Amplified Sound.... Brighter Lights...Confusion?


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
These past few months a lot of things have been going on inside. Noises are amplified in my ears and i feel like lights are brighter for me now than in the past and i have no way of explaning it to my parents because they feel it's just a sign of getting "older" and shake it off.

I feel like they don't really care because I feel like I'm not normal and they just say "you are normal" just to get rid of the problem. It has been stressing me out because i don't know why. I always feel like a deer in head lights. My ears hurt sometimes, like there's pressure.

I'm just confused about life and no one wants to help me. I see everything as a waste of time/money. I don't know why. I just don't seem to care about anything and my parents are pressuring me to get a job that I don't want in general. I just like to scream. Everything I used to care about I no longer care about and I know what I used to care about was "stupid." I just don't know what to expect from anything or anyone any more.

I just want to know why i feel like this. Does anyone have this going on w/ them as well where sound is amplified and lights seem to be brighter than usual? like car headlights at night, I swear they are the high beams but they are not. :(. It makes me sad that my parents don't really see this as a problem. They just say stop driving at night or something to ignore the problem and i really don't want to go to the DR alone. because I just feel like all my parents think about is $$.

I also never feel tired, or hungry. :(. I do eat but most of the time I think its because i"m purely bored which I feel like 100% of the time. LIfe is boring. I don't trust people like i used to. It's like I can't trust my own judgement. :(. My outlook on life in general is an I don't care out look.
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I think you definitely need to see a doctor. First about the hearing and visual issues, which I believe could be something. Second for your obvious depression. You don't state your age but it sounds like you are old enough that you could go yourself? I can't tell. If you're a minor then you are more at the whim of what your parents want or don't want to do.
I second the opinion that you should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Don't be surprised if he/she sends you for some tests or to see a specialist. There could be many, many explanations as to what's going on medically. If you don't try to take care of your medical condition, then you will indeed feel hopeless. Please do everything you can to pull yourself out of this. I have a similar condition. Bright lights and loud noise are almost unbearable to me. My ears feel "full" or like they always have pressure inside. Horrible migraines which I never had before this began. Ringing in the ears, dizziness, the feeling that I was about to pass out followed within months. I was diagnosed with Vestibular Disease, but honestly the doctor's are just not positive of the diagnosis. That being said, with vestibular therapy, diet changes, new eye glasses, & medication I am able to enjoy life again!!! I was down & out for a couple of years before finally getting diagnosed. Please, please don't just give up & live with this. It may take time to find a proper diagnosis for your condition, but you will find one. Hugs to you - I know how frustrating it is to have symptoms that other's cannot visibly see and therefore, they may not take them seriously.
I think good medical care is going to help you.


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