American Idol

Well, I didn't think he was great, but interesting with all the controversy that he was the first :scratchin
Same here -- I really Michael during auditions, but now it is all David Cook. DD surprised me by not voting for David A this week -- she agreed that he had a not so good performance and voted for Brook.
I really like David Cook and have from the beginning. While I thought David H would go soon, that version of 8 days a week from Kristy was excrutiating to listen to, imho! I also like Michael John, Brooke & Carly, for now. Jason, is another of my favorites though I haven't thought his performances were great the last 2 weeks (though I love his song choices, especially Hallelujah). There's something about his face that I find compelling (it's just beautiful!)
Not shocked by who went home this week, but boy was he shocked!:rotfl:

I still like Carly a lot and am also really starting to like Brooke. David A. I still has a great voice, it will be interesting to see what happens with him. Although Jason has got a great face, I can't get past the dreads...:guilty:
Kristy's horrible performance reminded me why I like to watch the show on Tivo. I actually had to sit through the whole thing last week and it was horrible!

I was so happy that David H. was the first to go. He always creeped me out!
Last night was really disappointing, imho. I'm taking a wait and see for any predictions on who's going home.
2 weeks of Beatles...bad idea...

I wasn't overly impressed with anyone... Sad too because last week was good...

I really liked Brooke, but she was terrible last night. I don't think it was as bad as some though...

I did like David Cook...and Ramiele. The rest was unmemorable
2 weeks of Beatles...bad idea...

I wasn't overly impressed with anyone... Sad too because last week was good...

I really liked Brooke, but she was terrible last night. I don't think it was as bad as some though...

I did like David Cook...and Ramiele. The rest was unmemorable

Ditto! My thoughts exactly!
I'm good with lasts nights results. Simon was accurate in saying that she was getting boring, everything suonded the same. She actually would have done well onthe show Rock show with Dave Navarro, I forgot what it was called.
I thought Amanda was getting predictable. No one in my family liked her anyway. I think David Cook is going to get that way too. I do like his voice but he looks like of creepy to me.

Brooke is still my favorite and David A. Wonder what's next week. Did they say?
I was happy to see Amanda go but I would have liked to see her try something else, like that ballad she said she wouldn't sing. Kristy would have also made me happy. I was really surprised that Carly was in the bottom three as she's one of my favorites.
I liked Chikezie...but my favorites are still there...
Anyone else shocked to see Syesha at the bottom this week? That girl can sing! I was surprised to see Mr Blue Eyes as number 8 this week as well. His song wasn't great, but he has a huge fan base. Chickezie was not really a surprise to me though.
I vot efor Aussie. Wish Castro would cut his hair because he is so cute and the hair is over load.
We forgot to record it, can someone tell me who got voted off? TIA!
I only caught the last few minutes but I wasn't happy - Michael Johns!
Thanks. Yeah, that completely stinks- DH is really not happy.
I only caught the last few minutes but I wasn't happy - Michael Johns!

I'm in shock about's really to bad because as usual there are people on there who tank, sit in the bottom 3 and still move on:confused3 I just dont get it sometimes:scared1:


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