Anyone planning a Dec 11, 2004 cruise?


<font color=red>Okay, I'm excited...<br><font colo
Dec 26, 1999
I know it's a little early to do a roll call, but I would like to hear from ya.

Here we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our group of 8 will be sailing on the Dec. 11th EASTERN!
My family - me, DH, DS9, DS6
My sister's family - her, DH, DS8, DD5
I can't believe that it is finally LESS than 1 year :sunny:

Hope 2004 flies by!!:wave2:
We will be traveling with 8 too..
Myself, DH- Rob
Dd- 13, dd 8, dd 8 ( They turn 9 on the last day of the cruise), ds 6, and my parents.

I'm ready to start packing now. I was at the mall yesterday at Gymboree, and I saw this cute outfit, and said to myself, this would be cute for the cruise for the twins.. I had to stop my self.. lol

Any one else??
Hi jwann and Buckleybunch!
We have a Dec. 11th thread started on the cruise meets board. If I knew how, I would post a link! :D I'll go to it and bump it up so it will be easier for you to find.

PS Buckleybunch, I know the Gymboree outfits you are talking about! I work at Gymboree 3 hours a week just so I can get the 40% discount on the clothes. I have three girls so I need it!
I love GymBOREE.. My oldest just stopped wearing them in 5th grade... Now she is in Limited TOO stuff..

I'm surprised no one else is going on the Dec 11- 2004 cruise.. I would think I could of gotten a better location.. lol

Us too!!! I am booking tonight when I get home to get the $100 shipboard credit!!

Just DH, DD and I!!! My daughter will be 2 by then.....:Pinkbounc
Can't wait!:wave:
Hopefully 2004 will fly by and we will be cruising shortly. :)

Thanks for the welcome!! I am becoming addicted to this board!!

Does anyone know their room? I booked with Dreams Unlimited and got the $100 shipboard credit....which I am thrilled about...and they said my room is 6092. I am not sure if that will change or not. We are in the second seating at I hope that will still be my daughter's schedule by then!

I am so excited and we still have a year left to go! My husband thinks I am nuts.....

I booked the romance package....I hope it is worth it!
Wow - I just looked at where everyone is from!! No other Floridians??

I am a native so I have been going to Disney since I was born...this will be my first Disney cruise though!

My mom bought us season passes for Christmas and I can't wait to use them!! Our daughter just turned one on Halloween and I know she will love it!

Well we have a while to get to know each other....who is first?
I"ll start..
My name is Linda. I live in Nebraska.. ( brrr).
I've been married for 17 1/2 yrs. My husband is Rob.
We have 4 wonderful ( bratty) kids..
Shelby will be 13 in March, Delanie, Darby are 8 they will turn 9 the day we get back ( Dec 18), and Noah is 6 as of yesterday.
My parents will be coming a long with us.

We have never cruised before, so we are extra excited. We told the kids on Christmas Eve - now they can't stop talking about it.

Here is some pictures of us. i dont' like the picture of me.. I look hippy ( as big hips) and my eyes are closed..


This is my oldest daughter Shelby


This is us before we went to the Christmas Carol Play.
Rob, Linda, Shelby, the twins - Darby & Delanie ( shh you will probably see the twins in these dresses on the cruise. )


This is Noah christmas Morning.
I'll go next, but I"ll post mine on our thread under cruise meets. Right now we have two threads going for the same cruise and it is getting confusing! :D


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