Any tricky CP interview questions?

So I just scheduled my phone interview! Feb 24, so I've got a while to prepare and be unnecessarily nervous about it, haha. I've applied twice before for DCP but never got this far before. I'm really excited! Last night I was up really late reading through this thread and writing down practice answers for some of the questions. I'm so so so thankful that others have been willing to share and help with this, because otherwise I don't think I'd be as prepared as I should be. I have the answers in me, I just don't always think of a way to articulate them the way I'd want on the spot.
So I just scheduled my phone interview! Feb 24, so I've got a while to prepare and be unnecessarily nervous about it, haha. I've applied twice before for DCP but never got this far before. I'm really excited! Last night I was up really late reading through this thread and writing down practice answers for some of the questions. I'm so so so thankful that others have been willing to share and help with this, because otherwise I don't think I'd be as prepared as I should be. I have the answers in me, I just don't always think of a way to articulate them the way I'd want on the spot.

This is definitely my favourite thread by far! I've found that reading through the questions and answering them as they apply to me make things a bit more focused.

Anna, if the concern is articulating the answers on the spot you could always write a few notes, just not to the point that you would be scripting them. I made my key points relevant on my notes, and that's what I emphasize upon.

If in doubt, you could always just reply "That's a really, good question! I'd like a moment to consider it completely."

You've got it in you! *high five*

I'd also highly recommend checking out Kate's Phone Interview Tips!

Let me know if you need any more advice!

Have a Magical Day! :smickey:
RogerRadcliffe said:
Anna, if the concern is articulating the answers on the spot you could always write a few notes, just not to the point that you would be scripting them. I made my key points relevant on my notes, and that's what I emphasize upon.

If in doubt, you could always just reply "That's a really, good question! I'd like a moment to consider it completely."

You've got it in you! *high five*

I'd also highly recommend checking out Kate's Phone Interview Tips! [link omitted because user candlehead is a noob and isn't allowed to post or even quote links yet]

Let me know if you need any more advice!

Have a Magical Day! :smickey:

Oh, I will definitely have some notes to look at. Thanks for all the tips! I don't even think I could write a script if i wanted to, haha. "That's a really good question, could I have a moment to think about it?" I'll start practicing that line right now. :P

I will also be checking out Kate's tips ASAP!

Everyone's so helpful and it's just so lovely. ^__^
I have my interview tomorrow for my second DCP! I am so incredibly nervous because this is my LAST CHANCE to do it again (I am graduating in May). It was the best experience of my life and I hope I get in! Has anyone here applied before and is going for it again?


So excited/nervous/anxious for tomorrow!
I have my interview tomorrow for my second DCP! I am so incredibly nervous because this is my LAST CHANCE to do it again (I am graduating in May). It was the best experience of my life and I hope I get in! Has anyone here applied before and is going for it again?


So excited/nervous/anxious for tomorrow!

I'm in the same exact situation, only I did my CP a year earlier than you. :) Graduating in April and it's my last chance, so I'm so nervous! I'm so glad this thread is here so I can prepare as much as possible since it has been 3 years since I applied last and I've forgotten some of the questions I was asked. (And I put emphasis on wanting different roles this time around since I ended up meeting people who really enjoyed roles that I thought I didn't want last time, like Character Attendant.)

Good luck on your interview! :goodvibes
I just had my phone interview today and these are the questions she asked me, so I hope this helps anyone who is stressing out about their interview like I know I was. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Just remember to smile and be as comfortable as possible because it really shows. I am just hoping that I sounded enthusiastic enough during my interview because I was really nervous. So my advice is to make sure you don't let your nerves get to you and be as enthusiastic when talking to your interviewer as you are when talking about this to your friends.

1- Have I ever worked for Walt Disney World before?

2- Why do I want to participate in the college program?

3- What are my top two job choices while in the program?

4- Are you comfortable speaking in front of crowds and why? (list specific experience with public speaking)

5- Are you familiar with the pay rates Disney offers its cast members?

6- Are you familiar with the Disney look?

7- Name a time you had multiple things to do and what you did in that situation. (Not exactly how it was asked but it was generally worded like this)

8- Have you ever lived with someone else in a college dormitory?

9- Are you comfortable with being interrupted and how has your previous job experience prepared you for that?

10- Why are you interested in photography?

11- Do you feel you are a strong swimmer?

12- Do you have any visible piercings or tattoos that are visible when you wear a bathing suit?

13- This question pretty much asked how comfortable I was with saving someone or something along those lines. Which I hope my answer was okay, I said something like I am pretty comfortable doing so because I have previously taken courses in CPR so with the proper training I believe I can do the job.

