Angela's Journey to the Life She Deserves (Posts Welcome!)


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2000
Hello fellow WISHers! I’ve kept journals for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never done one for the public, so to speak. I still can’t quite understand why I’m willing to post personal information (personal for me, anyway) on a bulletin board when I can’t even talk to my DH about it. Don’t get me wrong…DH is wonderful…I’m the problem when it comes to talking about my rather circular shape. Anyway….

As is obvious from the title, my name is Angela. I’m a 32-year-old stay-at-home mom to the most adorable 5-year-old DD and 7-month-old DS that have ever graced this planet. :teeth: When I left the hospital with DS at birth, I weighed 209 pounds, and I swore that I would never again weigh in the 230’s, which has been my hovering ground for the past 5 years (yikes…I just had to figure that out!). Fast forward to 7 months later, when I weigh 236.5 pounds. What happened, you might ask? Well….I love junk food. In fact, if it’s in the house, I will eat it…and eat it…and eat it. Immediately afterwards, I feel guilty and resolve not to do this again. I’m obviously a liar! I’m also the worst procrastinator in the world, so I put off exercise and then think “I’ll start tomorrow…or the next day…” Sound familiar to anyone out there? Thought so. I’m posting all this information to finally be accountable to myself. I WILL NOT SABOTAGE MYSELF ANY LONGER! There. It’s in print, and all the WISHers out there can now call me on it. That’s a little scary…

I resolve to lose the unattractive 82.5 pounds that are standing between me and the life I’m supposed to be living. This weight will be gone no later than my 33rd birthday, December 4, 2004. Looking at that number and my deadline seems a bit intimidating, so I’ve broken it down into a few smaller, yet still outrageous, goals. I’m shooting for 2 pounds per week, which is totally attainable for me. I’ve never had a problem losing weight. It’s the eating right and exercising in order to lose weight that seems to be a problem for me. :rolleyes: I’ve got a couple of mini-deadlines along the way to keep me motivated. DEADLINE #1: June 3rd. I’ve got an AMAZING girls’ weekend scheduled with my little sister and a close friend. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin so I can REALLY enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we’ll have that weekend. DEADLINE #2: October 29th. We leave for our family trip to Disney, and I want the first night photo of me at Chef Mickey’s to look nothing like the previous two trips’ photos. DEADLINE #3: DH and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary at the World on New Year’s Eve. I look nothing like I looked when DH and I met during freshman year of college. People honestly don’t think that college photos of DH and I are actually me. How depressing! Anyway…I want to knock DH’s socks off on this trip. :teeth: If these deadlines don’t work as motivation for me, then nothing will.

The kitchen will be dejunkified, and I’ll be forced to make good choices. The treadmill is set up, and I’ll be walking 3 miles a day. Life is unpredictable with a baby, so I’ll be doing 1.5 miles in the early morning and the other half in the evening, if necessary. Weight training will be done in moderation, and to keep me from being bored silly. I’ll add outdoor walking as the weather and temperaments (the kids’, not mine) allows. Apart from that, I’ll be checking in here with annoying frequency to keep my mind in line with what my heart deserves.

Thanks to any who have read this rambling. Please don't post if you think I'm a freak!
Hi Angela!:wave2: Welcome to the wonderful world of WISH journals! This is really the difference this time around for a lot of us. We support each other, encourage each other, and hold our feet to the fire if necessary! You have set some pretty big goals for yourself. That is good - Dream Big!;) You can only make it happen if you try.
The exercise is gonna play a big part in it. So is diet. What type of eating plan are you going to follow? No matter what, drink LOTS and LOTS of water!:tongue: It really helps flush out and fill you up.
The urge to snack is hard, but resist. Do something else - exercise, laundry, read a book to DD, whatever.... After a few days, it gets a little easier. After a few weeks, even easier. Small baby steps will get you there. Just look at a day at a time, pretty soon the big picture will just fall into place!:teeth:
Well, it seems like your off to a good start! Welcome aboard! Ask if you have any questions!
Hope your day is filled with :sunny: !
Good morning, Angela! :sunny:

Welcome to the WISH Journal board!

Since you want us to help you be accountable, have you walked on your treadie yet this morning?? If yes - GREAT! If not, then make sure you work it into your day somehow, OK?

Water, water, water - do you have some with you right now?? Sharon is so right - drinking water helps in so many ways!

I hope you get as much out of your journal as I've gotten out of mine! Journalling my food, my exercise, my goals, my feelings - through the good times AND the tough times has kept me on the healthy living path like nothing else ever has!

