Anyone seen the new Advert on TV?


Super Shopper
Aug 18, 1999
I think it is for a new Computer Game or something, but it is the one where the lady gives birth, and the baby shoots out and speeds across time, getting older??

What do you think?

I think it is grosse!
DD and Mum agree with me, but DS and DH think it is hilarious :confused: :confused:

I cannot see anything funny or entertaining about it at all - certainly wouldnt make me want to buy the game or whatever it is!

I think I am becoming a fuddy duddy!!!! LOL ;)
I've seen the advert Janice and I don't like it either. If anything adverts like that put me off buying the products instead of encouraging me to buy them. Makes you wonder who makes them up doesn't it!
Just thought of another one I didn't like - I think it was for jeans or something and the people's arms and legs bent and twisted and they turned their heads. I always had to turn it over when that one came on as it made me feel sick.
Oh yes Claire - that was for the Engineered Levis wasnt it?

I prefer their latest one, where the boy and girl run through all the buildings and then
out through the wall into the atmosphere along the trunk of a tree! I always feel out of breath by the time it is finished!

Not that I pay much attention to the TV you understand?? LOL ;)
I think that advert is for the X-box. I didn't think much of it either. Very strange.
I didn't like the levis one either.
The one that I really can't watch is the one that tells you to wear seatbelts in the back seats. Gross.....
Another advert that gets on my nerves at the moment is when the family sit in the car pressing all the buttons and switches for windows and sunroof before driving off. I don't even know what car it is for (shows how likely I am to go out and buy one because of the advert)
Sorry, Jan, but I think it's hilarious too! Most adverts irritate the hell out of me, but I think this one's OK.
I thought it was just me! I have to switch over when the running through buildings advert comes on as I feel I am going to hyperventilate or be sick!

Sorry I love the baby one and the new Levi one has fantastic music
HOWEVER, Howard form the Halifax flying on that swan singing "Extra - Extra " must be up there alongside the Shake and Vac lady. Shoot the swan and put it out of it's misery:smooth:
I seen the 'baby' advert this week with my 14 year old son and when it finished we just looked at each other and he said 'charming?'

Does anyone know what that Volvo advert is all about? The one when he drives over all the crabs .... I just don't get it.

Hi Janice
Have to agree with you about the X box ad with the baby. Every time I see it I think to myself .......sick!!!!!........


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