any November 15th eastern 7 ngt cruisers out there?

I'm here and will be also until Saturday morning! Very high winds here, also. This little wind storm must be stretching far! I hope the best for everyone's flights. I'm keeping constant check on our weather for Saturday.

Dana, I hope Stephen starts to feel better soon and Mary, I hope you feel better before the weekend.

Michelle :Pinkbounc
ok, i'm packing and cleaning like a mad woman..

quick question - anyone know if the rooms have vcr's???


dana :)
You mean the staterooms on ship, right? No, they don't have VCRs. I believe maybe cat 1 & 2 may have VCRs, but for those of us that are squandering in the lower categories, we don't have one. :p

Hi all --

My goodness, there's a *#$%load of stuff to do before a vacation!!! Still OK here, though tonight I might be frantic. Depends on how packing goes. :rolleyes:

Dana, we're not leaving the Hyatt until 9:45 or so, also with Tiffany. Maybe we should change our res and take the van together! I'm a bit concerned because all they can give us is a booster seat in the towncar. You guys are bringing a carseat for Stephen, right? Think Leif will be OK in a booster?

Only one more night at home!

i think he will be fine in a booster.. we are bringing a car seat that also turns into a stroller for stephen.. tiffany is picking us up a 9am.. i want to get there early.. how many in your party, 4 right?? how much is the van and would you want to leave at 9am??

still packing and cleaning here.. omg, so much still to do.. :)

bummer on the vcr's in the staterooms.. oh well, stephen will have to do without bear :)

Dana --

The van is $200, if I recall... so if we were to split it, it would actually be cheaper than a towncar. We could leave at nine... what do you think? I'd be willing to call about the res...

Julie, in a state of moderate panic :crazy:
This is my last post (probably) as we do the final packing. We are leaving the house at 6:00 tomorrow morning. I am so excited and also realize how much last minute stuff there is to pack. Have fun though!

Can't wait to meet you all. We will be wearing our badges in the terminal, so I am sure we will meet some of you right away.

Take care,
Linda, Have a safe trip:wave2:

It's getting so quiet on this thread, I hope everyone is having a great time. In 24 hours I'll be on the plane:Pinkbounc

It's still a little windy today, I am glad it is supposed to stop before we leave tomorrow.

Have a great Friday and see you all tomorrow:boat:
We are leaving in 20 minutes. Just going to turn the computer off. Can't wait to see you all. Look for our kid's "Canada" shirts (white with maple leaf on) at the terminal.

Happy flying everyone!
Good morning!

There's so few of us left! Linda, if you're still there have a safe trip - see you tomorrow!

Dana, are you flying today out of Logan or TF Green? It's so windy. I haven't heard of any delays or cancellations so I think we're OK. Safe trip to you too.

Michelle, I think it may just be the two of us left until tomorrow morning. All our bags are packed and will be loaded into my car later today.

Just some last cleaning (yes I still have to mop the kitchen floor) and laundry.

I have such BIG butterflies in my stomach. Did I remember everything? What's left to do? I'm a worrier by nature so I always find this time a little stressful. DH just sits back while I do it all (well he does work the long hours). Sometimes you just want a second set of eyes to check over things to make sure you didn't miss something important.

Dropped of "Hold Mail" form at Post office yesterday and today will call the Police to let them know we'll be away (small town).

Had parent/teacher conferences yesterday. So proud of Conor and Devon. Conor is reading at almost 3rd grade level (He's in 1st) and is also advanced in math skills. Devon is also doing great in Kindergarten testing in 99% for skills and teacher also says she is a "great friend." Very pleased. They both love school so much. I'm enjoying it now as I'm sure as they get older this will change (right Michelle!)

Well, off to get the kids ready for school. Will check back later.
Good morning to those of us that are left! I have so much to do today. I think it's Mary, me and Sherry, right? Is anyone else out there???

I have to go to the bank (I haven't set foot inside a bank for SO long thanks to ATM machines and direct deposit!), go to the pharmacy, CLEAN! Ughhh...I shouldn't even be online but I couldn't help myself.

Mary, my household is the same way......I worry about everything so much that my family doesn't have to! They all know it, too. I obsess over things so much that it wouldn't make any sense for anyone else to (even though it would be nice sometimes!). I'm still not sure I have everything done that I wanted to do, but I guess at some point we have to just pray we've done enough.

I'm happy that you got such good reports at school. I have two very opposite boys...Garrett is my scholar. Josh is my socialite. He's much more into his personal/social life, but I guess part of that is that he's 15 years old!

Ok, I should go for now. I'll check back later. I really have to get my PJs off and motivate myself to do something!

Michelle :hyper:
Hi to all the stragglers!

