Anyone else watch the Superbowl for the commercials?


S/D Cheerleader & SSB Tormentor
Feb 16, 2000
Tonight's news showed a "preview" of a commercial to be aired during the Superbowl.

If you want to be surprised...back away from the thread! LOL

It showed Ozzy Osborne with his kids, Kelly and Jack, and then all of a sudden they peeled off their "suits" and turned into
Donny and Marie Osmond!! :teeth: Ozzy bugs out and yells "Sharrooooonnnnn!!!" (I think he wakes up from the nightmare after I'm totally cracking up, and I can't wait to see the whole thing, and what product the commercial is hawking. What a hoot! :teeth:
Ok, I really like the game, but I like the commercials just as much. lol shhhhhhh
I watch the game for the commercials, and then watch Good Morning America the next day for the analysis of the commercials (guess I need other people to tell me what I like).
I "watch" the game because we are usually at a Super Bowl party. Watch is is quotations because I end up sitting in the kitchen gabbing with the girls while the boys sit in the family room screaming at the TV. I do like the commercials though, so I am glad that the house we go to for the party has a sort of great room effect, so you can see the TV from the kitchen.
Originally posted by CookieGVB
I'm totally cracking up, and I can't wait to see the whole thing, and what product the commercial is hawking. What a hoot! :teeth:

It's a Pepsi commercial ...... I saw the preview after watching the Osbourne's last night.
I have no interest in either team this year. I just had said to DH this morning that I would be watching only for the commercials. (That and half time.)
It's defiantly for the commercials, I hate pro football, the only thing I can stand is college and thats just for the TN vols
I used to watch it for the half time show, but lately that is AWFUL!:rolleyes:
I usually videotape the game so that I can fast forward through the game to get to the commercials. Last year, I video captured the commercials. They took up TONS of space on my hard drive and I never did anything with them. I was originally planning to edit them and combine them into a single VideoCD that I could play on my DVD player. Then I realized that it was a big waste of time (and disk space), so I deleted them. I'm not sure if I'll even bother taping the game this year.
That's the only reason I would watch it.
I never watch the superbowl. My husband loves those commercials though :)
IF I were going to watch the game, and thats a big IF, it would only be for the commercials OR if my DH buys into a pool where we could win some money.....that adds a little interest to it :)

otherwise...I'd rather work on my taxes :rolleyes:
Well this one's actually a good matchup so I will be watching the game for the game and the commercials.
I absolutely hate pro football. I watch only for the half time show and commercials. I actually don't like any sports other than drag racing. Now if they were to show an NHRA event on TV, you can bet I'd be tuned in!!
Only reason why I want it is for the commericals!;)
My dd & I always used to watch the game together then she got married. Last year I happened to be down in Florida and was invited to a party there so got to see it on a big screen TV. I really love the commercials and couldn't wait for them to come on. Now the question. I know that the Superbowl is this weekend but what day and what time? I think it is usually on Sunday's right? My oldest dd & I spent many a Superbowl weekend in Buffalo. We didn't try and make it that day it just always seemed to happen. It is really funny in our house because I like sports (I play volleyball in the winter and baseball in the summer) and my dh doesn't like sports.


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