This is all I can really remember from my interview, but if I remember anything else I will post that as well. My interview only lasted about 11 minutes, so I am not sure if that is good or bad either because of course the interviewers are trained not to be leading during the interview as to whether or not you are going to be accepted, but I am keeping my fingers crossed! Hope this helps!!! :)
I was also asked What I would expect from the host at a full service food and beverage restaurant and if I have a valid drivers license. Hope these help!
I know they asked me why do I want to work for Disney. It can be a tricky question to answer. Also if you only picked a certian amout of roles and not all they usually will ask "would you be willing to work all" I said yes because it makes your chances to get in better! My first choice was attractions and I got it! :D
I know they asked me why do I want to work for Disney. It can be a tricky question to answer. Also if you only picked a certian amout of roles and not all they usually will ask "would you be willing to work all" I said yes because it makes your chances to get in better! My first choice was attractions and I got it! :D

They don't usually say all, they ask if you're willing to work QSFB or custodial. I do not suggest that you say yes to those roles unless you're legitimately willing to accept those roles. Keep in mind the role you're offered is it, it is rare for it to be changed and usually involves medical conditions.Be sure to mark roles you are willing to do. While I don't think custodial or housekeeping are bad roles, they are ones I would not personally be able to do. Don't be miserable for 6 months.

As for why they're asking why you want to work for Disney - I have done enough interviews, this is just like any other job interview. You don't have to be a Disney fanatic. You can say for the resume experience or the opportunity to see something new. Just be informed and have a good solid reason about why you want to do it. It has to show though you're willing to work as it is not all about just loving Disney.

That being said, best of luck to everyone applying!
@Musings...well said and I add a hearty Amen...My son said he would be willing to do Custodial...and that's what he got...Hasn't accepted yet, and may not. But that was his doing, and he knew it ahead of time.

Also, as far as tricky questions...he did not indicate interest in transportation, and they asked him about it which kind of took him by surprise, so not too sure how he answered be prepared for that.
A couple questions I wasn't really prepared for: first I got asked about why I'd be good for housekeeping or custodial, which i was ready for. I mentioned my current job at the local library and how it's sort of given me a compulsion toward tidying and straightening things up then I was asked, "What is it you like about cleaning?" this took me by surprise. I said that I like seeing the end result, making stuff look nice for others and myself, and just making sure everything's in the right place. Hopefully that was okay. Later on, I was asked, "How do you stay clam in an emergency situation?" this through me for a loop, I hope my nervousness with my answer didn't ruin what I said. (I um-ed a few times before getting any words out.) I said that I'd never really dealt with an emergency before (should have said "thankfully") but if faced with one, I'd do my best to stay calm and follow procedures to make sure everything was handled quickly and well.
A couple questions I wasn't really prepared for: first I got asked about why I'd be good for housekeeping or custodial, which i was ready for. I mentioned my current job at the local library and how it's sort of given me a compulsion toward tidying and straightening things up then I was asked, "What is it you like about cleaning?" this took me by surprise. I said that I like seeing the end result, making stuff look nice for others and myself, and just making sure everything's in the right place. Hopefully that was okay. Later on, I was asked, "How do you stay clam in an emergency situation?" this through me for a loop, I hope my nervousness with my answer didn't ruin what I said. (I um-ed a few times before getting any words out.) I said that I'd never really dealt with an emergency before (should have said "thankfully") but if faced with one, I'd do my best to stay calm and follow procedures to make sure everything was handled quickly and well.
Your cleaning answered seemed perfect to me :) , also the emergency one was very good... you were honest and they couldn't (in my mind) expect any more without having experiences with it. I was asked the emergency question as well, which I answered that both my natural personality and past experiences (listed that with 2 older siblings, there were many accidents like falling out of trees and scuffles [regretting adding that part after] that ended with stitches, bumps and such as kids.
A couple questions I wasn't really prepared for: first I got asked about why I'd be good for housekeeping or custodial, which i was ready for. I mentioned my current job at the local library and how it's sort of given me a compulsion toward tidying and straightening things up then I was asked, "What is it you like about cleaning?" this took me by surprise. I said that I like seeing the end result, making stuff look nice for others and myself, and just making sure everything's in the right place. Hopefully that was okay. Later on, I was asked, "How do you stay clam in an emergency situation?" this through me for a loop, I hope my nervousness with my answer didn't ruin what I said. (I um-ed a few times before getting any words out.) I said that I'd never really dealt with an emergency before (should have said "thankfully") but if faced with one, I'd do my best to stay calm and follow procedures to make sure everything was handled quickly and well.

