Amy's "BUT I'M NOT A RUNNER" Journal

AmyBeth68 said:
For today, on this day, I'm doing great! :thumbsup2

Amy, I couldn't agree more!

You are such an inspiration! Your post makes me want to just get up & go!!! (unfortunately my boss probably wouldn't like that :rotfl2: ). But seriously, awesome, awesome post. We all have our doubts inside us, and you are doing SO GREAT conquering yours!!!

Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading along with your journey!
Funny! Yesterday was not good for me either. I'm not trying for a marathon, but I am trying to be a "runner." Yesterday, just seemed so hard. I did a 20 minute run/walk in the morning. Then, in the afternoon I did another 25 min run/walk. So, I did 45 minutes and my bowflex. But, this running is not feeling too good. Today, my right hamstring is killing me, so if I do workout, it will be walking...
Friday, February 24th
I could not get myself motivated for class today. I was such a BUM this morning. But I got my act together this afternoon and did my XT day anyway....I'm SOOO happy that I did it!

I did a total of 30 minutes on the ski machine. I went all out for 25 minutes and made 2.8 miles for an 8.9 min/mile pace. I felt really good about that!!! :thumbsup2 Afterwards I did an abdominal workout tape, push-ups, free-weights and a long stretch for my running legs :D.

Tomorrow is REST DAY!!! :banana: I will do my long run on Sunday. It's only 2.5 miles but for me that's LONG ENOUGH! Building slowly ;).

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
I LOVED what you said about "I can only fail if I do not try." It definitely seems like the hardest part of training is battling the mental "I can'ts...". I really liked how Bingham says that success isn't finishing the race, it's making it to the starting line uninjured. No matter what happens during the race, we will still succeed if we just challenge and overcome all the excuses that try to keep us from getting there. You are doing an amazing job. :cheer2: :woohoo: :cheer2:
Sunday, February 26th

"Do not let ambitions overshadow small success"

Yet another very relavent fortune for me :teeth: . It is easy to look too far ahead, especially for me as I train for the marathon. There are days when 26.2 miles might as well be a million miles because I can't fathom running that distance. I can't imagine running for four hours or longer straight! But then I have to remember that the journey, every day of it, is a success. Today I ran 2.5 miles in 27 minutes. That is a personal best time for me....and under harsh conditions. I ran an 10.8 minute mile pace. :cool1: I am very proud of myself, of this small accomplishment. Just running 2.5 miles is great for me....and each step brings a new success whether it be a better pace or longer distance. I have to learn to savor these tiny successes, every moment as they come, so as to not lose sight of the reality. The reality is that I'm out there moving my body and doing something healthy for myself every day! :thumbsup2

Now for the boring details of my run. I did the run/walk plan and it really has been successful IMHO. I ran 5 minutes straight to .5 miles, then I walked for 60 seconds and hit my downhill which made up the time and brought my first mile in at a little over a 10 min/mile pace. I thought that was amazing. Unfortunately it was COLD today, which isn't bad in and of itself (it was 20 degrees with a wind chill of 9 degrees). Unfortunately the wind was gusting up to 20 mph and it really hurt my pace on mile 2. I actually had to stop to walk sooner than my scheduled time because it was really taking my breath away as the wind battered me on my uphill section. But overall I think I did well and best of all I feel really good....I currently do not have any aches or pains :goodvibes .

Yesterday was my rest day and today's run PROVES that rest days are as, or possibly more, important than active days. Rest days are the time for the muscles to repair themselves and my body to recove from the prior days' activity. I figured I had worked out in some form since last Saturday...that was 7 days with zero rest. That is too much for me personally, so I have to incorporate rest days into my schedule. Yesterday felt decadent, but today felt even better after getting my steps in!

Tomorrow is my kickboxing class!

