An employee-oops on WDW Winnie the Pooh ride


Earning My Ears
Oct 1, 2002
Date: January 23, 2003
Time: approximately 11AM
Place: Walt Disney World, Magic Kingdom, Winnie the Pooh ride

Last week, I was on vacation with some family, including three kids (ages 2, 5, and 8). Around midday, we were enjoying a ride on the Winnie the Pooh ride (I still miss Mr. Toad's Wild Ride). In the front seat of the car were two adults, a 2-year old, and a 5-year old. In the back seat were two adults (including me) and an 8-year old. When it was time to exit the ride, our little honey pot car came to a stop, and we began to quickly vacate. About half of us were out of the car when the car took of, throwing me and my mother back into our seats, and dragging my 5-year old niece, who was halfway out of the car. This would not be a big deal, except that those tricky folks at Imagineering had decided to place several very hard metal vertical posts inches from the path of the car. I really would have thought that the ride operator would notice two adults standing in the car and not hit the GO button. In any case, my niece came out of it with a bruised wrist and hand (no biggy; more of just a scare than anything else).

When this happened, the operators' initial reaction was to move us along and pretend it didn't happen. At the exit, we talked to the staff member manning the souvenir shop, and she contacted a manager. Within a few minutes, the Disney damage-control crew arrived (plain looking guys in leather jackets and with an ear-piece). Through the magic of Disney, they made everyone who was working on the ride disappear, and promised to have a proper talking with them. The manager dealing with us was very nice and attentive, was very upset with the employees, and said that this type of thing should not even be ABLE to happen. My thanks to him.

My fear is, of course, that someone really could have been really badly hurt in this accident. Had my niece been exiting the car by leading with her head, it could have gotten clipped by the metal post, and could have caused a MUCH bigger "ouch".

Perhaps a redundant level of GO buttons is in order, or perhaps all that is needed is attentive employees (not making a generalization; just saying that these employees were NOT attentive). In any case, Disney should take such matters seriously, and perhaps consider removing hard obstructions (e.g. metal poles) in case the ride does start to move while people are exiting. But hey, I'm no ride engineer or anything.

My point in all of this is not to slam Disney or its employees, but just to remind everyone to keep their heads up. I know that people make mistakes, and that Disney does all they can... it's just an experience I wanted to share.
Wow. What a horrible story. I hate that it happened on a ride that is supposed to be child friendly. You will have me looking out when I take my children again.
Oh my God!! We are going next week and this ride my 2 year old wants to go on about a million times!! I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Glad everyone in your party is OK.
Ok, I understand you're upset and that your niece was injured, however, I think the title of this thread is really a gross exaggeration. The child was not almost killed. She hit her arm on a pole. Being "almost killed" would involve an injury that was life-threatening.

I sincerely hope that your niece is ok and that Disney watches more carefully for this kind of incident in the future. I don't think it's necessary to be inflammatory, however. That's the sort of mindset that leads to the litigious society in which we currently live.
Sounds like this was an isolated incident. Sorry your niece got hurt, but the truth is she didn't "almost get killed".
I agree the title of this thread is bit over the top~ I am sorry your neice was injured but almost killed, come on. I agree the person running the ride was not doing their job maybe they could have someone standing at the exit helping people off the ride cause who knows what was happening at the front of the line to keep the cm busy and not able to notice what happened to you. Again I am sorry for what happened.
We have only heard your side of story and with your"Almost Killed" title it's lost it credibility. I have never had a problem with "incompetant" employee at WDW. For all we know the children could have been horseplaying, the adults could have been engaged in conversation and not paying attention. You seem to have made a mountain out of a molehole. This was a mishap, not a gross negligent act that almost cost the life of in innocent child.
I guess I came off a little harsh. My point with the whole post was just to remind people to keep their heads up.

The little girl is fine... no harm done. I just wanted to share the experience (which scared me a whole lot to be honest, one of those "had to be there" things).

I didn't intend to over-alarm anyone, make anyone be afraid of going on rides, or cause anyone to have hideous nightmares about Winnie the Pooh mauling children. My apologies if anyone has experienced any of these symptoms.

P.S. - I changed the subject and took away that frowny face so I don't come across as such of a grump. ;)
***FYI....OP has changed her post a few times so now my reply appears harsh...good thing I quoted her on what I was most upset about as it's been changed***

Thanks for the warning. We do always each hold one of our children's (ages 3 and 6) hands while exiting rides anyway, though.

I believe those poles are there so other guests walking near the ride don't fall over and then get run over.

