Angelrose's Journey

Welcome to my thread Clbemrich. Thank you so much for the compliment. It is much appreciated.
Angelrose I just read your trip report! Great job! And your pictures are awesome. You have a beautiful family. You all look so happy. Sounds like you all had a great time!
Best of health to you. You have a great attitude and wonderful family members.
Take care and keep laughing! It really does help. Laughter and a good attitude has gotten me though tough times.
Sending good wishes
Oh thank you DisneyMim. We did have the best time. I know I always say that with each trip, and it's true every trip. We do a lot of laughing in this family. Thank you for the good wishes.
Hi there minnie56. The days are being kind to me. I feel great and am counting down the days until we go to Disney again. Thank you for thinking of me.

Always ... I’m happy to hear you’re doing well. Disney is always the best to look forward to!
When are you going ?
We are leaving on October 6th for a week. I am so looking forward to the Halloween party. I am also looking forward to meeting an on line friend. We have been friends for at least 15 years and now we will finally be able to meet in person. She is a BIG Mickey fan. I just can't wait.
Hello my friends. I had my appointment with my cancer doctor to tell me the results of the cat scan. It wasn't good news. The cancer has spread into my liver and a bit in my lungs. There isn't much they can do except to put me in clinical trials. I'm not going to do that at my age. Right now I feel fine and can do things and take care of myself. Those clinical trials would make me feel like crap and most likely wouldn't help anyway. Not going to put myself through that.

I am at peace with this. I didn't ask the doctor about a time frame. I will live each day to the fullest and laugh and enjoy myself until I can't. Karen had a few tears and the lady that gave me my treatments was very upset and cried. But no tears from me. I have had a very good life. No one could ask for a better husband and family. I have been truly blessed.

Right now I am very excited about our upcoming trip to Disney World.

It was Zoey's birthday today and we all got our nails done and then we all went out to dinner at Olive Garden. We had a wonderful day, except for the results. We won't tell the kids anything until it becomes apparent that there is something wrong. Then we will all get together and tell them about the cancer. That's the thing I dread the most. I know Jesse will take it very hard. I think he knows something is not right because he told Karen that I looked so tired. I will have to watch that. Zoey is still too young to pick up on things. I will keep posting and I might be able to make a trip report for October.

Thank you all for your support and prayers all these years. It means a lot to me.
Hi Mary, I've been reading your posts for years (probably not long after you started this thread about your beloved husband), but I don't believe I've ever replied to them... but after reading your latest update, I felt compelled to say hello.

I've often thought of you and said a prayer for you and your family over all these years. I've also admired your spunk and zest for life. When you talk about how much you laugh each day, it makes me smile. Heck, just your profile picture makes me smile! You seem like such a fun person! As I read your posts, I am struck by how lucky you are to have Chuck, Karen, Jesse and Zoey to love and to love you each day. You are most definitely blessed.

I'm so sorry for the news you received today, but I am in awe of your attitude and perspective. I have no doubt that you will continue to celebrate every moment and be a joy to your family and friends. I hope that you have a wonderful trip to Disney in October and I look forward to your trip report! I loved the one from this past spring. :) Thank you for making me smile!
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Dear Angelrose, I so admire your attitude in life, so strong,funny,grateful. I wish I knew you in my "real life" You,indeed, have had a blessed life, but it is blessed because you made it that way. I pray you have many more peaceful and joy filled days. You will continue to be an inspiration and forever in my prayers.
I’m so sorry about the news you received. I so admire your strength and attitude and hope I can emulate that in a journey we all must take. Thinking about you and your family. You are so fortunate to be surrounded by their love.
I have never posted to this thread, but have read it from the beginning (though I got a late start) and felt compelled to write after your latest post. I certainly don't know you, but feel as though I do a bit, after reading along for so long. I will admit, I had tears flowing while reading your latest update. You certainly are a strong, amazing person, with a wonderful attitude and outlook on your life. I also think you are brave for the choice you have made to forgo trials in order to enjoy your life. I wish you nothing but peace and happiness as you continue to LIVE. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful family. Disney in October sounds like the best medicine anyone could offer! There is no doubt you and your family will make the most of every moment.
Oh Angelrose , my heart aches for you , with you... we’ve had a a long journey together since that first post
More Ups than Downs , sad times, happy times..but I’m sad at such news. We all prayed for something so much better.

I do know you’ll make the best of every single day and that’s all that matters, surrounded by your beautiful family , friends who will hold you up as you live life going forward. Have the BEST time at Disney - how is it possible not to?!?
Enjoy meeting your friend , I’m there in November , just after you..sorry we can’t meet. That’s my loss.
So much pixie dust to you and huge hugs :love:
Thank you Neesy228 for the kind words. I am blessed to have my family and friends to support me.

Thank you dazedx3 for the prayers. I think I need them more than ever now.

Thank you Nora03. I will continue to try and stay strong.

Thank you frog3101 for the good wishes. It is very much appreciated.

Thank you minnie56. We have had a very long journey since my first post. I appreciate all your pixie dust and all the hugs through the years. I wish we could have met.
Angelrose, I too have been reading your thread since the beginning but don't believe I have ever posted here. As others have said, I am also so sorry for your recent news. I do know that you will make the best of your situation with Karen and Chuck by your side. You always seem to have so many laughs and such good times with them. You appear to have such a good outlook on life I feel as if you're an inspiration to others. I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to hearing about your next trip to Disney.
Sending you hugs and pixie dust!
Oh Mary, my friend, I am so sad that your news wasn’t good. You have always been in my prayers and I have loved getting to know you and hear about your lovely family. Enjoy your October trip. I’m sure it will be a sweet one.
I am very sorry about your news. You have a great attitude and a wonderful family. You have your trip to Disney to look forward to. Take each day as it comes.
Sending prayers, pixie dust and good thoughts.
Take care
Many people read your threads and at a serious time like you have now, you are hearing from them

It is so uplifting that many are praying for you

All are concerned for you and most have been praying for you a long time

I started reading your threads when you husband took ill and have stayed on your journey ever since

I’ve posted some to you and keep you on my prayer list years back

Wonderful that you moved in with your son and family when you did

They love you tremendously and are there for you
You have a beautiful family in all ways!

I know you are looking forward to your Disney vacation and you will have a lovely time

You are in my prayers
I have read this thread but have not posted before. I have always been amazed by your positive outlook, sense of humor, and your loving family. After reading your update I am even more so. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Disney trip. I know you will make the most of every day and every memory. You will be in my prayers.
Oh I so appreciate all the support and love. I really need it tonight. I am having some problems and Karen is trying to calm me down. I admit I am scared and hope this will pass without getting worse.

Thank you all so much. I can't tell you how your love and prayers have lifted me up. I am determined to go to Disney next month. No matter what!


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