An Overplanner Takes on WDW – Feb 2019 PTR now with bonus Aug trip (New TR linked 9/2))

Sometimes, these surprise, spur of the moment trips can be so fun. I'm sure the girls will have a blast and it'll hopefully help you all recover from the post-Disney blues that I'm sure are hitting right now.
Crazy how that works, isn’t it? We’ve done something similar.

This is very unlike us, honestly. We're very careful with our money, plan things well in advance, and tend to stick to those plans. This feels really crazy to us.

Oh wow, what an amazing unexpected treat!!! Your plan sounds perfect for a quick, fun getaway (and, yayyy, for an adult night in the parks!).

Yeah, the adult night in the park really sold hubby in particular. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but I've said things like, "Well, if we didn't do our date night, we could..." and he shuts it down every time.

See! It's a rabbit hole! But a good rabbit hole!

A trip at Halloween will be a lot of fun! And sounds like your girls will love it!

YEAH to a bonus trip!

I'm pretty sure this is the furthest down the rabbit hole we're going to fall, but rumor has it these things can be addictive.

Sometimes, these surprise, spur of the moment trips can be so fun. I'm sure the girls will have a blast and it'll hopefully help you all recover from the post-Disney blues that I'm sure are hitting right now.

The post Disney blues are real! Although, it was nice leaving in dreary February and coming back several days into March. It's made spring feel like it came really fast this year.
August Update

Funds have officially been committed to the August trip. The flights down were booked on points, so that's a whopping $28 transaction fee locking us to August :rotfl:

More seriously, we bought a bunch of gift cards to cover the room and MNSSHP tickets. BJs was running a good promotion which, combined with the points on our credit card, netted us about 8.5% off of face value.

After further consideration, we're not going to do the single park day ticket for the family. If we were going to use it the whole day, fine, but it's going to be the end of August. Single day tickets are just too expensive when you're only going to be in the park a few hours before the kids start whining about the heat and wanting to swim. Plus, we booked the Beach Club for a reason and the kids are going to have a grand old time at Stormalong Bay. Hubby and I will just get an after 5pm convention ticket for our date night and save the other $420. Unless there's a DAH the night before that sounds exciting; then all bets are off!

We haven't booked our return flight, which is making me twitch just a little bit. I'm a "book the airfare as soon as dates are confirmed" kind of girl. However, Hubby is traveling for work two different weeks this month and flying Delta with connections both ways. We're not sure if that'll get us enough points to fly back (maybe just him, but even that I seriously doubt) but he's crossing his fingers that they overbook one of those flights and offer vouchers for people to bump to a later flight. With all the connections, he has 8 shots to take advantage of an overbooked flight (2 flights completed so far with no vouchers offered). I'm not holding my breath, but it would certainly be nice for the budget if it happened. And, actually, he could build points pretty quickly with just these two trips. His office is terrible about giving him the go ahead to book travel, so he often doesn't buy the airline tickets until the Thursday or Friday before a Sunday flight when they're super expensive and net him more points. We shall see.

So, if you had free time during the day at Disney, what would you do? Not evenings, those are going to be booked with date nights, MNSSHP, and flying home, but we will have most of the day on the 26th and probably the 28th free.
I'm pretty sure this is the furthest down the rabbit hole we're going to fall, but rumor has it these things can be addictive.
It is. I mean maybe not quiet so soon as this one, but 5 years will feel like an enternity! But then again, depending on the crowds for Star Wars land and the anniversary, maybe 5 years isn't a bad idea!

Funds have officially been committed to the August trip. The flights down were booked on points, so that's a whopping $28 transaction fee locking us to August :rotfl:

Plus, we booked the Beach Club for a reason and the kids are going to have a grand old time at Stormalong Bay
We are staying at Yacht Club for our May trip, I am so excited for this. And we will hopefully get to spend time at the pool. I am sure your girls will love it. It sounds like there is plenty to do.

So, if you had free time during the day at Disney, what would you do? Not evenings, those are going to be booked with date nights, MNSSHP, and flying home, but we will have most of the day on the 26th and probably the 28th free.
There are (2) Mini-golf courses that you could try. That has been on our list to try for awhile.

A trip to Disney Springs, maybe a lunch reservation? We love to go to Goofy's Candy Shop and do the make your own Rice Krispe Treats.