Glad to have you on the journey to healthy living!
hey angela, welcome to the journaling board! :wave:

journaling is a great way to keep yourself accountable, so that will hopefully work out well for you! you can do this, and we'll be here to support you along the way. your mini goals are a really good idea, much more attainable at this point than the total end goal ::yes:: .

good luck on your journey, hope to here from you often :hyper:
:wave: Hi Angela,
Just wanted to stop by and say hi and welcome. I'm new here too and this is a wonderful group of people to become a part of :D . Hope you have a good day.
Good morning to all and many thanks for the warm welcome! :wave:

I got off to a roaring start yesterday. I actually managed to get in my exercise while the kids were both awake. Aren't exersaucers amazing? DS is at his happiest when he's bouncing away in his. :bounce: :bounce: :crazy: I came in at the low end of points and patted myself on the back because I avoided two situations that would normally make me head for the kitchen. I'm such an emotional eater, and yesterday was a good test. We went to see The Passion of the Christ last night, and then came home to watch our college team guarantee themselves at least a share (but they'll win it outright on Saturday!) of the Big 12 title. Go Pokes! Both events would normally cause an attack of the snack monster!

I've decided to count points using the Weight Watchers system. I've got all the information from an ill-fated weight loss attempt a few years ago, and this method worked very well for me until I fell off the wagon and rolled down the hill. :rolleyes:

I agree that water is so important, even though I feel like I'm about to float away! When DS was born, the hospital gave me an insulated mug that has the measurements in ounces and cc's on the outside. I've been lugging that around and managed to consume 180 ounces of the clear stuff yesterday. I think I might have walked an extra mile just walking back and forth to the bathroom! :eek:

I spent the night nursing my DD and her nagging cough, so I slept in a little instead of hitting the treadmill first thing. DS is not feeling well this morning, and we're busy with doctors appointments and dance class this afternoon, so I've scheduled exercise for the moment DH gets home from work. (He's sick, too! :crazy:) I'll report in this evening AFTER I've finished working out!

Hope everyone has a great day! :sunny:
Welcome Angela! What a great way to plan out the next year! The mini-goals are a great idea.

Your kids are just so adorable! And I know exactly what you need about telling total strangers things that you won't say to your husband. My DH knows how many pounds I've lost, but he doesn't know how much I weigh. I don't know that I'll ever tell him, since he has this mind set that I should be 115 pounds, and that's not my goal (if you read my journal, you'll see that my goal is 129 pounds, quite a bit different). Your weight loss or health goal is just that, yours. We're here to help you in whatever way you need. If you want encouragement, we've got it. If you need a kick in the pants, Doreen's always here to remind you to drink your water!!! Just teasing Doreen, You just do it because you worry about us!

Welcome, welcome welcome!
:rotfl: :rotfl: Lisa's right! I go into Mom-mode and have to make sure everyone is staying healthy! :teeth:

Glad you're doing well today Angela! Please take good care of your poor sick family! I hope everyone is feeling all better soon! ::yes::
Hi Angela! I know what you mean about the extra miles spent on trips to the bathroom! Here at work, I have to go down a double flight of stairs to use the bathroom - talk about getting the extra steps in!:eek: Gotta make sure I plan accordingly too!;)
I hope you get your exercise in. It is so easy with little ones to take care of them and put yourself last, but you need to put you up to the top of your list if your gonna make your goals. Make sure you take the time to exercise as soon as DH gets home. It will also give you that little respite from the kids where you can recharge your battery. Especially on days like this, that can be so important!!::yes::
Excellent job avoiding the emotional eating yesterday!:smooth: That is such a trigger for so many of us. But you beat it - right out of the gates!!! WTG!!You keep that up, the scale will have very nice things to say to you at next weigh in!:teeth:
Hope your day turned out okay!
Hi Angela!

Welcome to journaling. It can be so theraputic. I know what you mean about bearing your soul to the world with a public journal. I was a bit concerned at first but knew if I was going to be successful I would have to do things different from other attempts in the past.

The people on WISH are so encouraging and inspirational! You will meet your goals in no time, I'm sure.

Keep up the great work! :)
Just wanted to say hi and that I think you will enjoy journaling. I actually feel badly when I'm too busy to post (which I'm trying to make sure happens rarely).

My DH and I haven't seen "The Passion" yet, although we want to see it. A group of friends went Friday night and by what they said, I think that maybe I should just see it with DH. I don't think I want to worry about who I'm crying in front of (although, by the time the movie is over, I probably won't care).

