Amy & Dave 10/17/09 HOME AND MARRIED!!!!!!!

What??????? No MACARENA?????

Seriously - just kidding! Hopefully no one will ask for it.

I don't think you are allowed to have a reception without the Macarena...sorry! :eek:

Of course you may get a pass as long as you play Who Let the Dogs Out! :woohoo:

Cake song suggestion...When you Wish Upon a Star? Someday my Prince Will Come? Or are you already playing those...? Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit? :lmao:

OK in all seriousness I have always loved Baby Mine from Dumbo (Alison Krauss did an amazing version a few years ago..gorgeous) and since I am a wacko I would pick something peppy and fun like Baroque Hoedown (the Main St Electrical Parade)..not sure if either of those are really cake-cutting appropriate but those are a couple of my all time faves.
I don't think you are allowed to have a reception without the Macarena...sorry! :eek:

Of course you may get a pass as long as you play Who Let the Dogs Out! :woohoo:

Cake song suggestion...When you Wish Upon a Star? Someday my Prince Will Come? Or are you already playing those...? Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit? :lmao:

OK in all seriousness I have always loved Baby Mine from Dumbo (Alison Krauss did an amazing version a few years ago..gorgeous) and since I am a wacko I would pick something peppy and fun like Baroque Hoedown (the Main St Electrical Parade)..not sure if either of those are really cake-cutting appropriate but those are a couple of my all time faves.

Love the Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit idea! LOL!!!!! Only TRUE Disney fans would understand that! :)

Baby Mine makes me cry! The song is so beautiful, but OMG, the words just get me everytime!

Still trying to figure out the music...I have until next week to decide. Thanks for the suggestions, Jen! :)
So just a quick update.

Sorry I didn't update for a few days. I was having some stress/anxiety problems last week when I realized how close the wedding really was and about moving and just everything in general! It was a tough week, but thankfully I'm feeling much better now.

Tomorrow we are going for our last appointment with the florist! We always have so much fun when we go there so I'm looking forward to it.

I'll try to update more very soon!

Thanks for reading!! :)
I have a quick update!!!!!

Realizing that I have 3 weeks until the wedding, I realized I needed to get something done today! So I decided to do a trial run of the favors. I purchased a candy mold from WDW because I thought that would be perfect for favors.

After melting the chocolate, my mom and I spooned the chocolate into the molds. I now know that we'll need to get a squirt bottle to make the 'real' favors with. After cooling, I pounded the heck out of the mold (it's not flexible at all) but I got all of the chocolate out.

I have two molds - one that is all Tigger and one that is a combination of Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Pooh, Eeyore and Tigger. Here is the final product.


Here is a close up of each of the pieces of candy.


Overall they looked good! It's going to take a long time to make them, but it will be worth it! :)

Tomorrow night is my bachelorette party. It's a simple get together - I'm not a big drinker so we're going for Chinese for dinner and then to Dave and Buster's for some games! :) Should be fun! I'll try to post some pictures this weekend.

Thanks for reading!
Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't updated in almost a week! It's been crazy! We are trying to get ready for the wedding and puppy sitting this week (actually the last two weeks) so it's been interesting.

So I had my bachelorette party last Saturday night. It was so much fun! :)

My party consisted of my sister, Beth (my maid of honor), Kim (bridesmaid), Alyssa (bridesmaid), my mom and Dave's mom.

We went for Chinese and sushi (well, mostly Chinese) and it was very good. Good dinner and even better company! Then we drove to Dave and Buster's. If you've never been to Dave and Buster's before, it's like an adult Chuck E. Cheese. There are games that you can play for tickets than you can redeem at the end of your visits for prizes. They also have video games, skee ball, crane machines, you get the picture. It's so much fun!!!!

Here are some pictures from that night.


I hit the jackpot on this game! I got 143 tickets! I was so excited!


This is Dave's cousin, Alyssa. She hit the jackpot on this machine, not once, not twice but three times during the night! That was 3,000 tickets!!!!!


My mom and my sister playing Deal or No Deal. I made a bad deal (I dealed for 16 tickets and my case had 20). My sister made a good deal, but I don't remember how many tickets she got.

A good part of the evening we all played this group trivia game. Every person played for themselves, but we played against each other. It was so much fun to see the questions and see what we all answered! Here is a picture of everyone (but me because I took the picture) around the trivia game.


