Anyone Driven to Florida Lately?


Atlantic Canada
Aug 14, 2000
Anyone driven to Florida lately? Can you tell me if you experienced any problems driving down or back? Thanks.
My brother-in-law just got back. He drove from London, Ontario. No problems at the border or on the road trip.:)
We left last Friday and got home today. NO PROBLEMS whatsoever.

hi bmt - We are leaving this week to drive down. Will post a reply to you when we get back.
Allayden in Halifax
Just got back yesterday. Crossing the border was a breeze. We had a friend of DD's with us so we expected it to take a bit longer but it didn't. About 5 minutes including the wait in line to cross over and under 5 to cross back.
I had heard of Canadians being refused gas in the States. Has anyone else heard of this? We leave on Wd to drive down to WDW.
Sorry to do this again -
Flower4 noticed you are on the boards
I just sent you a PM.
My sister & I had problems last year at a Shell Station at #175 in KT. It was an AmeriStop Shell station. They refused to give us gas when they found out we were Canadian and that was a year ago. I can just imagine what they would be doing this year. I did call Shell and complain but I really don't think it went anywhere. They called me back at first and said they didn't have a Shell there but after telling them that I knew the mile marker, the town, what the stop was called they finally said that they had a stop there but were sure we could have gotten gas. Now, when we were told that no they wouldn't release the pumps for Canadians I think we wouldn't have gotten gas. Thank goodness there was another Shell the next stop ahead and they were wonderful.


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