AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

Whoa, what a weekend! I tried posting on Sat, but it wouldn't let me. I would click "post" and it would just give me a blank page... I am not going to list 3 days worth of food, but I will do a quick recap. Friday was awesome, 100% on plan. Saturday was great - until we went to Outback and a friend's house. Foodwise was good, drinkwise was REALLY BAD!!!!! I drank A LOT (from 4:30pm-12:30am I had 3 martinis, 6 Capt Morgan Passion Fruit-n-Mango drinks, 2 shots tequila :eek: ). The next morning I paid the price. I actually dragged myself to class, but it was tough! Yesterday was bad all around. I did great until the afternoon when I got snacky, then we picked up the kids from their dad's and went out for Mexican, followed by Baskin Robbins (and I didn't get Daquiri Ice this time - I got Apple Pie a la Mode on a sugar cone :eek: :eek: ). And since I already blew it, I came home and ate at least 15 bite-sized macaroons :eek: :eek: :eek: . Yep, a good ole-fashioned coconut BINGE. :sad2: The only bright spot is that I got my water in and I worked out both Sat and Sun...

But today is a new day, I have all my healthy stuff packed and I am ready to go! Getting to the gym will be tough this week since Wed I have to take DD to recital rehearsal and Thu I have to take DS to the orthodontist and Fri is DD's recital... But I need to at least keep the eating in check, which shouldn't be too hard since I will be so busy!
Jane, I ordered 2 bottles of Category 5, 2 bottles of Mango Mama, 1 bottle of Blueberry and 1 bottle of Passion Fruit. Can't wait until it gets here!

Anna, I made up for the good Baskin Robbins trip with a bad one. Oh well, it was worth it! :thumbsup2

Amy, yes it is sad when eating chocolate oatmeal is the food highlight of the day... But I guess that is what happens when we get older! :teeth:

Marie, I have been having some serious problems posting lately. It's really frustrating! :badpc:
Amy, you talked me into it! We hit the winery on St Armands this weekend and we're so glad we went. We had a blast and tried about 10 different kinds of wine. The people were very helpful and friendly. This is one place we're definately going back to!

The St Armand's Winery has the same wines - but I don't know what a Category 5 is. We ordered Mango Mama, CocoPolada, Hot Sun (which has the jalapenos) & Key Limen. Last night we each had one glass of the CocoPolada - we'll have to drink these slow.

We're ready for a new week of working out! :yay:
I don’t know what happened last night – I went a little crazy with Tootsie Rolls. :guilty: I did perfectly fine all day, even ate my cheeseburger with NO BUN because the bun was 200 cal. So I made up for it by eating at least 200 cal worth of candy… I know my weight probably went up a few lbs from the weekend festivities - my pants are a little snug… I need to get back down into the low 130’s so when I gain a couple at least my clothes still fit. Totals were 1517 cal, 45g fat, 180g carbs, 105g protein and 17g fiber. :confused3 I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 12oz iced green tea and a DC:

6:00am: Egg Beaters w/Red Pepper; Oatmeal w/Flaxseed (1tbsp – not impressed, I’d rather sprinkle it on my salad)
8:30am: FF Yogurt; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c); FF Feta (2tbsp); Bacon pieces (1tbsp); LF Dressing (2tbsp)
2:30pm: LF String Cheese; Grapes (1c)
6:30pm: Turkey Burger w/Cheddar (no bun); Peas-n-Carrots (3/4c); SF/FF Pudding
8:30pm: Tootsie Rolls (8); Bite-sized Macaroon
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Treadmill (35min)
RESISTED: More macaroons (DH is banned from going to Trader Joe’s with me – these things go into the binge-invoking ice cream/Cool Whip/nuts category!)
Jane, I'm glad you went to the winery! I can't wait for my order to arrive. Category 5 is a white sangria. Today I have to behave with my food again. I want to be at 135 when I leave for MI. I don't think I'll make it at the rate I'm going...
Amy, at least Tootsie Rolls are lower in fat and calories than alot of other candies. I tried the White Sangria - its delicious.

All of your meals look really great - you'll be back to 135 in no time!
Your wines sound wonderful!

