Anyone going to Disney World......this is the best tip of them all........HONEST


Dec 28, 1999
if for some need a first aid station.......each park has one somewheres......if you need one......and can't find it......ask a CM.......on our trip last year......our grand daughter had rubbed her eyes and got sun block in them........she was in alot of distress.....they burned......that was at Animal Kingdom.......we took her to the first aid station and within ten minutes......she came out happy as a lark........they had to flush her eyes out........the end of our vacation......our grandson broke a wire in his braces......and it was sticking in his gums......well......MGM studio first aid actually had the gum stuff that went on the end of the brackett that was broken.......some one fell and had a big sore on their knee and they were treated at the same time as our grand they are very well equipped......if you need them........go and ask.....they are there.......
Make sure if you are going with children that, at the very least, you write down on a piece of paper, index card, whatever, the child's name, the parents' names, contact info, etc., and put it in their pocket! Then talk to your kids about how to look for a CM if you get separated from them.
It happened to us at Epcot WS last week. Because both our kids were feeling the heat that day, we rented a stroller so they could relax a little. As we were walking away from Italy towards Germany, I must have stopped the stroller for a second and our 8 year-old hopped out, and neither my wife nor I noticed it. Our other son, 6 years old, didn't think anything of it. So, we get down to Germany and ask our 8 year-old a question--no response--he's gone!! So we start looking around, heading back towards Italy and calling out for him. We start to talk to a CM about what's going on when my wife's cell phone rings--it's WDW security, and they have our son up by the American pavilion! So we haul up there, and he's with Jacqueline from security, who thanked us a lot for making her job 100 times easier by giving our son that contact info. She said that we'd be really surprised how many children get separated there and don't have any info with them, and again thanked us for making their job so much easier.
So, be sure to have that talk with your kids about what do in that situation--these things can and do happen!
Great tip, Pumba! Thanks! :D
This certainly is a great tip of major importance. Good to know that the first aid stations are well equipped.

<font color=red size=4>We're on our way in just 2 days!</font></font>
<font color=blue size=5>Smoke be gone!!!</font></font>
Thanks have some great info as learn something new here everyday...:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
They will treat blisters as well.....

It seems like we always have one trip to the fist aid station on every trip to WDW! In December it was a trip to the hospital, I've never seen so many undercover security come out of the woodwork to help my daughter when she fell.
3 years ago, I was at Typhoon Lagoon. My DD and DS were with me and we decided to get somthing to eat. We went to a stand that was selling sandwhiches and stuff. They handed me a tray with the drinks and sandwhiches and I started to turn away, and BANG! MY shins hit something hard and I dropped the tray and fell on top of the flat bed dolly that some idiot had rolled in my way! I actually did not fall flat, thank god, but everyone got a good view of my butt up in the air!! About 4 people came running over to me and asked if I was o.k. I was MORE embarressed than anything, but suffered NO major injury. One of the CM's had to ask me 3 times if I needed medical attention. Why? He said that's the rules! Other than a small scrape on my right leg, I was fine. He wanted to know how I got hurt and I told him about the dolly that was in my way, that I could NOT see while holding the tray! Boy, did that worker get an earfull!! my food and drinks were replaced for free, even extra sandwhiches at NO charge!! Good thing I wasn't a lawyer.......!
That is the scariest thing to happen at WDW is to lose a child. My DD was about 8 when we lost her in Germany. She followed the wrong person when going to the restroom. After a few intense moments, a security CM brought her back to "Germany" where we were. Also, tell the kids to yell your real name, not mommy or daddy. My daughter did and I actually heard her, but couldn't see her - PLus, I thought she was with our friend. She said she was crying and NO ONE would help her. She came up with the idea of a whistle for the next trip. People listen to whistles! Also, gave her a 2-way radio.


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