Any Canadians apply to the Cultural Representative Program for next year?


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2005
My daughter just did the Skype interview, waiting to hear about the next step. Just wondering if anyone else has applied, or has a child that applied - I see a College Program section on the DIS but nothing for the year-long Culturual Rep Program to give her and myself others to talk to going through this experience
My DD did the College Program and the Cultural Rep and was accepted for CR again this year..but in the 11th hour declined sadly. She has a good job and when she went to resign they promoted her UGH she had quite the dilemma deciding what to do. In the end--it made sense. The CR job being for a year ...then coming home to unemployment.

Your daughter will have a blast if she gets in! Good Luck!
Good luck to your DD. I did the cultural rep program in 1997 and it is still one of the best years of my life.
Can you explain the different in all of these CR, College program, cultural... Are all of these available to Canadians? Do they all last the same?
Do they all have the same requirements?
DD thanks you :goodvibes

1990 to 1992 Off site
1994 and 1995 Off site
1998 and 1999 Off site
2000 to 2003 All star Sports
2004 to 2011 Pop Century
2012 The World was great again (Pop Century) without the kids for the 1st time
2013 March Disneymoon with the kids
2013 September 2th adult trip, kind of another Disneymoon
Sadly, she did not make it to the next stage - sad for me I guess as she is quite content to keep her current job and go to university next September - there goes my monthly visits to Disney!!:sad:
She is going to appy for the college program instead as there are many more opportunities to work in different aspects of all the parks rather than the CRP where you just work at Epcot in Canada, so I think she's more excited about that. Thanks for all your responses!
The College Program is just for three months or so and yes, Canadians are eligible, although the school they attend has to be on board with it, and the CRP is a one-year program open to any Canadians of any age through Yummy Jobs website.
I did the CRP in 2012 and it was definitely one of the highlights of my life! Many people don't get hired first time around, but encourage her to try again in the future. The ICP is great as well and she will get the chance to work in different areas. I actually really wish I did the ICP back when I was in University, because there are so many jobs at WDW (outside the Canadian Pavilion) I would love to do.

Regardless - I didn't find a lot of information on the DIS boards, but found groups on Facebook or through the WDWIP forum - great resources when she is ready to apply again. Also a lot of people Blog/Vlog about being hired as a CM which can give a lot of great information. :)
Can you explain the different in all of these CR, College program, cultural... Are all of these available to Canadians? Do they all last the same?
Do they all have the same requirements?
DD thanks you :goodvibes

International College Program (ICP) Lasts up to four months. Due to visa/work requirements only students at certain Schools/programs can participate. Open to many different jobs at WDW - anything from lifeguarding to quick service to attractions etc. Can be placed at any hotel/park. Will enter the USA on a J1 Visa.

Cultural Representative Program (CRP) is a 12 month program (possible extension up to 15 months) where you work at the Canadian Pavilion in EPCOT. Will work in either F&B, Merchandise, or Attractions. Cannot work outside of the pavilion. You do not need to be a student - open to anyone over 18. You need to be a Citizen/Resident of the country in which you represent. Entering the USA on a Q1 Visa.

These positions are recruited through Yummy Jobs or more info can be found on the Disney International programs website.
I just applied for the Cultural Exchange program.. still waiting to hear back!! I'm so excited :)
I never even realized this program existed until I saw this, just applying now! So excited!! I do have a question though, everything I've read says that yummyjobs handles the Canadian and UK applications, but before I figured that out I just searched the program and applied through the WDW website section for it. Should I be applying through yummyjobs instead? Thanks everyone!
Just some friendly advice for those who are interviewing.

Make sure you have a thorough knowledge of our great country. You are there to represent Canada and therefore will be asked MANY questions regarding anything from geography to government to the ever popular (lately) health care system both during the interviewing process as well as during your employment with WDW.

Good luck to all!!
I applied in in the summer of 2012 for the 2013 CRP. After a grueling one and a half years of waiting, phone interviews, more waiting, travelling across the country for face-to-face interviews, more waiting, being placed on the Opportunity List, and so much more waiting I was finally offered a position for the summer of 2014! There were so few spots that were released for 2013 that they allowed us to remain on the Opp List until the next years round of (the now) Skype interviews were finished, and I snagged one!
I start in July and I could not be more excited!! But it was certain the more waiting I have ever done for something this important to me in my life.
I applied in in the summer of 2012 for the 2013 CRP. After a grueling one and a half years of waiting, phone interviews, more waiting, travelling across the country for face-to-face interviews, more waiting, being placed on the Opportunity List, and so much more waiting I was finally offered a position for the summer of 2014! There were so few spots that were released for 2013 that they allowed us to remain on the Opp List until the next years round of (the now) Skype interviews were finished, and I snagged one!
I start in July and I could not be more excited!! But it was certain the more waiting I have ever done for something this important to me in my life.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:dance3: You must be so excited!!! Where do you stay when you are working in Orlando? Do you rent an apartment or does Disney have a residence for the out of country CMs? Congrats again!!
My daughter hopefully starts the hospitality program at Algonquin College in the fall of 2014 and the college program is on her radar......I believe Disney comes to this college to recruit. There are some great videos on YouTube about the program. You can even see where the students live.....yes, it is a gated "dorm" type of living.

For those that have done the CP.....I'd love to hear of anything you said or did during the interview process that you think made you stand out for selection. I actually interviewed for the program at Guelph University 29 YEARS ago and I still remember them asking me......."do you always wear that much eye make-up". LOL. I didn't get the job...............
My daughter is there right now, working in Merchandise in the Canada Pavilion and having a blast. It was an adjustment, but has made wonderful friends, and is enjoying all that Disney and surrounding area has to offer. Anyone who has the opportunity to do this, should!!
After finally realizing how impossible it was to get a visa to work elsewhere with Disney I finally applied a few weeks ago for the program & was invited to an in person interview next week!!

Any tips for the interview would bw greatly appreciated!!
I start in July and I could not be more excited!! But it was certain the more waiting I have ever done for something this important to me in my life.

After finally realizing how impossible it was to get a visa to work elsewhere with Disney I finally applied a few weeks ago for the program & was invited to an in person interview next week!!

Any tips for the interview would bw greatly appreciated!!

pixiedust: Congratulations pixiedust: to you both!
After finally realizing how impossible it was to get a visa to work elsewhere with Disney I finally applied a few weeks ago for the program & was invited to an in person interview next week!!

Any tips for the interview would bw greatly appreciated!!

Been a while since I did the program. My brother completed the program more recently, but interview questions were similar. They ask you the normal questions, but I'd say focus on:

1. why you (as opposed to the next person being interviewed)
2. what knowledge you can offer guests in terms of knowledge about Canada/your city/area
3. knowledge of WDW and disney in general
4. what you can contribute to and gain from the unique cultural exchange (living at the commons)
Been a while since I did the program. My brother completed the program more recently, but interview questions were similar. They ask you the normal questions, but I'd say focus on: 1. why you (as opposed to the next person being interviewed) 2. what knowledge you can offer guests in terms of knowledge about Canada/your city/area 3. knowledge of WDW and disney in general 4. what you can contribute to and gain from the unique cultural exchange (living at the commons)

Thanks!! I definitely didnt see them til today haha , but the interview was last Tues & I got the email saying I was hired last Thurs!!! Start in October!! :))


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