And well, obviously swimming! But you know that... ;)
After further consideration, we're not going to do the single park day ticket for the family. If we were going to use it the whole day, fine, but it's going to be the end of August. Single day tickets are just too expensive when you're only going to be in the park a few hours before the kids start whining about the heat and wanting to swim. Plus, we booked the Beach Club for a reason and the kids are going to have a grand old time at Stormalong Bay. Hubby and I will just get an after 5pm convention ticket for our date night and save the other $420. Unless there's a DAH the night before that sounds exciting; then all bets are off!

That makes total sense. Especially considering what an attraction that pool is. We'd plan a day just for that if we were staying there too.

$420... Somehow the individual day's tickets always sound like so much more money than when you're just looking at the total vacation cost.
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Exciting to get another trip to look forward to so soon! I'm sure the girls will see the magic more now rather than waiting a few more years!
Additional Update on August- Adding A Day

Well, we lost our minds (again). Here's the backstory:

Hubby was looking into airline credit cards to see if his points from work plus the new cardholder spending bonus would be enough to get us back from Orlando for free, too. He landed on the American card, with a late in the day flight on the 28th. We opened the card and just needed to do our initial spend before booking the return tickets for free, too.

Then, Disney announced the summer room offer with gift cards. I looked, and we were able to save about $100 off the top, plus we'd get $60 in gift cards, by switching to a Yacht Club standard view. It wasn't quite as convenient as Beach Club in terms of being in the same room where our friends were staying, but it was pretty darn close. We would still be able to easily meet up at the pool, watch each others' kids for date nights, etc. As a bonus, YC has nearly all full balconies, rather than the 50/50 shot at BC, which was very important to Hubby. He's always up later than the girls and really appreciated the balcony on our stay earlier this year. So, we opted to switch over to the YC room.

Then, Disney announced their Extra, Extra Magic Hours, starting the day after we left. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to head to MK for a 7am EMH on the day that SW:GE and Food & Wine are opening. Maybe I'm delusional, but my guess is that the first few hours that day will be some of the quietest MK sees this summer. I started poking around, looking to add a couple nights to our reservation, when I saw a Contemporary garden wing room available for the 28th included in the summer discount with the gift card. We could wake up, check out of our room, and just walk into MK at 7am. Since we'd be catching ME from there, too, we would be able to stay in the park as close to our pick up time as possible without worrying about bus timing to get back to our resort. I grabbed the room, as I wasn't sure how long it'd be available, and discussed with Hubby that night.

The points that we were accumulating would work for a late flight on the 29th, too. Rather than booking a single day park ticket for $500 plus for our family, we could book a two day convention ticket for under a grand that would get us two park days and a water park day. Between the room and the tickets, we were looking at $1300ish to get three more touring days, including being able to walk to MK for the 7am EMH. With the savings on airfare and the room switch, this wasn't all that far off from our original budget. Hubby was all for it, which I was shocked by. We had agreed that we were doing this as a quick trip for MNSSHP and Stormalong Bay and that was already a pretty crazy thing to do. He said he never expected that we'd actually keep it to just MNSSHP, he figured it was just a matter of time before we caved and bought park tickets. :rotfl2:

So, we did it. We bought discounted gift cards to cover the cost, which doubled as a way to hit the spend requirement on our AA card. Now, the trip looks as follows:

8/25- MCO at 2pm. ME to Yacht Club. Take friends' kids, hang at pool, get dinner, etc. Maybe a gondola to AoA if they're operating, just to check it out.

8/26- HS RD with friends. We'll be using the umbrella policy to book FPS, and this is their +8 day, so we should be good to get SDD early. We'll RD TSL, do SDD, and then hit the shows we missed (BatB, the new Cars show, Indiana Jones). We'll head back to swim when it gets too hot. We'll spread out our tier 2s so that Hubby and I have RnR and ToT booked for the evening. We'll go back into the park for our date night and leave the kids with friends. They have a Raglan Road reservation for everyone else.