We're still throwing in last-minute things and wrapping it all up. See you guys at the terminal! We'll be wearing our yellow Disney shirts, much to DH's chagrin. Can't wait!

OK, the house is as clean as it's gonna be (yes, I did finally mop the kitchen floor! LOL) and the suitcases are in the car.

The coffee pot is set to brew at 3:30 am and I picked up muffins to take to the airport. I'm hoping that because we have the first flight out, that there will not be any delays due to wind. (Logan is pretty backed up today).

I'm feeling much better today (maybe all those cleaning chemicals opened up my stuffed nose!). Another night of cold medicine should do the trick.

Can't believe tomorrow's the day. I know I'm not going to sleep tonight! I always worry that the alarm won't go off (yes, something else I worry about) so I'm sure I'll just toss and turn with visions of blue Caribbean skies and Disney characters running through my head.

I'll check in again later tonight for a last post and bon voyage.
Well this is my last pre-cruise post!

Just a quick "safe trip" and bon voyage to those of us left. See you all tomorrow!!

Disney Magic--November 15, 2003


Disney Magic sailing up the port channel.


Disney Magic sailing past the Two Palms cam.
I just wanted to hop on the board this morning--in the midst of laundry--and tell you all how wonderful it was to meet you and share such a wonderful experience with folks I considered friends even BEFORE we all met! The first person I met face-to-face was Lisa Graves. I met Lisa about 5 minutes after my hubby, Mike, expressed reservations about me hooking up with "total strangers I'd met online who could be ANYBODY...." Funny... as the week went by, and I found myself running into Lisa, Dana and Michelle several times a day, it seemed, Mike started telling me when he'd seen any of you! As I met more of you, and realized what a great group of folks you really were, Mike had to eat his words and was happy that I'd taken the time to hook up with folks before we'd ever left home. As it turned out, we all felt like we knew someone on the ship from the time we boarded! Tony, Dana, and Stephen--thanks for your wonderful company at dinner every day--Stephen is such a sweetie! I think my Mom wanted to take him home with her! Can't wait to share pictures with you! We have about 10 rolls to drop off at WalMart today--double prints on all of them!

I'm going to e-mail my mailing address to each of youthat I already have in my address book--if I DON"T get somebody, please drop me a note with your e-mail and mailing addresses--I'd love to share or Disney Cruise Lines Christmas card and probably some other stuff with each of you. Dana--I've got yours! Michelle, I had yours on the envelope with the tags, but I've misplaced it (or Mike has cleaned it out....)

Chat with you all soon!
Hi Kim and everyone - I'm in the midst of 7 loads of laundry and think we are just about unpacked. It was great to meet a fantastic bunch of folks and am sorry I missed running into a few of you! We are extremely exhausted and as I was preparing lunch today, I was really missing our wonderful dining servers! I've only got 5 rolls of film, but have three other cameras with various shots still left, so will have to take a lot of photos at our Christmas party in two weeks so I can get them all developed soon! Well back to the shock of reality...can't believe I was sitting on the beach two days ago! Jo
Just got in an hour ago. It was so great to meet everyone. Wish that I would have met you Michelle. I am sure we passed in the halls without even knowing.

You guys are so much fun, and it sure added to the pleasure of the cruise to see so many friendly faces every day. Our kids loved all your kids. They really are sweet.

We had a great day at Disney yesterday. The weather was perfect (probably around 75 degrees and very sunny). We are exhausted and I will be putting Cam to bed in a couple of minutes (Meghan and Brian are only leaving Florida right now - 7:15 flight). I will see them in a couple of hours.

Talk to you all soon!


First of all, let me sincerely apologize that I didn't get to meet everyone. I saw Kim several times and we chatted quite a bit, but it was just by luck that we kept running into each other! My week flew by so quickly and my entire family kept me hopping! It was a blast and I was very sad to see it end. We had perfect weather, didn't we?? How lucky were we? We spent the day in Orlando on Saturday and then we volunteered to bump to a later flight (my parents, my uncle and his wife and me and my boys). We were supposed to fly home at 4:10 and the seven of us agreed to bump to a 7 p.m. flight.......Delta gave us each $400 vouchers and we were still home shortly after midnight!!! Can you believe it? Now my family has $1200 in airfare that we have to use by next November......hmmmmm...wonder where we'll go??

Dana, I was sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well for part of the trip.

Kim, I got your email and I'll respond to it with my address. We also got the Disney cards (as I was behind you in Shutters, I know you knew that!). You are so sweet and I'm so glad that I got to know you a little bit. Should I plan a trip to OK so we can continue to build our friendship? :D I'm sure the hubbies would understand!



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