Animal Crossing Issues...

My coconut tree babies have coconuts - I'm so proud :-)

Working on my 4th snowman today - I knew the sizes had to be perfect, didn't know they had to be the same which would explain why yesterday's snowman who looked perfect to me wasn't happy....

My money tree is growing, planted another - no "bells" yet. Yellowponcho - did you plant a bag o' money (bells)? Any luck so far?

DUH caught flies yesterday - they were hanging out around a tire I accidentally left on the beach. I think if you leave a can there that might happen too.

Today I'll read about getting us up and online. So far, we have a wireless router. We don't have laptops so we haven't done this yet.

so much work to do.....
The coconut tree I planted yesterday looks good so far. The store is closed today for expansion. I'm excited to see what it looks like tomorrow.
I'm going to get the game in about an hour...anything else I need?
I bought the strategy book. But you don't need it, you've got us....

I created another citizen of my town. But it looks like he would be able to steal my things! Like my coconuts - which means if DUH signs up, we could be stealing each other blind ..... this might not be a good idea ... I'm tooo selfish. It could get mean ):
The coconut tree I planted yesterday looks good so far. The store is closed today for expansion. I'm excited to see what it looks like tomorrow.

If it's Nook's first expansion, it will look like a 7-11, very futuristic compared to the rest of the town. I have Animal Crossing - Wild World for DS. I also have it on Wii, but it's my daughter's game and she's forbidden me to play with it.

So, have any of you run into Lyle? Lyle is an insurance selling "beaver" I think. He's a pain and won't leave the front of my house, even though I bought a stupid policy off of him. What am I supposed to do have an accident???

Also, here's a great website for all things Wild World. I'm sure some of these things are very similar to what happens on Wii. I've watched my daughter play AC for Wii and we similar characters and interactions with the townsfolk. It seems very similar. Just the actual "functions" are different.
...and bought AC for our new Wii. :banana:

I've been following this thread for a while now and ya'll made it sound like so much fun! Now I've been playing it for the past 4 days pretty much non-stop. So, when I lose my job, drop out of school, and begin neglecting my children and hubby I will blame all of you. I hope you're happy. :rotfl:

Please, please, please help me out with some questions I have:

1. The Auction House. I went there on day one and that freaky looking droid told me that they'd be open for auction starting today at 6:00am. I stopped by around 10:00am was empty. No displays, no way to bid. Now he's telling me the next auction will be on Jan. 9th, starting at 6:00am. Please do not tell me that I have to be there at opening! There is no way on God's greeen earth that I will get up at 6am - not for a gazillion bells.

2. Ruby, the insane rabbit of fiery-red eyes, asked me to help her find a "ribbon shirt" and now she is constantly harrassing me about this $#*@ shirt! I can't find it anywhere! Anybody have any ideas on this one? Oh, and I'm also being harrassed by Poncho, the workout-obsessed bear, about finding a new outfit. I bought him an orange jumpsuit and he rejected it! I don't know what he wants from me!

3. Time traveling? I've seen it mentioned here. Do I just adjust the time on my clock before I begin playing? The guidebook mentions that you may lose anything that was on its way in the mail if you do this. Should I not worry about that? I'd like to try to go back to Thanksgiving & Halloween to get the holiday furniture.

I think that's it for now! ;)

Gotta Get To Disney! :moped:
You will just have to wait for the ribbon shirt to show up somewhere-in the store, falling out of the tree when you shake it, digging it up, getting it as a gift-all the odd ways you get things around here.
I haven't seen an insurance salesman yet.

I had to sell my first set of turnips at a huge loss. That was a bummer.

I did have my first neighbor lose their key last night and ask me to help find it. I had to fish it out of the river but then she gave me 600 bells.
I haven't seen Lyle selling insurance in City Folk yet, but he is in the city, in the Happy Room Academy. I think he mutters something about 'used to be an insurance salesman' in his (long) spiel when you first meet him, so maybe CF doesn't have him shilling insurance.

Though I must admit, one time when I had a policy out in WW, and I bought a fake painting from Redd, Lyle reimbursed me. So he did come in handy, despite being annoying. :upsidedow
Don't forget to stop in at the coffee shop in the museum tonight and listen to KK Slider - and then he'll give you a song you can play in your CD player at home :-)

Say yes - then take your sweet time. They will most likely tell you the next day that they no longer are interested in that item - that it was a passing fad.

Saves you time and money!:lmao:

Sell your turnips by Wednesday or Thursday or you could get screwed....
COULDN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!! Went to 3 stores and everyone was sold out. Found it at Game Stop, but they were closing before I could get there, so I have to wait until tomorrow.
Just so I'm sure, is there just the one AC game for the Wii? I've been looking for CF right?
Just so I'm sure, is there just the one AC game for the Wii? I've been looking for CF right?

That's the one. We bought it and our Wii the day it came out. I play the AC/CF much more than my kids that wanted the game.:rolleyes1
Saw this yesterday when I went to pick up my Wii Speak.

BTW - Disneym2m and I used it last night. She doesn't have one yet, but she said she could hear me clear as a bell - and my kids, and their playing, and everything else! You can turn it on and off, really easy to use!
Saw this yesterday when I went to pick up my Wii Speak.

BTW - Disneym2m and I used it last night. She doesn't have one yet, but she said she could hear me clear as a bell - and my kids, and their playing, and everything else! You can turn it on and off, really easy to use!

Sale ended yesterday and my target was out of stock :(
Cool-I just sold my red turnip for 16,000 bells. The seed cost me 1000 so that's a nice profit and makes up for my loss on the white turnips.
Don't buy in the future and time travel back and expect to sell them the next day...... Your turnips rot - they keep your time clock.....

10,000 bells down the tubes....:rolleyes1 :lmao:
I have been lurking here and reading all of your posts. I received AC for the Wii for Xmas but haven't really played it since Xmas night. And since all of you have made it sound like so much fun and addiciting, I think that I'm going to play it this afternoon. I'll just have to remember that I have to stop to make dinner sometime tonight. Do you think that they have an AC support group?


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