My party was very calm but it was great! Dave's cousin (Alyssa) is only 14 and I wanted to make sure to include her in the festivities so Dave and Buster's was perfect! She had a great time! There was one other party there that night. After talking to them for a bit, they came over to us and gave me a straw...a cough cough cough - let's say it was a representation of something that was correct...get my drift?! That was as naughty as my party got! I actually still have it in my purse! :)

As far as updates, we picked up our wedding rings! :yay: So I'm happy to have those. I also stuffed the Flower Girl's bear at Build a Bear. I have to take a picture to post it. I'm hoping to do a LOT of work on the center pieces tomorrow. I'm on call at the Disney Store tomorrow night so I'm hoping I don't have to work.

I did a lot of ordering from online last night. I'll post those pictures as soon as I get the things in!

Thanks for reading! :)
OMG i love me some D & B guess cuz I still like CEC's and love taking the boys there LOL. Looks like yall had a blast! .. funny I have a straw like that also. LOL
It's time for a BIG update!!!!!!

You would have thought that I would have taken care of some of the smaller things months ago...but I didn't because I thought "I have time". Huh! I'm now 9 days out and have a million things to do! :)

First thing first - I FINALLY after 10 years with Disney (between both WDW and the Disney Store) I received my 5 year pin!


I started at the store, had to terminate myself to work at WDW and then went back to the store, then back to WDW and lastly back to the store and I've been there ever since. Overall it's been 10 years, but only counts as 6 years. Anyway, I was so excited!! Sorry it's blurry!

The last couple of days, my mom and I have been working on the centerpieces. Basically it is a vase but we're etching Mickey's into it. Here is one completed but with the candle (that is going inside of it) still in its wrapping.


Please ignore the mess in the background. You can hardly see the Mickey's so here is a close up of one.


Basically we're using contact paper, punching the Mickey's out, and wrapping it around the vase. Then we are using that etching stuff (thanks Drea!) to etch the Mickey's onto the vase. Here is a lovely picture of my Mickey punching tray table last night.


It's a long process because it takes 5 minutes to etch and then it has to be washed off and then it needs to dry. If you put too much on, it drips but if you don't put enough on, it doesn't etch. I'm wishing I could make them perfect, but they are homemade so they won't be perfect - but they will be what I want and I think that's important.

I picked up my dress yesterday after having the bustle done! :yay: I tried it on one last time before the wedding! I can't wait for Dave to see it! I have to take it back a few days before the wedding to get it steamed, but other than that, it's ready to go! :)

Last week I placed an order with Oriental Trading Company (through my Sunshine Rewards so I earned $1.89 for just shopping through their link!) and I got the box today! Here's what was inside of it.


The bubbles for after the ceremony! I do have bell tie on's that still need to be tied on so they aren't in the picture. The bubbles are so cute! The only bad thing about them is that they all have stickers on the outside that we need to peel off before the wedding. But other than that, I love them!!!!


This is the card box for the reception. I really wanted to try to do something Disney with it, but I don't know if we'll have time now to do it. We'll see...I haven't put it together just yet though so it's still in the bag.

The reception site is set back off of the street so I bought two signs to help point the guests to the location.


Just something simple, but it serves the purpose.

I also bought my dad "Father of the Bride" socks!


They are so cute and very well made! I would suggest them to all of the bride-to-be's reading this! :)

The last picture I have for tonight is of the guest book and pen. I found the book on Ebay and the pen at Walmart! LOL!!!


There is a little plaque that has our name's and date on it. I love my guest book!

Still waiting on the unity candle...I'm hoping that comes soon!

Tomorrow my mom and I are going to work on the center pieces and the ring bear pillow! Lots to do!

Thanks for reading!!!!!
Tha party sounds like fun, and I didn't get the straw thing at first but now I do..LOL. I guess I've been to some pretty tame bachelorette parties (actually I haven't been to one in YEARS, and the last one I was at was at a dive BBQ restaurant that served cheap booze...LMAO the Hickory Smokehouse! ) D&B sounds a lot more fun than that!!! :rotfl2:

The centerpieces look gorgeous!! I LOVE them! And the chocolates look great too, although I'll admit I am in the camp that doesn't think "too cute to eat"..LOL! :goodvibes

