Andreah and Brian - Dec 8th, 2009 (Reception Photos Posted)

Those photopass pics are great! It may have taken a lot of effort, but think about how few people would have photos of all their friends together in front of the castle!!
Hey Andreah, looks like you had such a fun week! Love the castle photos in the sweat suits, so cute! Your Misty photos are just amazing too!!
LOVE your photos!! :love: You both looked soooo happy and you're a beautiful couple!!! I would love to see your videolink...will PM you now. Thanks so much for sharing everything!! I'm so happy you had such a beautiful and lovely wedding!!! :goodvibes
Hi again, Andreah!

I just needed to post again on your PJ/TR - here's why: previously I left a quick note saying how I loved your photos...well, since then, I have been reading through the rest of your posts and I an in LOVE with all your details!! The newsletters, the invitations, the Save-the-dates, the ceremony music, the e-photos, seriously everything! - WOW WOW WOW! That's not even close to all the things I love about your wedding and I haven't even gotten through all of your PJ yet!

Oh and I must add that the table of contents on your first post is a lifesaver! As a newbie, its been tough to find specifics on some of the very long (but chock full o' info) PJs out there!

Just had to tell you that I am awestruck on how amazing everything you did was! Great job! You are in inspiration - especially to someone like me who adores details and loves the little personal touches! :love:

Congrats again and thank you so much for sharing!
Hi again, Andreah!

I just needed to post again on your PJ/TR - here's why: previously I left a quick note saying how I loved your photos...well, since then, I have been reading through the rest of your posts and I an in LOVE with all your details!! The newsletters, the invitations, the Save-the-dates, the ceremony music, the e-photos, seriously everything! - WOW WOW WOW! That's not even close to all the things I love about your wedding and I haven't even gotten through all of your PJ yet!

Oh and I must add that the table of contents on your first post is a lifesaver! As a newbie, its been tough to find specifics on some of the very long (but chock full o' info) PJs out there!

Just had to tell you that I am awestruck on how amazing everything you did was! Great job! You are in inspiration - especially to someone like me who adores details and loves the little personal touches! :love:

Congrats again and thank you so much for sharing!

Thank you so much, Leah! That is so sweet for you to say! :cutie:

And thanks to everyone who's continuing to follow and comment! I WILL finish this report . . . I might take a year, but I WILL finish! :lmao:
I wanted to go ahead and finish up Day 2 of our trip report, now that I have the rest of our photos ready.

Here are some "pre-dinner" photos that we just now have ready:





The castle looked so beautiful at night!




Here are some of the photos taken during our 80 minute effort to assemble the group for photos:











Gavin's trying to catch snoflakes on his toungue. I guess he hasn't realized yet that "Disney snow" is made of soap . . . yuk!

After taking our group photos on Main Street, we split up into several groups to ride attractions. A few of us went over to Space Mountain to see what the new enhancements were all about. As we went to get in line, my brother and his girlfriend left to smoke a cigarette and said he would meet up with us. We went ahead and got in line - maybe a 10 minute wait. The games in the queue were not even turned on since the wait times were so short. As we were about to get on the ride, we saw some other folks from our group lining up in the loading area. They waved us goodbye and we had a great ride. About the time we finished and took the long conveyor belts into the gift shop, my phone rang and it was my brother. I answered the phone and said "Hello?" Then I heard "AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" for about 3 minutes. Brian and I just laughed so hard. Richard must've hit the call button on his cell phone right as they were about to launch. He's a trip!

Everyone agreed to meet up for fireworks on the Tomorrowland bridge. My mom and Gavin and I went to the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station building to get cookie and hot cocoa for everyone to enjoy during the fireworks. We had a GREAT view!








The group split up again and reunited to watch the second parade of the night. Nobody got good photos of the parade . . . I couldn't get my camera settings adjusted in time. I may have to yank some parade photos from Flickr for the scrapbook.

After the parade, at one point, some of us ended up over at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. After waiting in the queue, our car arrived and - to our surprise - the "other half" was getting off the ride as we were getting on! So we told them to wait for us at the exit, so that we could all ride together. So after our ride, we ALL went back into the queue and ended up with an entire car of pink velour jogging suits! Seeing the long line of our friends and family waiting in the loading queue is one of our absolute favorite memories from the entire trip!


The pictures of the castle are so pretty. We only saw it with the lights on it from far, far away (the Polynesian) and I didn't realize how beautiful it really is with all the lights. I love how you have so many pictures of your group doing things together. We were never able to get that many people at the parks at once since a lot didn't have tickets, so its so great to see all your pictures of people together. I love the pictures at BTMR, so cute!
Love it!! I hope my guests have as much fun as yours did!
I'm please to say that I've organized our wedding photos through the end of the wedding reception, so trip reports should come much more quickly in the next week or so :)

We stayed up REALLY late on Sunday night because of the Christmas party, so we knew that most of our guests would be sleeping in on Monday. Monday is the day we had scheduled to "Celebrate Around the World" with our guests in Epcot World Showcase. We planned to meet everyone around 11am.

