Amy's "BUT I'M NOT A RUNNER" Journal

AWESOME pic of the girls!! My DD has decided already that next year she will be a pink lady!!

I enjoyed Craig's post as well. I am no where near the level of you all, but I love running and the feeling I'm left with afterwards. I hope to be at the 1/2 marathon in 2008 and kept that in mind as I was reading his post.

I'm SO glad you're feeling better, Amy! It's wonderful news!! :thumbsup2
Great pics of your girls, Amy! :goodvibes I loved the part about it being the "pre-trick or treat" photo because there were no chocolate stains... :rotfl: My DD4 was allowed one piece of candy last night and she chose a Krackel miniature. You would not believe how much chocolate she had on her face, her hands, e.t.c :eek: One little, tiny, miniature Krackel bar! :rotfl:

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you are looking forward to your run on Saturday. :goodvibes :woohoo:

Have a great Thursday! :sunny:
:goodvibes Hi Guys! Almost "Happy Friday" here!!

So...I've not had the best week as far as training OR eating goes :guilty: . Way too much Halloween candy LOL! And not enough days of exercise. It's just been so busy and actually I've lost a bit of motivation somehow. But I think I'm back on track. Here's the story:

Monday: :guilty:
Tuesday: :guilty:
Wednesday: 30 minute run
Thursday: 45 minute run
Friday: THE PLAN is to do 30 minutes of XT on the Ski Machine
Saturday: No excuses. 14 Mile Run. Gotta' do it folks.
Sunday: REST

I have been really slacking on the ab/arm deal this week and I missed an XT...ok TWO XTs. But the good news is that I managed two runs and they were decent with minimal pain from injuries :). So all is not lost!!!! :teeth: I'm trying to get back into the groove...get back on the wagon....back in the saddle.....back in the swing of things...strap on those running shoes....motivate....toughen up.....kick it into gear..... :rotfl: Using all the cliches I can find to motivate my sorry butt back to routine ;). OK...I give you all permission to yell at me now for being slacker-girl this week :duck:. And please remind me that I am NOT....let's all repeat that...NOT the OFFICIAL REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUP TASTE TESTER. :rolleyes: Yes...they are filled with peanut-buttery, milk-chocolatey goodness. But no...I do NOT need to verify that several times a day by pilfering from Halloween candy bags. :rolleyes1

I'll post again this weekend to let you all know how much fun I had on my 2.5 hour 14 mile stroll. :thumbsup2 Send some pixie dust that the old legs keep moving and I don't completely lose my mind from a) boredom or b) the realization that I'm completely insane!

Have a great weekend everyone!!! :goodvibes
Howdy SLACKER GIRL! :wave:

You missed TWO XT's?? :eek:

And I'm positive that you are NOT the Reese's Official Peanut Butter Cup tester because I AM!! :rotfl2:

Good to see you back in it though with the back to back runs Wed/Thurs. I hope everything is holding up well so you can complete the stroll tomorrow ;) 14 miles is gonna be a long one, but look at it this way: It's only 6 miles away from our longest training run!

I look forward to hearing how it goes tomorrow and I'm definitely pulling for you, hoping that it is as pain free as possible. Have a good Friday and a great weekend!
Well, well, well...look who's returned!! (sorry, Scott - had to be a smarty pants! :teeth: )

Amy - I feel for ya, woman! Why, oh why, do people insist on giving out the darn Reses PB cups for Halloween. My kids don't really like them - but me? I LOVE THEM!! My downfall this week - dark chocolate M&Ms. CURSE YOU CANDY MAKERS!!! :sad2:

I wish you all the luck in the world on your run, my dear. Please listen to your body...take it easy.....go out to finish...not to be speedy quick. We all know you'll get back to that soon enough! :thumbsup2

I can't wait to hear about the run this weekend!! You're my inspiration, lady! And the only reason I want to run in WDW is because you did too! :blush:
Just stalking, I mean stopping by to see how you're feeling after the run today. :hug:
:wave: Hi Guys!!!

Ok ok yesterday was my 14 miler.

