An Invasion of a "STRANGER" Kind.... NEW THREAD IS UP!! Go Thee NOW!

Great news on the puppies! :cool1::cheer2:

Ok, I think I am back to Bek moving in if she is the baker. :lmao:

I may have lots of time to DIS this weekend - depending on where the fronts stop we are expecting anywhere from 5" - 15" of snow today into tomorrow AM. Jordan is so excited - she already has plans to play outside after school.

She'd love to come on over- provided you'll pay for her 4 years of school coming up! :lmao:

At first I thought the title referred to your kids, but the math didn't quite work out. Good luck finding new homes for the remaining pups.

Good homes?? Surely you jest. They will be lucky to have a dog house in 10 below weather and enough to eat to barely keep it from starving. Poor things. I think if they survive this first winter they will do ok, but they will never be pampered or nurtured.

HA! No, only 5 kids to start with, unless you count the DH and the dog too. Sometimes.... :rolleyes1
I must have missed this in the last thread. Puppies?! I love puppies! What kind of dog do you have? It must be hard to part with the cute little things. Although it must be a big relief with less mouths to feed. Puppies are as bad as toddlers, if not worse!
I must have missed this in the last thread. Puppies?! I love puppies! What kind of dog do you have? It must be hard to part with the cute little things. Although it must be a big relief with less mouths to feed. Puppies are as bad as toddlers, if not worse!

Our dog is mostly German Shepherd, but the sire(s) were crafty little devils who slipped in no matter what we did to "dissuade them" from the hubba-hubba. Mutts to the max, they were.

It is especially hard on the kids to see them go, because they know very well how dogs are (NOT) treated. Anara (7) cries every time one goes out the door. :sad1:

For me it is euphoria! I cleaned up two "loads" on the carpets today and several pee-pees. Their food stinks and they muddy up the floor every time they come in to eat. And that they must. It is too cold for them to stand outside to eat, so we bring them in for a few minutes every few hours to warm up. Just long enough to find "convenient" and "comfortable" places to take care of business. It's like dogs have a restroom rating system of their own.
:rotfl2:What rating would Jordy, I mean the pups give your house?

Definitely a 1!

Our home has "padded" seats (carpets)

Automatic Flushers! (me)

A convenient place to wash their hands (the water bowl that they spill regularly!)

Few(er) neighbors (there's only 2 now)

No "spectators" (we rarely "catch them in the act")

Convenient Location (wherever they Happened to be- which is usually NOT where I want them to drop a load)

Yes, Jordan would definitely give it a 1!!!! :thumbsup2
Once again it is time for the Belle Battalion to receive its monthly self-promotion!! :woohoo::woohoo: Even though our plans may be in a nice state of flux- for perhaps as much as a month more, we will go ahead and upgrade our rank- because we like to and it's fun. :lmao:

Especially this time, cuz looky what we get to wear now!!

"Colonel 7". I like that. Just rolls off the tongue really.

Even Cross Dresser Potato Head is getting his rightful promotion. See his new insignia on his epaulet? He is very happy today, he just read in the news they are going to end the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy! Phew!

Now, did you ever wonder why "kernel" is spelled "colonel" It's like someone was trying their best after having a few too many grain based beverages in the dark, using Swahili. I have never understood this odd phonetic challenge, until I read this:

"The term colonel derives from Latin columnella 'small column'. However, it was never actually a Roman rank. The system of ranks in the Roman military was quite different. As a rank the term arose in the late sixteenth century Italy where it referred to the officer in charge of a column (Italian colonna, plural colonne) or field force. The term is first attested as colonnello, but it is perhaps a truncation of something like capitano colonnello 'captain of the column, the captain designated to command the column'. In this context colonna seems to refer to a force marching in column, rather than to a battle formation — a battle or battalion of pike."

Makes a heap more sense now.

So what does this mean for the Belle Battalion, practically speaking??

Well, first off, this entitles us to wear much cooler bling. Like this:

Did I mention I really like that thing?

Modern American colonels usually command infantry brigades which means we should, by now, have recruited a ton of comrades to go with us, but sadly this is lean times in terms of takers. Instead we'll have to take command of 1,000s in lines all over WDW by utilizing FiPs (to say it right, you just really need some sort of vowel in there- and a, e, o, and u didn't make the cut), and 1,000s more in restaurants by accurately and wisely engaging ADR weaponry. We have gone through countless hours of grueling training, and are not worried that competent command of these troops and tasks will prove to be our most shining moments of victory!