But, as much as I wanted to sleep late too, Brian reminded me that earlier Monday morning would be the ONLY time that Gavin would have a chance to ride his favorite Epcot rides in Future World - Soarin' and Mission Space. We really wanted to let Gavin do some of his favorite things before he went home, so we got up early so that we could hit Soarin' before the wait times were too long.

But, first, we had to take a couple of plastic boxes with wedding and reception items over to Franck's so the wedding coordinators would have them in place for the ceremony and reception.



Now, we were ready to visit Epcot Future World with Gavin!

The first order of business was to ride Soarin' as fast as we could. There was a little bit of a wait, but it wasn't bad - maybe 20 minutes or so.








Front row, baby!




Next up . . . Mission Space! It never ceases to amaze me how Gavin can be nervous about riding a lot of the "good" rides, like Rock'n Roller Coaster or Expedition Everest, but he has no qualms about Mission Space Orange Team - the ONE ride on Disney property equipped with barf bags.




At that point, the guys were ready for a snack:


Unfortunately, I was feeling a headache coming on. The lack of sleep and unusual eating habits were beginning to catch up with me. I had forgotten to bring my migraine medicine with me, so we ran into Mouse Gear for some Excederin - which NEVER works for me. But, oh well, I gave it a shot. The guys went back for a second run on Mission Space while I ducked into Club Cool and found a not-so-yucky flavor of soda to help me swallow my medicine. (I like the lemon-y one!)



I just love the little tinsel trees they set up for the gospel performers' stage:


At this point, 11am had come and gone and NO ONE was there yet! Everyone had a slow start to the morning. I didn't want to leave the entrance of World Showcase until our group had arrived, so I waited by the Christmas tree while Brian and Gavin explored Future World.



Before long, Erin showed up with her mom and kids. We ran over to the pastry cart in Canada for coffee and treats.



And the snowball begins! More and more guests started showing up. The ladies were all hungry and I LOVE the little cantina in Mexico. But, by the time we got there all of the seats outside were filled. So we ducked into the little tequila bar inside the pyramid and they were JUST opening, so we were able to snatch a table. So the ladies enjoyed a few appetizers and margaritas while the guys - you guessed it - went on Mission Space. Again.











The snacks and margaritas were delicious, but by the time we finished, my "teeny little headache" had morphed into a full-body-dizzy-throbbing-nauseous episode. I only had half-a-margarita, so I couldn't blame it on that. When I stood up and the room started spinning slowly, I knew that I wouldn't be able to continue the trip around the world. I made the decision to break away from the group and head back to the room and rest. I knew if I didn't take care of it then, then I would be worthless for the pre-wedding dinner and the wedding day. I left Mexico and found Brian to let him know I needed to leave. And as I was walking out, my dad was walking into Epcot. It was the first time I saw him since he didn't arrive until Monday morning. So I gave him a hug, told him to have a great time and that I would see him at dinner. I took the monorail back to the hotel and went upstairs. I found my medicine, drew the curtains, put on my beady-gel eye mask, and took a nice long schnoooze.
My family . . . walking in while I was walking out


Grandma and Aunt Mary


My Dad and Stepmom


The gang went on to celebrate without me, but as I was napping, they had been texting me photos and get-well wishes. I'm heartbroken that I missed this day with them, but I know I made the right decision. I have to celebrate with them vicariously through photos . . . it seems that everyone had a GREAT time!







The ladies did what I asked and drank a bellini for me :-)






That really stinks that you ended up not feeling well that day, but it sounds like you made the right decision taking time to rest up for the wedding itself.

How was the food at the bar? The appetizers look pretty good and I have been curious to know how everything is there.

Love some of the shots with Gavin and Brian, so cute :goodvibes

Off to PM you...
Andreah- after all this time I'm not sure if I ever told you what an absolutely gorgeous wedding you had and what a stunning bride you were!! (If I had- oh well you're hearing it again!!:lmao:) The TR is great so far! You guys DEFINITELY picked the right night for MVMCP (we never should've traded our tickets). We ended up not going Friday Night b/c it was soo cold and rainy. So no MVMCP for us this year...there's always next year! I LOVE the photo of you all on Big thunder! What an AWESOME memory!!:goodvibes

Bummer you got sick @ EPCOT, but you made the right decision going back and resting. I actually bailed on my b-ette party not even halfway thru b/c I was overtired and feeling so sick so I completely understand what a letdown that feels like! But, you have some sweet and great friends for sending you pics to help you feel that you weren't missing anything. Can't wait to read more and hope you & Brian (and Gavin) are getting settled into married life! :goodvibes
I only hope I'll know when it's best for me to take a step back leading up to my wedding, or I'll probably be sick as a dog knowing my luck.


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