Aidan's wish trip to Tink's home 3/1-3/7

:banana: Im so glad the stroller arrived in time and I really like it! Looks like it has some great features

Thanks! Any word on Gavin's rental chair? Are you guys getting more excited?!?! 1 week to go! party:

Glad it finally got there!

Looks good too, I personnally wouldn't be able to tell it wasn't a regular stroller.

Mucho cool.

Not too much longer for you, either! party: I've got my alien green Mickey heads on our backpack and I'll probably put one on each stroller. If you see us, say hi! :wave2:
Thanks! Any word on Gavin's rental chair? Are you guys getting more excited?!?! 1 week to go!

Thanks for asking, we got Gavin's chair and it's working great. I posted pics on my PTR last week you must have missed em. I was very relieved to get it before the trip so I know how happy you are about Aidan's stroller! :goodvibes
4 days to go, and Aidan woke up sick this morning. I'll post more later today. We are transforming the living room into a hospital room for the day. I hope and pray that it's something he can get over quickly!
Miranda, that push chair looks awesome! And to my eyes, it does look like a regular stroller, just more havy duty, maybe. :goodvibes: I'm sorry to hear Aidan isn't feeling well, we'll be thinking about you :hug:
Sending URGENT prayers for Aidan's quick recovery from this!

Oh Im so sorry Aidan isnt feeling well today. I will definetley be thinking good thoughts that it's something very simple and he's over it in no time. :hug:
4 days to go, and Aidan woke up sick this morning. I'll post more later today. We are transforming the living room into a hospital room for the day. I hope and pray that it's something he can get over quickly!

Oh no, I'll be praying that he gets well very soon!
I just gave Aidan a shot of dexamethasone. Tonight, we will add prednisolone. We have also started Zithromax in addition to his prophylactic Augmentin. His WBC's are slightly elevated compared to his usual, and his ANC is a little on the low side. If his ANC drops below 1000, there is no way they will let us go to Disney. Right now, it is 1300. Ideally, we would like to see it above 1500 before going to Disney. For those who don't know, ANC is the Absolute Neutrophil Count. The lower the ANC, the more likely to get a severe infection.

We are running continuous g-tube fluids at this point because Aidan gets dehydrated very quickly. And being the crazy mom that I am, I've added Zinc and Vitamin C to the cocktail simply because I think our bodies respond better to medicine if they have what they need to help them respond.

We've also got Aidan hooked up to his pulse ox and on frequent nebulizer treatments. (Kelly, if you are reading this, take the pulse ox and nebulizer! Definitely better safe than sorry!) His SPO2 is okay at this point. His sats are staying around 92%. The real test will be how low he drops when he gets into a deep sleep, but for right now, he's okay. Not good, but not hospital material either. His chest is extra junky today, so we're doing chest PT for 30 minutes every 4-6 hours.

So, where does this put us in regards to the reveal party and the trip? :confused3 I really don't know. We should know something more by tonight or tomorrow. If Aidan is going to respond to the antibiotic / steroid cocktail, he will usually start to show improvement pretty quickly. If he shows some improvement soon and doesn't spike a fever, we will probably be able to continue with the reveal party tomorrow.

Please, please, please keep your fingers crossed that Aidan responds to his treatments and meds today. We are just too close to have to reschedule.
I'm sorry, Miranda, I was definitely hoping for better news! We'll be keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers today. :hug: Hopefully the cocktail will do the trick!
ACK your trip is so close.. I hope he feels better soon.

I don't want to carry her pulse ox and neb :( WAAAAAA:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Aiden will be in my thoughts. I am so hoping the cocktail works and the reveal stays a go but mostly Aiden gets better. :hug:
Miranda, my heart literally sank for you when I started reading.:sad2: It's amazing how sickly our kids can get so quickly. I hope beyond hope that the "cocktail" is able to ward off a major illness and that he's feeling well enough to enjoy his party tomorrow night. Thinking good thoughts for you all.:grouphug:

(And yes, I think I will be bringing the pulse-ox/neb;))
Good news! Good news! :yay:

First, Aidan has the go ahead for the reveal party tomorrow. He may have to wear a mask the whole time, but he does get to go, provided there is no drastic change between now and then! :woohoo:

Second, Peyton can go! Our wish volunteer called and asked if I had a sitter for Peyton yet. I told her yes, and she said that she hated to do this to me, but that she had visited the company where the reveal will take place, and she thinks that we should bring Peyton IF we want to. Of course we want to!!! :jumping2:

Third, she "spilled the beans" on some of what we can expect tomorrow. She did it accidentally, but I didn't mind! She was telling me how to get to the company and accidentally said, "and Tinker Bell will meet Aidan at the door." Tink will meet Aidan at the door?!?! Yes! And then, Tink will take Aidan around the first floor of the company searching for her pixie dust. The first floor has lots of cubicles and they have decorated the cubicles in different themes -- dinosaurs, fairies, sea life, etc. He will visit the different cubicles on his search. Of course, there will also be the obstacle course in which Aidan will ride a scooter (I think.) in his search. If Aidan doesn't feel like it however, they've got a backup plan.

At the end of the search, there will be cake and presents. They have gotten us five (five?!) suitcases, along with a rolling backpack for each of the kids. They will give the kids their backpacks as well, so Keegan and Peyton will not leave empty-handed.

I mentioned in an earlier post that the company sponsoring Aidan's wish is Thyssen Krupp. Well, the Memphis branch of the company has 270 employees, and every single employee has contributed something to Aidan's wish. Every one of the 270 employees. Some have contributed money to the wish, some have contributed to the reveal party, etc. But all of them have had a part in Aidan's wish coming true. Do you have any idea how awesome it is to think that 270 people are kind enough to do this for our child?! It just completely blows my mind.

I am so glad that the reveal party is still a go, that Peyton can go, and that they have included Keegan and Peyton in the party, even if their part is limited!!! I am also extremely grateful to this company of strangers who have given of themselves for our child. Almost time to party! party:

We received two more Big Give packages today from Lynn (cajunfan)!! Thank you, Lynn! You have been so sweet to the boys, and I can hardly wait to open everything tomorrow. I've already been able to open one, but no pictures until tomorrow. :tongue: No, seriously, things are still a little hectic around here, and I'm pretty sure that I won't have time to upload and post pictures before tomorrow night. But you can be assured that I will be posting a lot of pictures tomorrow night of the reveal party and the Super Huge Big Give! Stay tuned. . . popcorn::

And please continue to keep Aidan in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days. He is not well by any means, and we still need lots of improvement before Monday!

Definitely will be praying for Aidan and for you! So glad to hear he's able to go to the reveal party --- from the sounds of it, HE CAN'T MISS IT!!! pixiedust:

I can't wait to see pics of the party, the gifts, and all the Big Give items! You guys have nothing but excitement the next few weeks and I will be praying that Aidan stays well throughout. Send pics send pics!!!

Blessings to your whole fam!!
The reveal party sounds so awesome, Miranda, and I am soooooo glad the whole family will be able to participate now! I can't wait to see the pics from the party and the "Super Ginormous Big Give"! Continuing to keep Aidan and you all in our thoughts :hug:
I'm sitting here on pins and needles waitng for the pics. WOW Luggage too? Amazing :-) I can't wait o see the pics of the reveal party and the HUGE big give :goodvibes

Prayers..Aiden.. get well ASAP
I hope Aidan is better quickly!!! I hope he is really surprised tomorrow and has the time of his life!!! Try and get some sleep tonight, you have to take care of yourself too!! :rolleyes1 You do not have time to get sick!!!
Wow, that is awesome that the entire branch contributed to his wish! I'm choked up, so I don't how you will be able to get through it! :lmao: Sounds like an amazing party, and I'm so glad they are requesting Peyton after all!
So sorry that Aidan isn't feeling well -- I will keep him in my prayers. Does the dexamethasone tend to shoot his counts up? It tends to do that for Elke. Just hoping. We totally understand the ANC stuff -- we live from week to week according to Elke's ANC. If it drops below 500, life gets pretty limited! With his other health issues, I can see why you'd like his counts to be higher! Among the oncology kids we have a thing we call doing the neutrophil dance/boogie -- it's supposed to get those neuts up and reproducing! I'll have Elke do it for Aidan tomorrow!

Love what you have learned about the reveal party. How truly wonderful amd heartwarming.

Prayers for Aidan's health.


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