I woke up to below freezing temperatures (brrrrrrr). My bed was soooo was still dark out.....the house was all quiet.....just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. BUT I got myself up and changed into my cold weather running gear (running tights, long sleeve shirt, vest, jacket, headband, gloves)....and I drove to the trail. After driving 45 minutes to get to the trail I realized I forgot my Garmin :sad2: . Oh well...I had my Ipod and the trail is marked by .10 mile markers so I tried not to let that bother me (things like that usually do...I'm a creature of habit when it comes to my running).

For this long run my goal was simple...finish...and hopefully not in too much pain. I've given up my dream of a 4 hour marathon. So really all I need to do now is finish each long run with the least amount of injury as I can :confused3 . For this run I decided to switch from music to audio book since I planned on running for a good 2.5 hours. There is this mindset you have to get into for the long runs. You just know you are going to be out there for a long and lonely time. It's really a mental preparation that must take place before you run. This time there was an added mental challenge for me....the trail is an out and back 12 mile trail. I needed to add 2 miles. So I started...ran out a mile....turned around and ran back to the start. At that point I had my 2 miles under the belt and felt pretty good (was logging solid 10.3 mpm. So thus started my 12 mile journey. But it was cool because I just said to myself...."'ve run 12 miles know you can finish". So I just zoned into the audio book and ran. I took a gel pack at 4.5 miles. Was feeling really good, just easy breathing, no pain NO PAIN just minor knee stiffness. Made a restroom stop 5 miles. Hit the end of the trail....8 exactly 1.5 knee was stiff, blisters had developed on my arches from the orthotics and my hips started to scream at me at this point but nothing serious at all. Ate my sport beans at 9 miles. I was doing great...totally on track for a 2.5 hour run...was running gentle 11 mpms! Then at 10 miles I got a severe, burning pain in my left achilles region again. I literally had to stop. Stretched. Tried to run. :guilty: OUCH! I just couldn't run. So now I'm frustrated. 4 miles out from completing the distance and my leg decides to act up!!! :furious: So I stay calm and start to walk....stopping to stretch occasionally....and attempting a jog every now and then. Walking wasn't painful thankfully so I just kept walking and ended up getting about another mile in that way. At this point I decide to just try to finish the run...pain or no pain. Walking another 3 miles would take forever!!!. So I slowly start to jog....then I see this guy ahead of me running a nice easy pace. I literally catch up to him and fall in step with his stride. I get occasional twinges of burning pain...but they start to subside and my leg finally gives me a break. I manage to stay behind this dude for the final 3 miles. Just right in step with him...not stopping for walk breaks...not stopping at all. Just banged out the last 3 miles in 28 minutes (made up some time there with those 9 mpms). The pain was bearable...actually seemed to disappear there....and for once I got into a nice zone. When the audiobook stopped with 1 mile left to go I just enjoyed the quiet sound of our feet hitting the leaf-covered pavement. So I finished in what was probably 15-20 minutes longer than my plan due to the injury. From my estimates I completed the 14 miles in approximately 2 hrs 45 minutes (could have been less...could have been more...without the garmin I kind of lost track). Of course that includes stopping completely to stretch. Stopping for restroom break. And a slow walk for one mile. I guess that puts me at an 11.46 pace for this run. :blush:

Not a pretty run. But something about finishing the last 3 miles without a walk break and feeling strong and knowing my body could have carried me a few more miles gives me the confidence for the next long run of 16 miles.

I could have kept running today :goodvibes . Injury and was the first time I really felt confident that my body can carry me the 26.2 miles.
Hi Amy :)

You continue to amaze me. Every single run is a challenge for you and you always step up to the plate and knock it out of the park. I really liked that post and felt like I was there with you while reading it. The fact that you completed the run and felt like you could have ran even further is a HUGE accomplishment for you!! Congratulations!! And you did the last three miles without a walk break? Are you insane??!! So, you get an injury and instead of folding or slowing run faster than your best 5k AFTER completing 11 miles!! You are crazy!

But seriously, GREAT JOB! It sounds like you are back in the game. Take care of that left achilles region would ya? And I certainly hope you are still going to PT for your other aches and pains. You mentioned that the orthotics gave you blisters...I know that some other people on the boards have some good blister remedies (gauze, moleskin, crazy glue, body glide, sandpaper, staples, amputation, band aids, etc) so make sure you get that taken care of!!

