Anyone else feel sad or lost when...


DIS Veteran
Apr 28, 2001
Anyone else feel sad or lost when you've finsihed all your pre-trip prep work?

PS for lots of meals booked....itinerary set....surprises for kids bought....DH's tee time booked...Dolphins in Depth booked for my mother...transportation to hotel booked...I've been so busy with all the prep work and having a blast with it all, that I almost feel lost now that it's all done. What do you do to pass the time when you think you've done everything already? Any suggestions for beating the pre-trip waiting blues....Or is there anything I need to double check and make sure I didn't overlook... :eek:

Oh I can relate to this one - these last days before my trip are driving me crazy. I am distracted at work - but I guess it doesn't help that my cube is covered in WDW pics and I listen to Disney music all day!! LOL!!! But hey, it's an addiction that I can live with.
I'm there too, but I'm determined not to start packing yet....I'm afraid I'll get tired of looking at the suitcases and just pick them up and run out the door with them.

Packing is going to be hard since I'm taking DD(28) & DGD(7) and they don't live with me. I can't seem to get my DD to get on with the program. DGD & I even gave DD a packing list & made a "Disney Box" for DD to put the stuff in once she's gotten it. Well, she's gotten two disposable water cameras in it and that's it. :rolleyes:
I'm a long way off from being done since we are going in March but I'm in the opposite kind of situation. For us it is too early to start making ps's and all that , but every day I check the dis boards for some new info. That keeps me content. However, maybe that could work for you too, keeping reading the dis in anticipation of a all those magical moments. Have you made a packing list?? That could kill some time. Well good luck managing all that untapped Disney energy and have a great time:wave: :p :teeth: :wave: :p :teeth: :wave: :p :teeth:
Sad, lost and now really nervous about the weather. We're going in 8 days - I'm all packed, ready to ship out supplies and looking at all the time. I try to get some relief by watching some Travel Channel specials on the parks and resorts that we recently taped. I've also been to the Disney Store so much that they expect me. I'm cleaning and organizing closets and planning home projects - but not getting much work done.
I sometimes think my DH has more fun planning the trip than taking the trip.....well maybe not. We are never done planning, there are always some last minute things that one of us will think of to do. But, when there is a lull we sit together in front of the computer and read the posts on this site. Or we have a glass of wine and talk about how we will spend our days and nights at the world. We also love to read the guide books. My DD (6) often comes to us and will say "let's talk Disney." I know, I know, brainwashed at such a young age. What can I say we are obsessed.

154 days till we are there!!
Happy planning!!!
I feel even more sad and lost. MY trip is over! It was wonderful. Now, I just browse these boards with no future trip in mind!

How 'bout trying a Disney Family Movie night??!! Try watching your Disney classic movies to brush yourselves up on some of the trivia you will be needing to know while on your trip. (Cinderella, Snow White, Dumbo, Fantasia etc.....) Gets ya all psyched up!!! It does me anyway. Have a blast on your trip. When is it, by the way??


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