"Colonels are sometimes referred to (but not addressed) as full-bird colonels"

You can imagine I found this little tidbit highly interesting!! Now I'm wondering how to big you adieu.... :rolleyes1

Click here for: A Soldier's Perks- Pt. 1, Mr. Potato Head
I have no idea what is going on here.:confused3:confused3

I was complaining with ardent emotion that I am tired of my puppies (of which there is only 1 now :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:) using my carpets and floors as their private restroom. As cushy as it is, they are taking mighty large liberties. :guilty:
Yea for only 1 puppy!!!!:banana::banana::banana: Your pizza looks good. We like to grill our pizzas here. That was good info on the colonel. I always wondered why it was spelled that way. Congrats to your son too for his scholarship.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Yea for only 1 puppy!!!!:banana::banana::banana: Your pizza looks good. We like to grill our pizzas here. That was good info on the colonel. I always wondered why it was spelled that way. Congrats to your son too for his scholarship.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Yep, down to one puppy, and it's spoken for. My househelper wants it, but needs to wait until it gets back to freezing or above to take it home, since she doesn't have a doghouse.

The pizza was sooooo good. Grilled pizza?? I've never tried that. Like just on your BBQ outside??

I talked to the ROTC office yesterday, and they told me he is getting a FREE ride!! We are very stoked! Now, we'll only have to pay for 3 to go to school (my son may never go to university)- and 3 is better than 4! ;)
oops! posted on the old thread! i'm here by the way! can't wait to read more!


So glad to have you along! We love to joke around and have us some fun!! Chime in often, and help us plan our Week of Freedom!
Yep, down to one puppy, and it's spoken for. My househelper wants it, but needs to wait until it gets back to freezing or above to take it home, since she doesn't have a doghouse.

The pizza was sooooo good. Grilled pizza?? I've never tried that. Like just on your BBQ outside??

I talked to the ROTC office yesterday, and they told me he is getting a FREE ride!! We are very stoked! Now, we'll only have to pay for 3 to go to school (my son may never go to university)- and 3 is better than 4! ;)

Yes we have a grill pan that is made for pizza and we cook our dough on the grill through our toppings on (our fav is BBQ chicken) and grill it some more. We grill all year round here.
Hey Mama! How are you? Did you have a good day? My day was kinda lazy, the only things I did was join a weight loss group on the DIS, vaccumed my down stairs, went to Costco for a milk and Izze's run and got a few groceries.
I think I better slow down or I'm gonna out do myself. :rolleyes:
I did manage to come home and have a glass of wine, some pizza and watched a movie or two on t.v. with my DH and then watched Singing In The Rain:love: One of my all time favorite movies.:goodvibes This movie makes me smile when I don't feel like smiling much. Nothing wrong, I think I'm just having the winter time blues. I'm anxious for spring to get here, I really knew how much when strolling through Costco and seeing all the geraniums they had out. :confused3 WTHeck?!? It's not like we can put those things out yet, so why are they getting them in? I'm anxious to get my porch all pretty again and have all my pretty flowers out. Probably something your anxious to be able to do with your new house, huh? Or is that your thing?
What have you been up to today?
Speaking of Singing in the Rain... (one of our favorites too!)

Well, I can't find any of the pictures I wanted to show you! Dang! This is the only one I could find of a teensy weensy piece of the yard. You can see the river behind there. This is a side yard with a working pond with a little rock waterfall that is so sweet! In the spring and summer is it completely packed with columbine and snowdrops and all kinds of other woodland flowers

The deck I wanted to show you must be on the other computer that my DH has. It is chock full of potted flowers on iron stands. Geraniums, daisies, you name it! I doubt I can keep it up like Mom did, but I'll give it my best shot. Things are so easy to grow in Oregon. Especially compared to here.

Hey, I know I"ve been lax in updating my blog lately. Seems since DH has been gone, I've been taking advantage of the extra DISsing time, so the blog has been neglected. BUT I just updated it with the next installment of the train trip that was so awful. Take a look.
Gorgeous Oregonean yard Liesa.

Thanks Glenn! I wish I could have found the pix of the wooden deck! There is also another yard with pears, figs, apples, plums and huckleberries. DH says he's been on the TLB all week. That's the Tree Liberation Brigade - freeing trees from ivy is a year round never ending job.
Thanks Glenn! I wish I could have found the pix of the wooden deck! There is also another yard with pears, figs, apples, plums and huckleberries. DH says he's been on the TLB all week. That's the Tree Liberation Brigade - freeing trees from ivy is a year round never ending job.

I swear that ivy and vines are a curse from "the fall". I have to battle them in my pine trees in my backyard (which you can see, snow-covered, in my latest PTR update). ;)
I swear that ivy and vines are a curse from "the fall". I have to battle them in my pine trees in my backyard (which you can see, snow-covered, in my latest PTR update). ;)

Yes, along with flies, mosquitoes, amoebas that cause dysentary, and bananas.


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