I think Disney did all they could.

they gave us a ticket to get on any ride without a wait (not too useful when there aren't any lines for the rides). They then told us to leave the ride area and talk to the greeter. At the exit, we talked to the staff member manning the souvenir shop, and she contacted a manager. Within a few minutes, the Disney damage-control crew arrived (plain looking guys in leather jackets and with an ear-piece). Through the magic of Disney, they made everyone who was working on the ride disappear, and promised to have a proper talking with them. However, beyond that, they didn't have a whole lot to offer.

What else could they do/offer? A visit to the First-aid area?

Disney is NOT perfect and I'm starting to get tired of all the complaint posts lately (where people expect compensation from Disney). These kinds of stories are so few and far between really, IMHO. I believe they do their best to make everyone safe, happy and they try to keep everything clean too.

There, glad I got that off my chest. Off my soapbox!

I really am glad she's alright though.
Wow, I am so glad your neice is OK:) I always try and rush my kids off of rides at any theme park we go to.
I'm glad to hear your neice is ok too.

I always make sure we exit right away and together for fear of that same thing happening.

Now - something similar happened to us, but have no idea if it was mechanically/timed controlled or manually by the employee:

On SW's "JTA" ride, we were all in the queue and people started to load onto the log/boat...well DS4 then, didn't realize that we stopped knowing we had to wait until the next one and kept following the people in front of him...the gate started to close (one side opens toward you to the left, the other swings away from you) right on him and started to squeeze him - my DH frantically yelled for them to open the gates - he wasn't able to move and extremely frightened and crying because we couldn't open it on our own - it was only seconds before they released the gate with a button, but nonetheless scary for all of us. My poor DS cried and cried....people around us were wonderful making me calm down I was so shaken.

Just another safety reminder - take them by the hand when near any gates.
Normally there is a castmember stationed where you off load the ride we signals the ride operator when it is safe. Was this person there? Seems to me someone wasn't payng attention.
Just another safety reminder - take them by the hand when near any gates.
Please keep ahold of their hands all of the time. If it weren't for the quick reflexes of a CM, a little girl would have ran right off the loading area of Jungle Cruiseinto the water. She looked ot be about 2 and the adults and older kids in her group were talking and not paying any atteintion to what she was doing. She went under the railing and started running around. Then all of a sudden she ran right towards the water.
OK, this *is* scary.

I was riding Winnie the Pooh in the morning on Monday, the 27th, and saw something very similar. A guest (an adult in this case) had one foot inside the vehicle and one foot outside the car, when the operator hit the "go" button! The poor woman fell down inside the car, and definitely seemed a bit "shaken" by the incident.

They immediately stopped the ride for a few seconds to make sure she was OK. From what I saw it seemed that the ride operator pushed the "go" button before the other cast members had given the "go ahead" hand signal. When the guy who appeared to be the manager arrived on the scene, I could overhear the operator saying to him, "Sorry about that..."

Of course, the woman wasn't really injured, but the fact that there appears to have been two similar incidents within just a few days does seem to warrant some concern...
Thanks for your insight seems unusual two safety incidents in a short time period on the same ride...both actually the same type of incident..

I did not see the original posting nor the original title.. but would ask that we appreciate the OP's telling us about this safety issue and leave it at that..
Let me start by saying I'm not bashing Disney....heck I live for Disney, but whether the post was edited or not this is a serious incident. These things should not happen. The go button should not be pressed until they are sure the car is absolutely clear. That is their job !!
I'm not saying people don't make mistakes, but you should definitely be able to see if there is more than one person left in the car.
dansyr - I agree with your sentiment exactly. I too seem to live Disney trip to Disney trip, and I love everything Disney. I agree that people make mistakes and that no one is perfect.... but only stopping the car for 2 seconds and then not noticing two standing adults on their way out of the car before hitting the GO button is just... frankly... silly. ;)

It's funny, but I've often specifically noticed that the employees that work at the Pooh ride always seem particularly bored (moreso than, say, even Small World). Maybe it's something about sitting in a tall chair and watching hunny pots wizz by all day that is sort of mesmerizing. ;)
This acutually happened to me on the Pooh ride in October. I was starting to get out and was watching the girl with her hand in a fist indicating that it was NOT okay to push the go button (the CM will open thier hand to indicate that all is clear), anyway I was watching her and she still hand her hand in a fist and I had one leg in and one leg out of the ride when it lunged foward, I was knocked back into the ride and fell on the seat. Thankfully, I was not hurt (except my pride), but I wondered if the CM pushing the GO button was playing games or just in her own little world. The good news is that I always make sure that I am the last to get out of the ride specifically for that reason, so my kids were already out of the ride. (Just a side note: I am 6 feet tall, so it is not like she didn't see me, which is beside the point since she isn't even suppose to be watching me, she should be watching the girl with her hand in a fist)

Anyway, I am glad everyone made it through your experience okay. I also live and breathe Disney, but that doesn't mean that every CM there is a good one, just like everywhere else.


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