Total Time Run this week: 90 minutes
Estimated Miles Run this week: 7 miles

Baby steps...small successes
Well, that's great about running outside, although your story about the pit bulls confirms every fear I have about running outside. I can't believe you get out there in that cold weather, but then you've heard me complain about my 40 degree mornings in California. Now, are you still run/walking, because that's what I'm doing. I was doing a 10 minute run, with a 3 minute recovery, but tried your 5/1 plan, and actually found that more difficult. But my running is very slow-at a 5 mph pace, and my recovery walk is at 4.2 mph pace. For one minute, I will bring my run up to a 6mph run, but that is still very tough. Do you plan on increasing your running or are you always going to do 5/1?
I did a 10/1 program and although I managed it, I felt way too exhausted at that point. I also tried walking for one minute after each mile. Both were okay, but I needed more frequent walk breaks, which I think actually helped my overall pace now that I look at my time. But everything I read says you should do them as you feel necessary. In other words, if a 3 run/2 walk feels best for you then by all means do that, etc. You can always gradually increase your running time when you feel that what you are doing is actually becoming too easy. Also, if I haven't come up on my 5 minute walk break time but I feel really exhausted/winded then I am actually hurting myself so I will take a walk. The point that many of the experts make is that you should be "conversational" in all your runs....never feel like you couldn't hold a conversation. I'm not sure I feel fully conversational, but I could definitely chat a bit IF I had a running partner.

Also, keep in mind that increasing your distance is actually more beneficial than increasing your pace. So stick with what feels good for you :thumbsup2 !
Just stopping in to say you're doing GREAT! :thumbsup2 And I love reading your posts. You share comments, facts and inspirational quotes that help us all. You are wise beyond your years!!

Keep up the great work! :woohoo:
Monday, February 27th

Today was my Cross Training (XT) day. I really did not want to go for my hour long torture....aka Cardio Kickboxing Class. :rotfl: However, I mustered up the energy to get out the door and make my way to class. I am soooo glad that I went. It was one of the harder classes in terms of cardio....but for the first time since I started taking the class 5 months ago I actually felt energized the entire time! :banana: I wasn't overly winded, I wasn't dizzy, I didn't think I would throw up LOL. Honestly, I can tell that I am more heart-fit! I think my HR was within training range instead of somewhere in outerspace like it typically is.

Why did my class go so well today? Here are my theories...not scientifically proven however!

1. I took a day off from kickboxing class on Friday. I only did it twice last week. That may be the max necessary for my XT. I think I could throw in another activity (pilates, ski machine) that is less pounding on my legs as I continue to run 3 and eventually 4 days per week.

2. I ate a healthy, light breakfast an hour before class. I just had a small amount of organic vanilla yogurt with a small amount of organic granola. I also drank a full glass of water in the morning. Had my one obligatory cup of coffee :coffee: and my shot of health juice! I think this combo gave me just the right amount of energy without coming back to visit me during class. :crazy2:

3. I ate pretty healthy during the weekend! Simple.

4. I got a good night's sleep! Simple. No brainer. But I usually DON'T do this :guilty: . I'm a night I have to force myself into bed at a reasonable time!

Let's see if I can do this again for Wednesdays class. I'll compare the results LOL!
Tuesday, February 28th

My run today was so successful for me :thumbsup2 . And NOT because of pace or mileage! I was scheduled to do a 30 minute run. So earlier today I decided to research running hills and breathing techniques. I decided to really pay attention to my breathing and to try to make friends with my BFHs (Big Freakin' Hills)...btw I borrowed this term from one of the runners over on the walking/running event thread heheheheh. I also have no clue how far I ran since I tried a new course...I feel that this helped because I wasn't worrying about my pace and splits, I was just concentrating on my technique today. I think my plan worked. I did an out and back run so that I'd get equal time up and down hill. I start off right away with a steep but short hill. It went great, I kept my breathing pattern/rhythm really steady and then flew down a nice long hill. From there I was into gently rolling territory. I NEVER stopped to walk or check my watch. All I did was concentrate on my out out in in breathing to the rhythm of my heal strikes. I have to say that I felt the best I've EVER felt running. I finally checked my watch to find that I was already out 15 minutes so I reversed course and kept on chugging away. Of course I had to come to my BFH eventually...the nice long downhill I got to do early on wasn't looking so friendly. But I just followed my new principles of not looking too far up the hill....only slightly tilting my body forward....lifting my knees slightly higher than normal....and continuing my breathing rhythm with nice deep belly breaths. I found this really helped. I have to admit that about 3/4 up the hill I got wicked tired and had to stop. But I decided to take a few seconds to regain my deep belly breaths and then I continued running it. At this point I knew I lost a little time but I had my short steep hill coming and I sprinted down and made it back to my starting point EXACTLY at 30 minutes. That's an even split which felt great! Shhhh....I'm not supposed to be worrying about my splits. Okay I did try to make it an even split with the last sprint but a girl can't change completely overnight!!! :cool1:

So today I will celebrate my small successes:

1. I ran for 30 minutes without walk breaks. I did not plan it that way but I think it is due to my careful attention to my breathing pattern. For those of you I was...with the gasping for air and side stitches...I'd recommend concentrating on your breathing. I did in through the nose...two breaths deep into my belly...they coincided with left foot strike and right foot strike. Then I did two breaths out through the mouth, again coinciding with my heal strikes. I tried to keep them very steady and rhythmical. I am certain this made a HUGE difference in my run.

2. I did not worry about my pace, splits or mileage. At least not most of the time ;). Instead I just did a technical run AND tried to find that running rhythm that has eluded me thus far. I think I found least for today!

3. I came back and stretched for 10 minutes straight.

In addition to my run and stretch I did a 10 minute abdominal workout. Still trying to strengthen that core and hopefully lose my baby pouch. Not sure that it will ever go away...but I think I can firm it up if I keep up with the core and tummy exercises!
You call them small successes, I call them HUGE! :cheer2:

Great job with the running! You are such an inspiration!! :worship:
Great Job Amy!! It's really nice to see how far you've progressed in such a short time. Your determination is inspiring. Nothing is going to stop you from accomplishing your goal! Way to go!
March 1, 2006

Happy March everyone! I sure hope this means that Spring is coming soon. I'm getting a bit weary from all this frigid-windy-cold-weather running. I'm sure I'll be wishing for the cold when August hits...but for now the idea of running in warm temps really gets me excited! So here's to SPRING :sunny: (did I mention it's supposed to snow here tomorrow?!)

I did my XT today....a tough 60 minutes of kickboxing. We did speed kicks and punching on the bags for half the class. I was exhausted, dripping with sweat and majorly fatigued. My arms were like jello! Then we did 80 pushups! It was a killer workout but I know it is paying off. I owe so much to this crazy class. I really began my journey 5 months ago when I was naive enough to take this class at the little run-down tae-kwon-do studio. It sure wasn't like any of those fancy, plasma TV, saunas/hot-tubs gyms that I used to go to! :scared: But WOW! I have learned so much about myself and I feel so much stronger since I started kickboxing!

Anyway, today I realized something. There are moments when I sit back and realized how much I've changed in 4 weeks. In some ways it is subtle and not visible to the outside world. It's funny that when I started thinking about the WDW Marathon I decided to do the Half. Which is a huge wonderful accomplishment in itself. But then suddenly I find myself training for the FULL. At first I felt like an imposter...there is no way on earth I'll be able run 26.2 miles. WHO am I kidding and when will this madness end. Then, slowly, my mind started to change from saying "IF" to "WHEN". It's not if I finish, it's when I finish. And I went from thinking about ONE marathon to contemplating other races in other places in the future.

I've also changed in funny ways....I went from a maybe 3 times per week exerciser. Just get through it and get out. To a 6 times per week exerciser...athlete...who looks at each day spent exercising as building blocks. Everything I do is building this solid base for THE MARATHON! When class is hard and I want to stop...I just think 26.2, 26.2, 26.2. I'm building up my mental endurance every chance I get. I know that is MY biggest obstacle. Finishing this race will be a test of my mental endurance much more than my physical endurance. I am sure that after a solid year of faithful training I will have the body to complete the course (barring any injuries). But my mind can be tricky....and I know that what I'm really developing is a stronger mental attitude.

I also find myself thinking and talking about running and exercise all the time. It's so weird! I crave it. I look forward to it (usually). I LOVE the endorphins I feel at the end. I LOVE the exercise buzz. I used to hear people talk about it and I thought they were crazy :crazy2: , but now I know it exists and I relish it every day!