Great job getting the exercise in. I need to do more of that.
See ya!:sunny:
Ugh...I didn't think I'd find the time to get on the treadmill today. I did, though, even though I only did 1 mile. I've got the energy to do all 3, but that'll take an hour, and I'll hate myself when/if DS wakes up at 3am! DH came home complaining of a sore throat, and he sighed often enough in the first 5 minutes that I knew leaving him to the kids was not an option. I sent him to bed, so I couldn't get on the treadmill until DD & DS were in bed. How come men get sick, and they think the world has come to an end? No one could possibly be as sick as I am right now. It makes me nuts! :crazy: Even though I'm not a morning person at all, I'm going to have to force myself out of bed so I can get at least half of my miles done before taking DD to school. Guess I can't depend on the DH factor for now.

Lisa...Thanks so much for the compliment on my kiddos! I tend to think they're adorable myself. :teeth:

Thanks for the encouragement and kind words everyone. It's storming here, so I better shut the PC down or risk losing my lifeline! See ya in the AM! :wave2:
Angela, sorry DH was so sick last night! You did the right thing, though, by sending him to bed. He would have had no patience or energy to deal with the kids. I know we Moms are expected to run on empty and STILL be loving and nurturing but I don't think men can pull it off. :rolleyes:

You did good sticking to your exercise plan in spite of everything but if you need a day off now and then, don't be afraid to take one. We all have those days when things are just too crazy and we need to cut ourselves some slack.

Hope today goes better for you! :sunny:
it really is unfair that men get away with stuff like that! but i guess doe is right, you at least still have the patience to deal with the kiddies while sick, and he probably would not have. and that's a great idea to get up and get some miles in in the am before things get crazy. even though you're not a morning person, i'm sure that if it becomes a habit, you'd get used to it ::yes:: . sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to fit everything into the day. it can be tough, but it's worth it in the end.

i hope that you are feeling better and that you have a great day today :sunny:
:wave2: Hi Angela,
You know what? Even if you only did 1 mile that is still great that you took the time to do it when things didn't go the way they were planned. :teeth: I think that's great! I also think it's good to try and get some done before school time. You are off to a great start. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Angela - Kudos to you for getting that exercise in!!!:Pinkbounc It would have been so easy for you to say "sick kids, sick husband = no exercise". But you didn't! You forced yourself to get that exercise in! Good for you!!! That is what is gonna to make you see results! You should feel very good about yourself for exercising yesterday!:teeth:
I hope everyone is feeling a little better today. Make sure to take care of yourself so you don't end up sick too!
Hi everyone! :wave:

You have no idea how much your encouragement is helping me. I think it's going to be that extra kick I need to follow through with the goals I've set for myself.

Today was a much calmer day, despite having sickies in the house. DH, DD & DS are all on antibiotics, and DH and DD seem to be almost 100%. DS was diagnosed with an ear infections (yipes! DD NEVER had these.) and an eye infection, which he generously passed on to me! Things are improving, though. :)

I've done well on points the past 3 days, coming in on the low end the first day, at the high end yesterday (used 'em all!), and I have 5 points left this evening. Think I'll call it a day!

I didn't get to the treadmill until this evening, but it was wonderful because DH took care of the kids, and I wasn't sleepy while I was walking. I managed to do 3 miles and just feel amazing!

Don't worry, Doe, I've had so much water today that I had to stop at mile 2 for a potty break! :rolleyes: I've convinced DH to stop drinking soda, so all my temptation will be out the window. He actually seems interested in WW, and I think he wants to try it, too. Now, I'll just have to concentrate on not killing him when he drops all the weight he wants to lose in the first week. :crazy2:

I'm off to put the kiddos to bed...there's no rest for the weary. :laughing:
Angela, so glad you got those 3 miles in and ENJOYED it! :Pinkbounc I'm also happy to hear at least some of the household is on the mend - now we just have to get you & DS all fixed up! I'm sending some extra healing :wizard: your way! Pass it around to all in the family who may still need it! :p

Hope today is :sunny: for you!!
Angela - you are doing GREAT!!!! 3 miles??!!! That is awesome!:Pinkbounc
You are right, this board really is going to make the difference this time and help you succeed!::yes:: You won't give up because you've got to answer to all of us!!:mad: ;)
I hope you and DS are feeling better. Both my DD and DS had NUMEROUS ear infections. Both had the tubes put in also.:eek: Keep an eye out if he has more - it is sometimes also tied to food allergies - milk and soy particularly.
Have a wonderful day! Take good care of you!!:sunny:


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