Airmiles Armchair Chatter

Can someone explain Chapters to me? Today is last day for Bonus Boom and my secondary card could do the first purchase, get 95 AMs, shop at the AM's shop. If I were to purchase a $20 gift card online through the portal does that count?
Got a new AM's offer from BMO MC and you guys are going to be sooooo jealous! I will receive 40 AM's IF I spend $750 in the next week on my MC. 40 AM's!
Not happening, LOL.

Mine is spend $100 get 100AMs. I got the same offer last week and ordered from Hudson’s Bay but the shipment was cancelled and returned by the courier marked as “undeliverable”. So I reordered again last night. Fingers crossed it goes through this time.
Can someone explain Chapters to me? Today is last day for Bonus Boom and my secondary card could do the first purchase, get 95 AMs, shop at the AM's shop. If I were to purchase a $20 gift card online through the portal does that count?
yup, chapters/ Indigo is one of the very few sites that gives you miles for gift cards. You can both order and then use them online- great wayn to double and even possibly triple dip during big promos - miles for the card, miles for the actual purchase of sumthin and it will be a "coupon" .
this is 100% not related to airmiles but it's getting a little nasty out there! I picked up an order at lens mill (that was such fun to do! I chatted with someone on Facebook messenger while they went around with an iPad taking pictures!) And I decided to drive past Costco on my way home to see if there was a line or not. I really only ever buy 3 things so usually go during the last 15 minutes, grab my stuff and use the self check so I don't want to waste time. No line, great, parked and went in expecting it to be busy. I guess most people don't actually go just for food!!! So happy they've been forced to close all the aisles except essential items, this is WIERD!!!


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