:eek: Who is this person and what have the aliens done with the OLD me? Where have I gone...the worrier, the doubter, miss negativity?! I really used to be a 24 hr/day worrier...some would call me a catastrophizer. I worried about everything and anything. I obsessed over things like Bird Flu, Terrorism, my kids health (I know, I'm a total loon). I was the queen of "worse possible case scenario". I have found that exercising has really calmed my anxiety and given me something else to focus on. That is a HUGE gift and an unexpected one at that! The toned muscles and fitter body are so wonderful...but peace of mind is truly heavenly! :cloud9:

I hope I can maintain this. But I'm feeling strong, and healthy in both mind and body. My journey is so young and fresh, a mere four weeks old....but the new ME feels so much better and in so many new and unexpected ways!

Wow! That was a great post! I wish I had read it 30 minutes ago, when I decided not to exercise this morning. I'm really trying to get to where you are and really exercise faithfully. Hopefully, I will take each day at a time!
Since today is a snowy day I won't be running. But I'll do something later, perhaps my ski machine. Until then I thought I'd let you guys put a face to a name. I will include :scared: some pictures of me throughout the journey. Hopefully at each new race. This one has nothing to do with running LOL...but at least you guys will kind of "know" who I am! I hate my pictures...I finally found one that is ehhh here it is :eek:

Friday, March 3rd

Yesterday was a Cross Training day. I did my ski machine for 30 minutes and did 10 minutes of abs. It was an uninspired workout...but at least I did it! So I can't complain too much. I would have liked to run but the snow and ice won out and I was stuck in the house!

Today I had to get my run in that I missed yesterday. So unfortunately I couldn't do kickboxing. I don't know if I'd be able to handle the class and a run. Maybe I'll try some day in the future...but NOT today! :p My run went pretty well. I went out for 30 minutes doing 5:1 intervals. Again I clocked a better time with the intervals than with the straight run I did on Tuesday. :confused3 It's really weird but it works for me so I think I'll stick with it! Plus it's supposed to be less stress on the legs and I'm all for that!! :thumbsup2 I ran for 30 minutes total and did an additional 10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down walking. My pace averaged at 11:11 minutes per mile. I think that's okay....I mean I'd LOVE a 10 minute mile or faster....but after 4 weeks this felt pretty good! So another successful run! I did a quick ab workout after the run....TRYING to firm up that belly. When will I ever lose that tummy pouch? Maybe I should just resign myself that it's my badge of honor for having two lovely little girls. Yes....I should learn to love my tummy!!! :rotfl:

I have to say that I'm learning to enjoy the time I spend out there. I kind of like that I'm in my own head, I never see anybody except for the occasional car and driver looking at me like I'm a lunatic ('s FREEZING out there and the wind is blowing like a beast). But for some reason it makes me feel good....and I'm not huffing and puffing much anymore (except when I get to those darn hills!). All in all I'm moving along quite well. I'm closing in on the 3.2 miles I need to run for the race in April. I'm very confident that the 5K will be an attainable distance!!!
Keep it up!! 11 minute miles are awesome! Spring will be here soon....
You are doing sooo great!

And thanks for posting a picture! It really does help to put a face to a name. And I'd love to eat dinner where ever you were. Looks like it's on the beach somewhere!

How old are your girls? Oh, and yes the pouch is our badge of honor (along with some stretch marks for me :rolleyes: )
Sunday March 5, 2006

Yesterday was my rest day. Phew! I really needed it :) .

Kim: My girls are 8 and 6. I should post a pic of them now that I know what I'm doing LOL. BTW. that restaurant was in Laguna Beach California :love: . LOVE LOVE LOVE it there. We went to California in November to visit Disneyland and just get a feel for southern california. It's really lovely and we had such a wonderful trip.

Today was my "long run". They aren't very long but eventually this will be my day to run the big distances. So I am trying to get into the mind-set of doing them on Sundays. I ran a total of 2.7 miles again. The same route I ran on Thursday. My average pace was 10.8 min/mile. Not too shabby. I didn't do my 5:1 run walk intervals since I felt great thru mile 1. But I did wear out and have to walk a bit when I reached my nasty hills. I got really winded at a few points.

Afterwards I took my daughter's Brownie Troop snow tubing at a ski mountain locally. We had SO much fun :teeth: . I decided to walk my tube to the top of the hill each time which gave me a nice bonus workout. I'm supposed to do my abs today but I'm pretty darn tired after a lot of exercising. So that tummy pouch will just have to stay LOL.

Here's another California pic of me and the girls at Sea World SanDiego! \


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