8/27- Pool morning, 2:05pm Chef Mickey ADR, MNSSHP

8/28- Whenever the girls wake up, check out of YC and head to Blizzard Beach. When we're done our water park day, we'll check into the Contemporary and take a monorail over to Poly for a combination QS/lounge dinner. I want pulled pork nachos, 'Ohana bread pudding, maybe see if we can get into Trader Sam's. Hubby wants the lemon lime dole whip from Pineapple Lanai.

8/29-Early wake up, drop our bags at Bell Services, and head to the 7am EMH at MK. We'll tour with our friends until their 1pm CRT reservation, once again using their FP +11 to get the exact FPs we want, then split off on our own. Flight isn't until 7:45pm, so ME shoudl be around 4:30ish. That let's us have most of the day at MK before we have to fly home.

The airline points came through today, all of our flights are booked, the tickets are purchased, and my friend and I have our divide-and-conquer plan for FP morning. This is really happening!
What an awesome change of plans!! That will seriously be so fun to have the one night stay at the Contemporary. I was actually surprised at how decent of a deal the Kids package was when I was looking into it for a client. What a score!

Btw I think you guys will love Yacht Club. I haven't stayed at Beach Club yet but even just from my March Yacht Club stay I'm pretty sure YC is my favorite of the two! Plus, like you said you aren't far from your friends, they are almost like one big resort anyway! haha

That's so funny that DH was expecting the tickets to be added at some point anyway, hes a smart man! lol And good call on the airline cc. I was just telling my DH the other day that people are truly missing out when they don't take advantage of those deals! Plus, you hit the msr with money you had to spend anyway so win-win!!!
Wow- that's an exciting change! I think you're absolutely right about seeing a quiet MK the morning of the 29th.
It is. I mean maybe not quiet so soon as this one, but 5 years will feel like an enternity! But then again, depending on the crowds for Star Wars land and the anniversary, maybe 5 years isn't a bad idea!

I'm really excited for this trip, but I think it's the last until they're able to ride everything. The RS game is annoying.

$420... Somehow the individual day's tickets always sound like so much more money than when you're just looking at the total vacation cost.

It's crazy when you look at one day tickets. It was much easier for us to stomach the two day convention tickets because it gets us two theme park days and a water park day for not even double the cost of a single day ticket.
What an awesome change of plans!! That will seriously be so fun to have the one night stay at the Contemporary. I was actually surprised at how decent of a deal the Kids package was when I was looking into it for a client. What a score!

Btw I think you guys will love Yacht Club. I haven't stayed at Beach Club yet but even just from my March Yacht Club stay I'm pretty sure YC is my favorite of the two! Plus, like you said you aren't far from your friends, they are almost like one big resort anyway! haha

That's so funny that DH was expecting the tickets to be added at some point anyway, hes a smart man! lol And good call on the airline cc. I was just telling my DH the other day that people are truly missing out when they don't take advantage of those deals! Plus, you hit the msr with money you had to spend anyway so win-win!!!

I'm really excited for the theming/pool at YC and the convenience of CR. The prices were much better than I was expecting, too. They're really trying to get people in this summer.

We are credit card manipulators in general. We try not to go too crazy with opening lots of new cards, but Hubby is always on the hunt for a good intro offer that's worth the credit hit.
So exciting to have another trip on the books and it sounds like a fun one, too! Plus, the Yacht Club *and* CR in one stay? :lovestruc And how exciting for the girls to get to trick or treat at disney! Any thoughts on costumes yet? Off the top of my head - Huey, Dewey & Louie? Or the Brave triplets! Are there any Disney girl triplets? 🤔

Bummed to miss you by just a few days - I check out on 8/21!
I don't think they're triplets but I just thought of Flora, Fauna and Merryweather! That would be cute too!


Also found this cute idea for Huey, Dewey & Louie:


Okay I'll stop telling you how to live your life now, bye 😊
I don't think they're triplets but I just thought of Flora, Fauna and Merryweather! That would be cute too!


Also found this cute idea for Huey, Dewey & Louie:


Okay I'll stop telling you how to live your life now, bye 😊

Ha ha. We're doing costumes with our friends. The 6 kids and her Hubby have 7 dwarfs t-shirts and hats. I already have the lightweight Snow White dress from this trip and Hubby will wear his prince t-shirt. She grabbed a lightweight purple dress and cloak to be the evil queen
Have you started a TR for your Feb trip? Exciting that you get to go again in August!


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