You know....when you are feeling a bit down over your running times (cause I know you are...I KNOW how competitive you are)...take a look at that quote in your signature. OK, you don't have one voice, but a few voices (and they are constantly chattering)...but you've never let them talk you into quitting and I really admire you for that. Thanks for being such an inspiration and a huge motivator for me to continue my journey.

Way to go Amy. Here's hoping for a great week of training for you...stay on course and remember to get your needed sleep and proper nutritional intake.

I'm proud of your run!! Great job!!!

Have a great evening!
Hey Amy! I'm totally with Scott - I'm SO proud of you!!! I'm glad you stopped when you were feeling the pain...and then waited to start up until you felt better. Being the novice that I am, I really think that that is what the marathon has to be like for a lot of people. There are the "professional runners" that run the whole thing in order to beat a certain time or record. And then there are people like you and Scott. You aren't going out there to win, you're out there for yourselves. To achieve something that you never dreamed possible. As hard as it is, and as competitive as you are...try to remember that you're original goal was to complete a marathon. I have NO DOUBT in my mind that you can (and will) do just that.

Take care, girl! I look forward to coming home from vacation and catching up with you guys and see how you've done and how you're feeling! :love:
AmyBeth68 said:
I could have kept running today :goodvibes . Injury and was the first time I really felt confident that my body can carry me the 26.2 miles.

This statement that you made in your journal not only made me smile, but it put a smile in my heart as well. YOU ARE A RUNNER, AMY and YOU WILL DO GREAT IN THE MARATHON! :cheer2: :woohoo:

I am so proud of you! :hug: You have worked so hard through so much to get to this point in your training. You are AMAZING! ::yes::

I am WISHing you all the best in the world as you continue to train for the marathon. :hug: Remember to listen to your body like you did on Sunday and to keep doing your best! :cheer2:

Have a great week! :sunny:
Hi Amy,

WOW is all I can say. You have had such a good attitude through all this with your injuries and everything. That is great.

Congrats on finishing the 14 miler...You are going to do great in the marathon. All that matters is that you finish....

You are doing a great job!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Have a great day :)
:grouphug: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Tracy, Scott, Kim, Jamie!!! Thank you all so much for being so positive and keeping my spirits lifted throughout training. I cannot begin to tell you all how important your support has been to I was feeling a little down about my running pace and how much ground I feel I've lost over the past two months. But reading all your kind comments really made me smile :).

I've been right on track this week with training. This is the first week in a LONG time that I think I'll complete a solid week of training. I can't tell you guys how good that feels! Although the injuries still plague me a bit...I really think I've reached a point where I can manage them and move forward. Over the past several months the various leg issues have really prevented me from improving my running performance. It is very frustrating for a competitive type athlete and a person who normally would have quit given the obstacles. I am proud of myself that I've continued on but there are days when I am very discouraged. I'm hoping that this week is the start of a new phase in my training :goodvibes .

On Monday I managed to get in a solid 60 minute run. This was a VERY difficult run for me. For some reason it felt harder than my 14 mile long run :confused3 . Breathing wasn't legs were very tired...a chose a very hilly course and I think that added to the difficulty! I managed to complete just over 6 miles so I ran solid 10 mpms. Again..being the way I am that pace isn't really where I want to be for a weekday run...but I'll take it. I got the steps in and can log another run!

Today I managed a long yoga class! It was so wonderful to get back into yoga. I really missed that class over the past few weeks (school obligations and doctor appointments have prevented me from attending). I also went to Physical Therapy where I was sufficiently tortured and exercised a bit more as well. But the intense stretching and painful leg work really left me a bit deflated today. I know it's all for the greater good....but....OUCH!!! :guilty:

The rest of my week looks like this...

Wed: 40 minute the RAIN!!! :rolleyes: plus ab/arms
Thurs: 30 minute XT on the Ski Machine plus ab/arms
Fri: 1.5 hour yoga
Sat: 8 mile run
Sun: Rest Day

Thanks again for stopping by!!!! Have a great week!!!! :sunny:
Hello Aimster...Aimaroni...The Aiminator! :wave:

Is it me or does it feel like you are getting back on track with everything? Sure, that pace was a bit slower than your norm on Monday and your feeling the results of a hard yoga workout...but it seems like the aches and pains associated with the previous injuries have subsided! I'm so happy for you if that 's the case!!

