderella ballgown, and looking very regal, I might add. They arranged for her to have a private sitting with the photographer . Then they had us select the pictures we liked best from the photopass and gave us 3 5x7's and 2 8x10's. I know she paid for this out of her own pocket. We had to pick them up at the package pick up, and inside the larger pictures were autographed by Cinderella and Belle. Not only that, but there was something very treasured inside the bag, which I'm reticint to say, incase it should ever get these wonderful people in trouble. I know many people were involved in that magical moment,and I'm eternally grateful to each and every one.

Every time DD wore an outfit, the oxygen cannua disapeared. The eyeglasses and the wheelchair became invisible. All the disabilities vanished. She was just a normal child, enjoying dressing up. She answered to Minnie, Princess, Belle, and even Alice:laughing: Once, as we were having lunch a CM came up to her and asked her for her autograph. She wasn't sure how to spell Cinderella, so she wrote her name instead. Of course it made for another Kodak moment.:cool2: She completely enjoyed every minute, and truly did not want to come home. I can't completely explain it, but she blossoms while she is there. She is more alert and talkative when she is there. Even her blood pressure and oxygen saturations are better there. I'm not sure if it's because she is closer to sea level, or if it's because she is in her happy place. I strongly suspect it's the latter.

I want to thank each and every one on this thread for all of your support. Certain ones of you remain near and very dear to me.:grouphug:

:hug: I am so HAPPY for your family, and for the absolutely magical trip you and your wonderful princess: daughter, experienced! Your trip report has moved me to tears and believe you me... it was a blessing to read! Please post pictures if you get a chance... we would LOVE :lovestruc to see them! And please give your princess princess: a special :hug: hug from me today, she sound absolutely delightful and I would love to meet her!
PamPam, your post made my week!! Thanks for sharing. It was wonderful to read about how magical your trip was. I'm really glad so many people went the extra mile to make your trip so memorable.

All the news about the economy, plus all this snow had put me in a funk. Thanks for such an uplifting post. I especially liked hearing about backstage at the Beauty and the Beast show. It's one of my favorite shows. I'm so glad you guys got to leave everyday life behind for a while!:hug:
I just read your post about your magical trip and I was so touched. Sounds like your daughter had the trip of a lifetime filled with all the magic Disney has to offer.

Reading your last post brought me to tears. The kindness you and your daughter received was truly magical. I love that someone wanted her autograph...I'm sure she will always remember that!

Your daughter is very lucky to have such special memories at WDW! I'm glad her health has let her take two special trips to her happy place. :)
An update. It's been 2 1/2 years since that horrible prognosis. We just had another checkup, and DD is doing great. :cool1: The doctor didn't have a lot to say, just bring her back in another year. Meanwhile, DD is enjoying life. She is linedancing still. She is part of a club that entertained at 2 local fairs and it was very well received by the community. She danced every other dance, and rested in between. Every day she still begs to go back to WDW, and every day I check prices and think about it. Several times a week she has lunch with the seniors and then plays cards with them in the afternoon. Those painful memories are slowly fading away and being replaced with sunnier times. Please give yourself a hug.:grouphug: You helped me through a black time and I am forever indebted to you.
Thank you for the update and glad to hear that things seem to be going well for you.
PamPam that is truly wonderful news! Thank you so much for letting us know how things are going with you guys. I hope that the Disney magic has stayed with you, and will continue to until you get a chance to go back. :hug:
You have a great and real story to share. Your love for your daughter clearly shines through! God Bless and keep you all safe.....



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