Anyone watched WandaVision

Is this show for adult fans or for kids?

It’s for both, and somewhat older kids at that, since the movies are PG-13. None of this is aimed at young kids.

My kids are 10 and 14, and while they didn’t get the references, they enjoyed the general weirdness and are excited to see where it’s heading
But how many kids have seen it? Is this show for adult fans or for kids? I'd honestly rather watch the X-Men cartoon from the 90s.

Yeah, I don't really think the show is aimed at "kids" anyway, and besides, it's an opportunity for them to learn about a different era of TV. I will admit that maybe the firswt two episodes didn't have enough of the mystery hook for some viewers, especially those who don't connect with the classic sitcom setting.
Yeah, I don't really think the show is aimed at "kids" anyway, and besides, it's an opportunity for them to learn about a different era of TV. I will admit that maybe the firswt two episodes didn't have enough of the mystery hook for some viewers, especially those who don't connect with the classic sitcom setting.

There really isn't a hook, and no idea how Vision is alive.
Well, that's part of the mystery - but I do agree there could have been a little more hinting about it. I think it will get there though.

Hopefully, it's better than the first season of SHIELD, where it didn't get good until the very end of the first season.
You must've been watching a different show than me, 'cause I'm dying to see more. I watched the first two episodes twice this weekend.

And I'm thinking Vision isn't really alive, but rather brought into being somehow by Wanda.

Yeah. I thought it was odd during the choking scene that he didn’t move until Wanda said to help him. She seemed in full control (or lack there of for a moment). I also wonder if she was doing the choking back in reality. Someone had noted Mrs Hart was looking at her when she was saying “Stop it.”
You must've been watching a different show than me, 'cause I'm dying to see more. I watched the first two episodes twice this weekend.

And I'm thinking Vision isn't really alive, but rather brought into being somehow by Wanda.

I watched it. Thought it was meh. And then I watched some of the old X-Men movies on Disney+. Much better.
Hopefully, it's better than the first season of SHIELD, where it didn't get good until the very end of the first season.

Yeah, I liked SHIELD okay for what it was in the first season - kind of standard network procedural-type fare. Nothing bad about it, but nothing great either. Then the Winter Soldier thing happened and it kicked into high gear!

I've heard that critics were given the first three or four episodes so they may have seen the real hook by now. I don't think it will take long considering the limited nature of the series.
You must've been watching a different show than me, 'cause I'm dying to see more. I watched the first two episodes twice this weekend.

And I'm thinking Vision isn't really alive, but rather brought into being somehow by Wanda.

That may be the case, but in the comics Wadna's powers are theoretically powerful enough to just bring him back. He is an android after all. One thing that happened in the comics once when Vision was destroyed was that he was brought back in a new body but without his emotions (think Data without the emotion chip). He couldn't connect with his love for Wanda anymore (he also had an all-white body). This was an interesting time because in the comics, Vision's mental template was Simon Williams (Wonder Man) and he always had a thing for Wanda too. It gets quite complicated really. Vision eventually recovered his full personality, and it's been on-again/off-again with Wanda.
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Agents of Shield while under the MCU umbrella was not produced by Kevin Feige, unlike Agent Carter or any of the Disney+ shows.
Agents of Shield while under the MCU umbrella was not produced by Kevin Feige, unlike Agent Carter or any of the Disney+ shows.

I don't believe Agent Carter was under Feige either - all Marvel Television was under Jeph Loeb including the shows on ABC, Netflix, Hulu, and Freeform (Feige is listed as an executive producer on Agent Carter but I doubt that means much). While the TV Universe was "connected" to the MCU, there was a little bit if a power struggle which limited interaction and I beleive the Movie side reserved the right to override TV material - though they really haven't done so. The shows referenced each other more than the movies after a while, though there were still some very minor call-outs.

Rumor is that Charlie Cox is filming scenes for the next Spider-Man movie!
I don't believe Agent Carter was under Feige either - all Marvel Television was under Jeph Loeb including the shows on ABC, Netflix, Hulu, and Freeform (Feige is listed as an executive producer on Agent Carter but I doubt that means much). While the TV Universe was "connected" to the MCU, there was a little bit if a power struggle which limited interaction and I beleive the Movie side reserved the right to override TV material - though they really haven't done so. The shows referenced each other more than the movies after a while, though there were still some very minor call-outs.

Rumor is that Charlie Cox is filming scenes for the next Spider-Man movie!
Feige was an Executive Producer and obviously in Endgame, we saw Jarvis who was introduced in Agent Carter. I know Marvel Television was a separate entity from MCU with outside of the aforementioned scene, we haven't seen any other TV characters show up in the movies. (Let's see if the rumors of Cox is true.) You are right though, the shows referenced the movies especially Agents of Shield, than vice versa.
I watched it. I had no background other than the descriptive blurb they provided. I truly Disliked it. The acting, the storyline, the awful, repeat Awful laugh track. I hardly made it thru the show, 1st episode. Perhaps knowing the background info and/or fan of same would have helped?
yeah, once and done, Pass!
I watched it without any prior information. At first it felt weird. I looked at the living room, and thought "That looks like ........ sitcom". Hmm. Then 2nd episode, I knew that location. I grew up with that sitcom.....
Curious where this is going.
I watched it. I had no background other than the descriptive blurb they provided. I truly Disliked it. The acting, the storyline, the awful, repeat Awful laugh track. I hardly made it thru the show, 1st episode. Perhaps knowing the background info and/or fan of same would have helped?
yeah, once and done, Pass!
Having some prior investment in the characters is likely helpful, yes. As is a willingness to see where it’s leading - but it was also never going to be a show for everyone. It’s ok to just not be interested, too.
Having some prior investment in the characters is likely helpful, yes. As is a willingness to see where it’s leading - but it was also never going to be a show for everyone. It’s ok to just not be interested, too.
*Raises hand*

I've seen a few of the MCU movies. But I watched the first two episodes and could only think "something is missing". So, I read up on the WandaVision forum on reddit, and people were discussing all the minutiae that refers to other parts of the MCU canon. I'm like, you know what? I don't want to watch a show where I have to have an encyclopedic knowledge to "get" all the references, and only then be able to enjoy the show.
*Raises hand*

I've seen a few of the MCU movies. But I watched the first two episodes and could only think "something is missing". So, I read up on the WandaVision forum on reddit, and people were discussing all the minutiae that refers to other parts of the MCU canon. I'm like, you know what? I don't want to watch a show where I have to have an encyclopedic knowledge to "get" all the references, and only then be able to enjoy the show.

I don't really think you need to know all the references to enjoy the show, but I would say that you would need a basic background on the characters and be able to appreciate the retro sitcom thing they are channelling. I can totally see the latter not being for everyone. If you do want a short primer on the MCU versions of these characters, there are the Marvel Studios Legends shorts on Disney+ that can fill you in.
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Feige was an Executive Producer and obviously in Endgame, we saw Jarvis who was introduced in Agent Carter. I know Marvel Television was a separate entity from MCU with outside of the aforementioned scene, we haven't seen any other TV characters show up in the movies. (Let's see if the rumors of Cox is true.) You are right though, the shows referenced the movies especially Agents of Shield, than vice versa.

Marvel Television was separate from Marvel Studios, the shows are still considered part of the MCU.


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