Macaroons are definitely one of my triggers. I didn't know that TJ's had bite size ones. That is probably bad information for me to have. :sad2: Your weekend sounds like what my next 25 days of houseguests has the potential of being. :crazy: At least you got your exercise in. I'm going to have to remember that when I don't want to. Amy did it, so can I. You have got a few more weeks before your vacation. With all your exercise and eating right, you can get those pants loose - just stay away from the drinks! :teeth: yeah right, now if I can only follow that advice myself ...
Macaroons and Tootsie Rolls, YUMMY! If you're gonna splurge you picked something good at least. Read my journal entry for today, you'll feel much better about your little splurge! Snug pants are a good thing, just a little reminder you can feel that reminds you to do what you need to do. Its when you have to lay down on the bed and suck in as hard as you can to zip them up that you're in trouble! So see, you are doing very well. Your food looks good, giving up the bun was really smart, and it was a turkey burger to boot! Your pants will be comfy and loose again in no time!

P.S. I just read your entry from a few days ago. You can drink like me! If we ever get together we may die of liver failure together :rotfl2: ! And I couldn't post either, no wonder you drank, that is so frustrating its enough to drive anyone to the hard stuff!
The last 4 days have been COMPLETELY out of control! :crazy: Last night I went on another binge. :furious: I told DH to take those #*$&% macaroons to work. They make me lose all control. :sad2: I have been super stressed about work and my upcoming dentist visit. And I am a classic stress eater. Weigh-in this morning was an appalling 142, and I deserve every pound. :guilty: I have to get back in control of my eating! Today is the day. :cheer2: Unfortunately I can’t go to the gym today since I have to take DD to her recital rehearsal. But I will be extremely strict about my eating – NO JUNK! :wizard: Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 12oz iced green tea and a DC:

6:00am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c); FF Feta (2tbsp); Bacon pieces (1tbsp); LF Dressing (2tbsp); Tootsie Rolls (3)
2:30pm: Egg Whites (3); Apple; Tootsie Roll (1)
6:30pm: Beef Roast (3oz); Carrots (8 baby); Onion; Fudge Bar
8:00pm: Bite-sized macaroons (10); French Toast Crunch (large handful); Apple Jacks (large handful)
RESISTED: Obviously NOTHING :confused3
Jane, at this point, I just hope I am back in the 130's by the time we leave at the end of the month! I don't like sangria (since it's usually reds) but I really liked the Cat 5. We are with you - we just like the sweet wines!

Anna, do yourself a favor and forget about the bite-sized macaroons! They are way too good and there are way too many (they come in a tub). They are EVIL and should be outlawed. Starting today I will be getting my brain back from wherever it was on vacation and sticking to healthy foods only. That way I can blow it on my vacation without having to buy a whole new wardrobe... :rolleyes:

Amy, I haven't read your journal yet, but I bet I one-upped you last night! What the heck, has it been a full moon for 4 days straight?!?!?! And I have not gotten to the lay on the bed pants installation yet, thank goodness!!! Thanks for reminding me it could be worse! ;)
Hang in there, Amy! I know its been a tough month but you've been doing good. Like I said before you know how to binge - all of that stuff is much lower in fat than the good stuff like I binge on. I HATE when I get into that mindset where nothing matters except that chocolate. I don't know how my mindset can go from eating fairly well and avoiding my high fat, high calorie binge food to eating a Snickers bar.

I've been discouraged too but we can do this!
Amy, definitely send the cookies to work with DH. Time to get them out of the house. You are still getting in tons of exercise :thumbsup2 Good luck with work, DD's recital stuff and the dentist. Just take it all one day at a time! You can do it!!!
Amy...hang in there've done great in the past....and you will be back on track now. Sounds like you're getting mad at yourself and that's what you need to do. Whenever I go on my binges, i get really ticked off, and get my control back because i'm mad at myself. Does that make sense?

anyway, hang in there....we're with ya!
Finally, I feel like I am back in control with my eating! :cheer2: DD’s recital is going to be so nice. Lucky me, I get to see it twice all the time… I should just go to the rehearsal and not buy a ticket to the show! :rolleyes: I was nervous because this is the first time she has to change costumes between dances, but she did great so that is a huge relief. I have not been getting any good sleep all week. I wake up several times during the night. :sad2: Usually my head hits the pillow and the next thing I know the alarm is going off. I am hoping it is internal stress about my impending dentist visit and that it will go away once that appointment is over… Totals were 1196 cal, 26g fat, 161g carbs, 93g protein and 32g fiber. I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea and a DC:

6:00am: Egg Beaters w/Red Pepper; Oatmeal
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe; Fiber Cake
11:30am: Beef Roast (3oz); Baby Carrots (6); Red Potato (small); Onion
2:30pm: Egg Whites (3); LF String Cheese; Apple
6:30pm: Balance Bar
8:30pm: Celery (1 stalk); LF Laughing Cow wedge
RESISTED: Tootsie Rolls (on my desk all day); Macaroons (DH still has not taken them to work)
Jane, I was doing so good all last week and I was really disappointed that I just blew it. Especially when I am about to go on vacation! Believe me, macaroons aren't low in fat or calories. I might as well have mowed down a couple Snickers! But I think it is out of my system now and I am more determined than ever to behave until I leave in 2 weeks.