Congrats on getting in the run and the cross training and good luck today with that rain soaked 40 minute excursion thru your neighborhood. Seems like it's always raining where you are? Are you sure you aren't in Seattle?

Really...hope everything goes well for the run today and it's so great to see you getting back into the training groove. Time's a wastin' and there are only 60 days left until 26.2 will be staring us all in the face...time to get your groove on! :yay: :yay: :rotfl: :confused3

Have a great day Amy!

Thanks Scott....yeah...I think I'm finally getting back on track! Aside from all the partying in Kim's week of training has been stellar :teeth: .

So yesterday I decided to run 4 miles....finally I feel like my old self out there. I ran 4 miles in 36:32!!! :love: Soooo cool to log a good run. Sure it's a short distance...but it's nice to run fast every now and then! Or at least fast for me!

Other than that I'm REALLY sore from my yoga class. So much for gentle yoga practice! Geeze!!! I have sore muscles just about everywhere. Who knew yoga could be so brutal!! But sore muscles are a sign of a good workout so I'll take it!!

And today (drum roll please).........REST DAY!!!!! :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :yay:

So what does one do on a rest day??? Hmmmm....let's see.....invite 7 of my daughters' closest friends over for a PJ, Movie and Pizza Party. Lost my mind I think...truly have lost my mind!!!!
All right, Amy! :thumbsup2 Great run yesterday!!!! :cheer2:

Interesting way to spend your rest day.... :scratchin ;) :jumping1: Let us know how it all turns out! ;)

Have a great Friday! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Sooo happy....a rest day :). I'm really going to need this rest day since the upcoming week is going to be the toughest to date! I hope my body can handle the intensity of the training this week. Here's what it looks like:

Mon: 60 minute run
Tues: 1.5 hour Yoga
Wed: 40 minute run (will substitute ski machine if I'm feeling beat up)
Thurs: 45 minute run
Fri: 1.5 hour Yoga
Sat: 16 Mile Long Run

I am going to attempt....and I have my doctor's blessing on this :teeth: , to complete the full week of training. It's been a LONG time since I've run four times in one week. It will equate to something over a 30 mile week. This is FAR more miles than I've ever run in one week. I think the closest might have been a 26 mile this is pushing out quite a bit and I have to tell you guys I'm more than a little nervous. But I'm fairly well rested from an easy week and I plan to run my 16 miler at an EASY 11 mpm pace. The other runs during the week may fall into the 10 mpm category (perhaps a bit quicker if I'm feeling 100%).

This past Saturday was a step-back week in terms of the long run. I only had to do an 8 mile run on Saturday and it was actually very pleasant. I went for the 5:1 intervals, since my training plan calls for that on marathon day. However, although it wasn't miserable, I think I prefer the 4:1 intervals best. So I'll go back to those for all my runs. Here's the breakdown of this run:

8.03 miles in 1:15:28
9:24 mpm avg.
HR 176/188
splits: 8:46/9:25/9:27/9:25 gu/9:14/10:04/9:56/8:57

Started and finished strong....LOVE the negative split in mile 8. I'm feeling a little soreness in my left achilles region today but nothing major. The rest of my aches and pains are actually due to getting back into yoga again. Amazing how quickly the muscles forget :rolleyes: . I just have to remain healthy and train smart throughout the week so I can survive the 16 miles injury-free. The reward will be another step-back week so I JUST have to get thru the next 6 days!!! :scared1:

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!! :goodvibes :thumbsup2 :sunny:
WOW! Sounds like you have a serious week of training ahead! I'll be sending you some good vibes! :goodvibes I'm always so inspired by people who train for such major events. I can only imagine the feeling of accomplishment you must feel. Do let us know how your week goes. You've inspired me to do Taebo tomorrow (the one exercise that I dread doing, but also helps me achieve the best results). Hope your week is off to a great start! :sunny:
Wow, Amy!! I'm SO proud of you!! You've got that killer drive back & you're going all out!! :cheer2:

(even after all those cosmo's last week on my journal!!! :rotfl: )

Keep up the GREAT work...and listen to your body!!
Hi Amy,

I hope that your week is going well! Sending some :wizard: for your 16 miler on Saturday..... :cool1:

Have a great Thursday! :sunny:


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