Anyone heard of Coronado Springs closing?

Leia's Mom

Goofy Runner
Sep 6, 2001
Rumor on Screamscape as follows:

"In addition to the French Quarter being shut down, we’ve heard from a couple of readers who were trying to get rooms at Disney that the Coronado Springs resort may also be closing down in the near future. They were denied reservations to both this and the French Quarter. Anyone else?"

Anyone heard of this? I am particularly concerned as I was ousted from POFQ and now have reservatiosn at CSR. I will not be pleased if I am bumped again . . .
Yes, I have heard this from someone I hold to a very high degree of confidence.
I did not hear this about CSR but I did hear it about POR....and that POFQ will be down for about 2 years. Who knows what will happen!

Did you hear any details on when, whether it will be all or some, or anything else?

Still hoping it isn't true . . .
While I personally have no way of knowing what WDW's plans are, closing Coronado would really surprise me. I know business is down, and no doubt the convention business at CSR has evaporated as well. But, surely there are at least a few meetings still scheduled for CSR (especially next year) which would be adversely affected by such a closure (perhaps, like guests, they could be moved to other Disney facilities, perhaps not). So, the decision to close CSR isn't so simple as PO-FQ. still shows availability (from $89) at Coronado for dates through at least March 2002 (the longest I checked).

In the above posts we have rumors to close PO-R and Coronado. Both can't be true. I'm also shocked at any idea of shuttering FQ for up to two years - it's very difficult to predict right now what reservations will look like by next spring, let alone 1-2 years from now. French Quarter hopefully will be needed before then. Perhaps CSR and PO-R were considered as alternatives to closing FQ before a final decision was made (or as contingency plans)?
I hope not! We just booked there for the first week of January!

I will watch for updates.

I also think they must have conventions in place for next year. Also, why 2 moderates closed and nothing else. That's one way to get me to try a different resort.
OK, here is what I heard.

CSR will phase down bookings to the point where only convention travellers will be staying there. I would assume that means the closure of the Ranchos and Cabanas, but that's just a guess. I was also told that it may still be used for overflow when PORS & CBR get booked.

Of course, there is another circling rumor that buildings at both of those moderates are closing as well. But, that doesn't come to me from a reliable source.

I have no info on dates or timing otherwise.
Originally posted by gcurling
CSR will phase down bookings to the point where only convention travellers will be staying there. I would assume that means the closure of the Ranchos and Cabanas, but that's just a guess. I was also told that it may still be used for overflow when PORS & CBR get booked.

I presume the entire CSR resort will eventually only be "open" when a convention "event" is scheduled, or in busy seasons (summer, holidays) when the other moderates are booked. What I couldn't figure out before was why WDW would jeopardize convention business to cut-costs in closing a resort. Now, perhaps open CSR, and the Ranchos & Cabanas (and resort restaurants, etc) just when demand warrants, such as for larger convention groups. That arrangement makes sense, but I wouldn't have thought it would save WDW a great deal financially.

Perhaps (I'm speculating a lot today) buildings have closed at PO-R and CBR temporariily for low bookings, but these will open back up as reservations pick-up (notably for Christmas-New Year's) over the coming months and CSR "phases down" its accomodations
I find it interesting that the Moderates are the ones being hit. I have a suspicion that we may be seeing something of the future here.

Deluxes are not being affected, All-stars are not being affected. could it be that we will no longer see a moderate resort? At least not for the next 2 years?
All-stars are not being affected. could it be that we will no longer see a moderate resort? At least not for the next 2 years?
...All-Stars, no, but the Values have taken their whipping with the open-ended delay of Pop Century.

I think they've simply built too many rooms too fast over the past several years, and those chickens are coming home to roost (poorly chosen cliche, true: the problem is there _ain't_ nobody roosting, at the moment). No doubt 9-11 exacerbated the problem something fierce, but something along these lines was going to happen to some extent, sometime soon.

This sounds a lot like Euro-Disney. Overbuilt hotels, ressession .. now what?

You make some really good points. Simply put, before 9-11, we sat here wondering what in the world the heads high in the clouds execs at Disney were thinking with the rather large growth in hotel rooms. The robust economy was going to cool just to what degree wasn't known, as we just went through a boom time not seen since the '20s. Instead, it seems to us that Disney continued their "if we build it, they will come because it's Disney" mentality. That's a rather large mistake, as they have learned the hard way. An almost 6,000 room value resort being built at this time seemed insane, now it just doesn't seem insane, it is.

Disney has oversaturated their property with hotels, but put the attractions on the backburner. That doesn't make much business sense to me, but my name isn't Eisner, Pressler, Staggs, etc., so who cares what any of us say. :)

--E & J

Because Piglet203 and I will be staying at CSR in May, I called this morning to ask if they could tell me anything about the possibility of sections being shut down or the whole resort being shut down. The first woman I spoke to said that she had heard nothing of the sort. She then transferred me to the front desk. I spoke with an extremely nice lady who said that, as of right now, there are certain floors, not sections, being shut down for refurbishment. She did not specify what section or sections these refurbishments would be in. She also told me that if there is to be a large section of the resort to close, they would not know until after New Year's. She seemed very reassuring in saying that an overall shut down of the resort would be very unlikely. She finished by telling me that for the time that Piglet203 and I are going(the end of May into June) it is even more unlikely that there would be a shutdown then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that she is right. Piglet203 and I have put a lot of planning and daydreaming into this vacation. We don't want anything to spoil our plans. However, we are going to have a great time no matter where we stay, as long as we're at WDW together.

203 days to go!!!
Thanks Mickey!!

Good news I hope. Our family will be there at the beginning of May.
Standard Operating Procedure for WDW lately has been to reply to any question about anything that has not been part of an official press release by saying,

"I am not aware of any current plans to ..."
A friend's daughter is at WDW right now in the college program, and she had heard rumors that CSR was going to be the next resort to shut down. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I feel bad for all of those who have planned for so long to go and now face uncertainty.
We have reservations for the CSR on the 19th! I hope that this won't affect my trip because I am so excited about staying there.
"The rumors of the Coronado Springs resort closing down are false it seems, though Disney has said that they have closed down certain ‘floors’ or ‘buildings’ at many of their resorts, limiting the normal capacity. However, many of you have found it difficult if impossible to book a room at Coronado Springs due to some conventions planned for the resort as well as the fact that many of the guests who had reservations at the French Quarter have been moved to Coronado Springs instead."


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