It sounds like you had a very good interview! Your answer about the emergency situation was really good too. You were honest and said you'd try to the most important thing, stay calm. Having worked in a grocery store for 8 years I've had the misfortune of having customers have heart attacks serious medical issues and lost children while shopping and the HARDEST thing to do is to stay calm and not panic.
A couple questions I wasn't really prepared for: first I got asked about why I'd be good for housekeeping or custodial, which i was ready for. I mentioned my current job at the local library and how it's sort of given me a compulsion toward tidying and straightening things up then I was asked, "What is it you like about cleaning?" this took me by surprise. I said that I like seeing the end result, making stuff look nice for others and myself, and just making sure everything's in the right place. Hopefully that was okay. Later on, I was asked, "How do you stay calm in an emergency situation?" this through me for a loop, I hope my nervousness with my answer didn't ruin what I said. (I um-ed a few times before getting any words out.) I said that I'd never really dealt with an emergency before (should have said "thankfully") but if faced with one, I'd do my best to stay calm and follow procedures to make sure everything was handled quickly and well.
It honestly sound like you gave honest answers, as that's what they want. At the end of the day you tried your best, and did what you thought was right.

As someone currently working retail, in terms of answer the "emergency situation" I think you're fine as long as you don't answer saying you'd "have a panic attack" or "just ignore the situation". As long as you have everyone's intentions of keeping them safe, and calm is that you want to get at. You can't really speak to something you don't know.

Working retail has really taught me a lot as well, in terms of how to deal with missing children and emergency situations, as each place of business typically has specific ways they want these handled. The one thing I've found surprising is that my Boy Scouts and Medical training has become more useful than anything else as I have yet been told how to deal with an emergency situation.I typically follow the Stay Calm, Find Safety, Address the Situation, Assess the situation, and Help. I'm always the guy that's sent to help out with missing children (lost parents in my mind) as I'm the only one that really knows how to keep kids smiling and calm. :)

At the end of everything, you tried your best and it will get you far!

Have a Magical Day! :smickey:
I also got asked about transportation too I was pretty surprised.

The one that really got me though was when they asked about my experience OUTSIDE of when I worked for Disney before, which was hard as all I've had was a paper route. she asked about a challenge I had with it and in the 5 years I couldn't think of single thing so I was silent for a while, tried to come up with something and just said 'well it was inside..' so she asked what that meant and I answered and we moved on haha. it was terrible but she was really nice so I hope it's ok otherwise haha.
I just had my phone interview!

My interviewer was named Jenny. She sounded a bit like Jayma Mays from Glee if she had an Australian (maybe English?) twinge to her accent. (Is twinge a word? It sounds right here. Anyway...)

It was quite short, only 10 minutes, but I also speak fast in general and even faster when I'm nervous... but I have good diction and pronunciation, so hopefully it wasn't too much of an issue.

I told her my preference was for Disney World, though I applied for both resorts. I told her my top three roles were Character Attendant, PhotoPass Photographer, and BBB/Pirates League Hostess. I think she asked me about Character Attendant, and she asked my why I wanted that position. We also spoke about BBB. She asked me what I would do if a child was uncomfortable about getting her/his hair and makeup done. She did not ask me any PhotoPass questions.

She also asked me about what I think good teamwork is, if I'm comfortable working inside and outside, experiences with roommates... and other standard things like that.

I think it went pretty well! She told me I should hear via my dashboard within 2 weeks. Is that a standard time? I know some people in the past have waited much longer to hear, and I was curious if that's the same time range they were given. For my last program, she told me that and I heard in 10 days, so hopefully it works out again that way!
ArielinWonderland said:
She told me I should hear via my dashboard within 2 weeks. Is that a standard time? I know some people in the past have waited much longer to hear, and I was curious if that's the same time range they were given. For my last program, she told me that and I heard in 10 days, so hopefully it works out again that way!

Two weeks was what I was told and am hearing from most everyone... as long as you don't get a pending email. That potentially lengthens your waiting time. Most people that have had to wait longer have been pended. (Which is where I am. :P)

Also... twinge is definitely a word.
Okay so I applied and did my phone interview last night and now I got the email saying you will hear from us in 2-3 weeks but when I log into the dashboard next to the date where I applied it says no longer in consideration but I didn't get like an email about it so is that how you know you didn't get in or do they send you a second notification or does that mean something else?
cassandre said:
Okay so I applied and did my phone interview last night and now I got the email saying you will hear from us in 2-3 weeks but when I log into the dashboard next to the date where I applied it says no longer in consideration but I didn't get like an email about it so is that how you know you didn't get in or do they send you a second notification or does that mean something else?

first, make sure that's not from a time you applied previously. second, if it is a true nlic, you should get an email after it shows on your dash. sorry to hear it, if so.
I have my phone interview this evening for a DCP position. First of all thank you so much for posting all of the wonderful advice! it has all been very helpful.

Anyway, I was trying to log onto my dashboard and it seems that I have forgotten what I made my password. :( I have tried clicking the forgotten password button but nothing is happening and no emails are being sent to my email. I am positive that I am using the correct email address. Does anyone know anything I can do to try and recover this seeing as its pretty important?


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