Anyone ever use Snapfish

Doesn't the x-raying of mail to decontaminate the mail, affect the film when we mail it to Snapfish? Thanks
The reason for calling the post office whether registered or not, is to find out if the system is running slow. I agree also that being in Southern NJ I am sure it is extremely slow! In fact dont they have to clean everything? While that happens doesnt the mail stop being processed? My husband also said that sometimes depending on what part of the country you are sending the mail to, it can be sent to a third location where it is sorted, and then passed on to another state. For instance, all of Utahs mail is sent to Idaho before it ever makes it to Utah, and thats just because of the large scale plant in Idaho. Like I said before, if there isnt anything within a couple of weeks, I would call the post office first and find out if the mail was delayed. That will give you an idea on how long to wait on Snapfish.

Good luck! We lost the very last family gathering pictures of our family once, with four generations, and they were taken by professionals who lost them!
According to the spokesperson for the company that is manufacturing these new scanners for the post office, it will not bother credit cards or anything with a magnetic strip, but, it will destroy exposed and unexposed film. That, definitely, would discourage me from sending film via the mail.
Gail, Is this happening now? What will happen to all of these mail away film companies? Wonder if the mail will be sending out info regarding this or will the film just get fried and they will say oops? I must say I loved mail in film I would take the mailers with me on trips and be so excited when I got home they would either be on line or back!
Shuvo, I'm not disagreeing with anything said here because I have not heard of any of it except from these boards, but I sent my film (4 rolls) into Snapfish this last Friday and I was notified this morning that my film is online and I went to see it and they all came out and I have been captioning my pictures all morning. Maybe this is happening to just some areas? I mailed mine from work which is in NYC, Fifth Avenue to be precise. I don't know if I'm lucky but I've had no problems yet!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
These scanners are not in all locations yet. Personally, I would not take the chance of "finding" the one post office or clearing area with one.


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