I am so excited for you guys!!!! Just a little over a week until your happily ever after! :love:
OMG the vase's are coming out great!!!! Guest book is adorable. I cant wait to see pics.....OMGGGGGG 9days AHHHHH! so excited for you!
I LOVE YOUR CENTERPIECES! I am so jealous of all these brides who are crafty and come up with these beautiful things! What an adorable idea. I'd love to have one of those vases to use outside on our porch in the summer. Congratulations on your wedding! It's almost here!
Tha party sounds like fun, and I didn't get the straw thing at first but now I do..LOL. I guess I've been to some pretty tame bachelorette parties (actually I haven't been to one in YEARS, and the last one I was at was at a dive BBQ restaurant that served cheap booze...LMAO the Hickory Smokehouse! ) D&B sounds a lot more fun than that!!! :rotfl2:

The centerpieces look gorgeous!! I LOVE them! And the chocolates look great too, although I'll admit I am in the camp that doesn't think "too cute to eat"..LOL! :goodvibes

I am so excited for you guys!!!! Just a little over a week until your happily ever after! :love:

D&B is very fun! I still have that straw in my purse...thankfully I haven't pulled it out in public - YET! LOL!!!

You are so close!

We are so's hard to think that next week at this time, I'll be married!

I LOVE YOUR CENTERPIECES! I am so jealous of all these brides who are crafty and come up with these beautiful things! What an adorable idea. I'd love to have one of those vases to use outside on our porch in the summer. Congratulations on your wedding! It's almost here!

Thank you!!!!! It's not that hard to do - we bought the etching 'cream' at a craft store and cut the Mickey's out of contact paper. We put the contact paper on the vase and then put the etching cream on and five minutes and wash in the sink later, we had an etched vase! :)

OMG the vase's are coming out great!!!! Guest book is adorable. I cant wait to see pics.....OMGGGGGG 9days AHHHHH! so excited for you!

I know!!!!! We are so close!!!!!!!! :)
Hi everyone! We are getting so close to the wedding now!!! It's crazy! I have a lot to do yet, but it will all get done.

Let's see what has happened over the last couple of days...

Dave and I learned our wedding dance! I have been taking dance lessons at the same dance studio for 27 years and I am very close to my teacher Miss Sharon and her family. For a wedding present, she offered to teach us our first dance. We went in on Saturday armed with the Princess Collection CD and my crinoline (sp?) slip to the studio. Miss Sharon came in with a page of choreography for us. We are dancing to "So This Is Love" from Cinderella so it's a Waltz. Dave picked up the dance so quickly! I was so happy and excited! She had us do it in front of the dance company (I knew some of the girls) so it was exciting. We were there about an hour and half and now have our first dance! The studio website is If you see a picture of a bunch of dancers in front of the Sydney Opera House, I'm in the picture! I'm not sure if it is still on the web site though.

We also bought furniture! It's being delivered on the 20th...since we'll be at WDW, my mom is going to go down and wait for it. It's so exciting!

My very soon-to-be DMIL spend the entire weekend working on Cricuts cut-outs of various Disney characters to go on the tables. Basically, instead of having table numbers, we're having table characters! On each person's name card will be a character and they will be sitting at the corresponding table! I didn't take a picture of them though, but they are beautiful!

On Sunday we did the seating chart...oh what fun that was! It's done so I'm happy!

We also figured out on Sunday that the candy molds that we were going to be using (I posted pictures earlier of the candy for the favors) won't work out sadly. They turned the chocolate white for some reason. So we are thinking of doing M&M's now...I just have to find some fall-looking M&M's. If anybody has any other ideas, they are welcomed! :)

My mom has been doing the center pieces...I was helping with the etching and she is putting them together now.

I still have to make the ring bearer pillow...that will hopefully be done tomorrow or Thursday. Regardless of when it gets done, it will be done by Saturday! LOL!

Well, that's it for now! I'll update soon!

Thanks for reading! :)
Count me in as a fan for those etched candle holders! They are so cute, i must have them!
For our wedding we did See's truffles they pre box them for you 1 or 2 pieces.. cant remember what they cost.. also it was small wedding ... but its an idea LOL
omg 4days AHHHH
We also figured out on Sunday that the candy molds that we were going to be using (I posted pictures earlier of the candy for the favors) won't work out sadly. They turned the chocolate white for some reason. So we are thinking of doing M&M's now...I just have to find some fall-looking M&M's. If anybody has any other ideas, they are welcomed! :)

Oh nooo..the chocolates had looked so yummy!

If you are thinking of M&M's you know they make the personalized ones that are so cute for weddings. They are EXPEN$IVE but you could mix some in with the regular fall ones. They can even put your picture on them now, isn't that crazy..! Not sure I want my mug on an M&M! :rotfl2:They do have next day rush delivery available if you are so inclined :thumbsup2


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