Anna, I haven't worked out in 2 days but it seems like it's been 2 weeks! I will have to get motivated and do my workout DVD after DS's ortho appointment today and make it to the gym tomorrow. I don't want to fall short of my exercise goal!

Marie, yes I completely understand. Being mad at myself is an understatement! I was able to get a grip yesterday and that really helped get my mind in a better place... :goodvibes
Sounds like your stressin' from all of the stuff going on. Don't let it get ya down. Sorry to hear about the macaroons. They looks so innocent I didn't realize they were that bad. (You can tell that they're something that I never eat.) Its funny the leftover birthday cheesecake is in full view in my fridge - dosn't tempt me at all but let ds have a Snickers bar in his desk and I'm all over it!

Have fun at the dance recital!
Amy you did awesome in the food department today. :cheer2: Way to get back on track. Have fun at the dance recital. DD's only did dance one year (we are all really uncooridinated :rotfl2: ) I want to all of the lessons all year, but missed the reheresals and the actual recitals. I was in the hospital having DD#3 so I never got to be the stage mommy :rotfl2:
Another good day under my belt. :banana: I really struggled not snacking after dinner last night, but I was able to behave and I am happy I did. :thumbsup2 I snuck a look at the scale this morning and I was at 139, so all the binge damage is gone. NO MORE 140s! That’s my goal. :cheer2: No chance to misbehave tonight since I will be at the gym and have just enough time to shower, get DD ready and head to the recital. I have my dentist appt tomorrow, so if I never post again, you’ll know I died from anxiety. :faint: I actually got a Xanax and I am going to take that right before I go (DH is driving me). Hopefully that will help! I was too exhausted yesterday to do my DVD, so another day (3 straight!) with no workout... :sad2: Yesterday’s totals were 1332 cal, 26g fat, 175g carb, 121g protein, 27g fiber and I drank 100oz water, 2 cups tea and a DC:

6:10am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:45am: FF Cottage Cheese; Honeydew (1c)
11:45am: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c); Bacon (1tbsp); FF Feta (2tbsp); LF Dressing (2tbsp)
2:30pm: Egg Whites (3); Grapes (1c)
6:30pm: EFL Goulash; Fudge Bar
WORKOUT: None :guilty:
RESISTED: Tootsie Rolls (they’re almost gone!); Macaroons; snacking after dinner
Jane, the macaroons are 160 cal and 10g of fat for 3 bite-sized. :confused3 YIKES! LEFTOVER CHEESECAKE?!?!?!? :bitelip: Does not compute - I think that is an oxymoron...

Anna, be glad your girls aren't into dance. It is very time consuming! DD cracks us up because she can hardly walk down the hallway without tripping or falling, but in ballet she is so graceful and never wobbles.
Great job on getting back into the 130's!!!! :banana: You're celebrating becausing your exiting the 140s and I'm celebrating 'cuz I'm entering them! Hopefully, its all downhill from here - and we'll be seeing the next set of milestone numbers.

Amy, I hope everything goes well at the dentist. Remember my tooth that I had filled that I thought was going to be crowned? Its been very sore this week. I'm taking aspirin and keeping my fingers crossed. I definately don't want to go back. I hope your appointment goes quickly but with the Xanax you probably won't care anyway!
DD's recital was great! :cheer2: I always find it amazing because some of the routines at the rehearsal look a little out of sync, etc, but it seems like they are all dead on during the actual show. I am still up in the air about the adult tap and ballet classes. The first class is Wednesday, I need to make up my mind by then! I would be terrified to be in a recital... :blush: Eating I did great. We went to the Outback with our friends after the recital (reverse Happy Hour :teeth: ). Our friends ordered the cheese fries. I didn't touch a single one! They also ordered meals. It was 10pm! But they didn't get a chance to eat before the recital like we did. I drank too much (big surprise there! :rolleyes: ) but I was proud of myself for not going off the deep end with food. And I was still at 139 this morning (I need to get back to the once a week weighing, but I was curious!). I don't have the totals since I ate a couple things at Outback and I don't think the cocktail calories are accurate on FitDay. But I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, a DC and 3 Pomegranate Tequinis:

6:00am: Egg Beaters; Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:45am: FF Cottage Cheese; Honeydew
11:45am: Leftover EFL Goulash; 3 Tootsie Rolls :guilty:
2:30pm: LF String Cheese; Apple
5:30pm: 2 pieces homemade Canadian Bacon Pizza; Fudge Bar
9:45pm: 2 small slices Bread w/Butter; small slice of Cornbread; Macaroon
WORKOUT: None (had to work late, no time because of recital :sad2: )
RESISTED: Cheese fries, ordering cheesecake, more macaroons
Jane, my next milestone is 135. I am going to pick up the pace on my workouts (after severely slacking this week). When we come back from vacation the kids will be at their dads for 2 straight weeks. Instead of drowning my loneliness in food, I will beat it down with exercise! :yay: I am off to my dentist appointment in about 1/2 hour. :scared: I am going to take the Xanax right before I leave. That is 15 minutes before my appointment time. Hopefully it kicks in by the time I am in the chair... Wish me luck!
Hope the dentist went well, Amy! I have a mouth full of fillings gradually becoming crowns and I hate it every time. The first one was the worst. So much anxiety. Hopefully yours went well!!

Animal crackers..... At halloween our Sam's had individual serving bags that were like 50 calories/bag. Easier to stay limited, and they had an expiration like 2 years away, so I bought a few for crisis times!!

Hope you have a good, relaxing rest of the weekend & next week!! Soon, I think even the 130's will be history for you!!
Congrats on getting into the 130's!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: You are eating great and it is paying off.

Glad DD's recital went so well. I hope the dentist went well too.
I meant to log on yesterday, but it just didn't happen. I survived the dentist, but I am really hating life right now! I can only chew on the right side of my mouth - the tooth with the temp crown is really sensitive to heat and pressure. It stinks! And I have to have the temp on until July 15th (the permanent one will be ready while I am on vacation). NOT HAPPY!!!! :furious: I've got to get back into my exercise routine this week. I pretty much took last week off. :sad2: Eating was decent, so I can't complain too much.

Sat totals were 1372 cal, 28g fat, 179g carbs, 115g protein, 30g fiber and I drank 60oz of water and 12oz FF chai:

7:15am: Egg Beaters; Mango & Apricot O's (1c); Skim Milk (1/2c); Fiber Cake
1:30pm: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c), Bacon Bits (1tbsp); FF Feta (1tbsp); LF Dressing (2tbsp)
2:30pm: Kashi Crunch (1/2c); FF Yogurt (1c)
4:30pm: Balance Bar
7:45pm: Chicken (5oz); Zucchini (1c); Beets (1/2c); SF/FF Pudding
WORKOUT: Pilates Sculpt DVD (55min)
RESISTED: Movie theater popcorn; Macaroons

Sun totals were 1343 cal, 19g fat, 209g carbs, 105g protein, 28g fiber and I drank 100oz of water, 12oz Sobe Lean, Diet Raspberry Rite and 12oz FF chai:

7:15am: Egg Beaters; Mango & Apricot O's (1c); Skim Milk (1/2c); Fiber Cake
11:20am: Kashi Crunch (1/2c); FF Yogurt (1c)
2:15pm: Chicken (3oz); Romaine (2c), Bacon Bits (1tbsp); FF Feta (1tbsp); Tomato (1); LF Dressing (2tbsp)
4:30pm: FF Cottage Cheese (1/2c); Honeydew (1c); 4 Big Wheat Thins
7:45pm: EFL Turkey Meatloaf; Beets (1/2c); Broccoli (1c); SF/FF Pudding; 1 Macaroon
WORKOUT: TBK (60min); ABT (30min)
RESISTED: More macaroons; Twinkies; More Wheat Thins
Julie, I am a big baby and I am really hating this crown business! I need to find some of those animal cracker baggies. Sounds like a perfect snack!

Anna, I do not want to sneak back up into the 140's again. I don't like it there! The dentist was OK. I have to go back on Friday to get 2 fillings. Not looking forward to it, but at least I know I'll survive! The dentist is really nice and always asking to make sure I'm OK.
Hi Amy,

am so with you on the dentist!! I hate going to see him. And I hate the crown business too! Although when you have a good dentist I feel that just makes it okay. IDoes that make sense!
Glad to hear that DD recital went well...I still think you should do the adult would do just fine!!!

You are doing a great job! Keep it up!

Happy Monday:)


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