Any tricky CP interview questions?

I won't hear til about 2 weeks after the audition, which is mid-late April...And I'm donig advantage....THAT'S going to drive me mad lol. I won't have time to get all excited! It's just going to be "Oh I'm accepted....CRAP I HAVE TO PACK!"
Don't worry. You would have about a month to be excited, if you get advantage.
Yeah...last time I did Fall...I was starting to get stuff together in June for a August 13th arrival date haha. I'll be scrambling. I don't think I'm going out for the next show because of it that way I only have to worry about school and getting there.....
When was your last program (you did another program, right?).
Hello everyone! I have a quick question, do you have to do the phone interview before you audition? What if you visit your campus presentation and apply and everything, but the audition closest to you is before your scheduled interview? Can you change the interview?
Hello everyone! I have a quick question, do you have to do the phone interview before you audition? What if you visit your campus presentation and apply and everything, but the audition closest to you is before your scheduled interview? Can you change the interview?

Typically your interview will be one to two days after the presentation... so if the presentation is before the audition, your interview probably will be too.

You are not required to interview before the audition, however, it is preferred that you do. When you audition you'll get a follow up list of things to do; if you haven't interviewed yet, then you have up to two days to do it after your audition. If you audition and do not interview in time, you'll never hear back on how you did and will automatically be declined.

If your campus presentation is after the audition, then I would do the E-Presentation and interview beforehand. You can always attend the campus presentation later if you have any additional questions.
The number one question that you HAVE TO NAIL.........

Why should you be in the CP program.


This is the one question which is FREAKING ME OUT!

I've tried to come up with an answer but they all sound stupid and dorky. Is there a proper answer to this question? Or is it all down to how well you can express how much you want to work and learn while on the program.

I've got parts of the answer like: it'll be a life changing experience, an honor to work and learn while on the program, to further my education (only one in family to have went and graduated college and university), to learn from the best...

Any ideas what else I should say? Or pointer from anyone who has went through a interview.
This is the one question which is FREAKING ME OUT!


Any ideas what else I should say? Or pointer from anyone who has went through a interview.

I don't think very much of that question, in the sense that it ranks extraordinarily highly on the list. I would look toward your goals and what you want to accomplish by doing the program. Do you want a Disney career in the future? Are you looking to gain experience with a top name in entertainment and hospitality? Think about your motivations to do the program, and you can come up with a very honest, well thought answer. What I would avoid is saying that you're doing this program to get away from school or to party. That's really the only two "bad" answers I can think of.

You might think your potential responses are bit cheesy, but there aren't too many responses that I can think of that wouldn't seem to be. Again, I don't really think too much of this question... although this particular question really looks toward your motivation- just be honest.

For the record, I think your responses are fine. Just be prepared to elaborate a little more.
i have read here that they ask you a space moutain question and if i am correct it goes something like this, "if a guest wants to go on space moutain but he is too short what do you do?" i don't know the answer because i did not get asked this

I got that one. My answer was something like "I'd politely tell him that he is not tall enough for this attraction and to enjoy one of our other great rides"


I didn't get put in attractions.
Nobody can tell you what to say on a specific question. I am a 3x CP, and a Campus Rep. I always tell my students to be genuine and professional, and they'll do fine.

The other piece of advice: do your Disney research ahead of time. There is a good chance they will want to know about your favorite movie or character. Make sure that whatever you say is Disney. Balto/Anastasia/Fern Gully are not Disney. Being animated does not make it Disney! Believe me, I wouldn't be saying this if I hadn't seen it in action.

The other thing is that if you go to a presentation, be professional. The recruiter and reps will be assessing you. Do not sleep through the presentation (have seen this happen). Be aware that if you have a criminal record, it will work against you (have seen this happen.) Dress professionally, and realize if you have visible tattoos or piercings, you will be asked about yoru ability to conceal or remove them. Do not talk to your neighbor during the presentation. Believe it or not, we are watching you and assessing you.
I plan on trying to work there next summer. It would be amazing if I get accepted.
bmt: Just to let you know, if you are applying for the College Program, you are required to take a semester off. The CP seasons are:

-Spring (Jan-May)
-Spring Advantage (Jan-Aug)
-Fall Advantage (May-Jan)
-Fall (Aug-Jan)

There is no summer program for first tiem CPs. Once you have participated on the CP, you can then return as a Summer Alumni. If you just want to work there for the summer and have not been on a CP before, you can try to go seasonal, but they will not provide you with housing or transportation.
I've done the program 3x, I think Joanna is getting ready for her 4th, I had a roommate who had done it somewhere between 6 and 8. As long as you are in college when you apply, you can do it as many times as you like. (Don't forget to keep your record card clean).
Record card?

Yeah, during your program you will have an official record that notes any attendance issues (call-ins, late arrivals, etc.), discipline and any recognition. Even though it doesn't carry over from program to program, it can and will be reviewed if you ever re-apply for the program or to the company.


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