April Scrapbooking Challenge

Count me out for April. My husband just got back from a 2 week work trip to Europe and cropping hasn't been an option in my life. I have however been working on organizing the walk in closet in my guest room as my scrapbook closet so look out in May - I have 2 crops scheduled for then too. ( One can always hope to get a lot of pages done - our trip to Disney is next month however so we will see) :)
I went to an 8 hour crop today and only got 6 pages done. It was my first all day crop and it was fun. They had way too many games so, I didn't scrap as much as I wanted. I really need to get more organized too.

Tina :flower:
I've gotten 10 pages in the book this last week. Boy does it feel good to get going again. I still have to get them journaled, but hopefully, I'll get that done by the end of the week.

Alice - Is your hubby still home?
do these pages count?
I did 2- 4 page layouts for my kids school year book. It was a collage picture and let me tell you they were the hardest pages I think I have ever done!
And now she just brought over another set!
wtpclc said:
Alice - Is your hubby still home?

Nope; he went back to Iraq last Thursday; well, he left that day...he got back on Saturday. So, now we are in for the long haul of not seeing him until he's done in January or so. :hourglass :guilty:
Alice28 said:
Nope; he went back to Iraq last Thursday; well, he left that day...he got back on Saturday. So, now we are in for the long haul of not seeing him until he's done in January or so. :hourglass :guilty:

Wow, that's a long haul. Hopefully, you have lots of pictures from his visit to scrap. Thank you and dh for what you give up for all of us. :guilty: :grouphug:
I was able to get 11 pages done this weekend. I have a couple more to journal and title so hopefully I can finish today. I think my total is now at 21. Not great but getting that book finished for my mom is my goal. I am hoping to get another 10 pages done this week so I can give it to here this weekend when we go visit.
I did 30 pages this weekend! Most of them I completed at a Crop on Friday night. I am going to try to get our September WDW trip layed on before we leave for WDW on Thursday. I want to know what stuff to buy at the scrapbooking store at DTD. I was excited I found a 2004 Pooh and friends scrapbook at Disney deals, with shipping it was under $20. YEAH!
ValerieK said:
I did 30 pages this weekend! Most of them I completed at a Crop on Friday night. I am going to try to get our September WDW trip layed on before we leave for WDW on Thursday. I want to know what stuff to buy at the scrapbooking store at DTD. I was excited I found a 2004 Pooh and friends scrapbook at Disney deals, with shipping it was under $20. YEAH!

Holy cow - way to go! :cheer2:

I was semi-disappointed in the scrapping store at DTD; when I went in 2003, there was nothing there I hadn't already seen in the parks & resort gift shops. Have fun at WDW!
Alice28 said:
Holy cow - way to go! :cheer2:

I was semi-disappointed in the scrapping store at DTD; when I went in 2003, there was nothing there I hadn't already seen in the parks & resort gift shops. Have fun at WDW!

Well, I guess I have been buying as much stuff as I can at World of Disney, because of the 10% AP discount, but I have always ended up going back to the scrapbooking store to pick up a few things.
Hi guys, it is the home stretch. I will do the actual tally on Sunday the 1st so that you have until midnight on Saturday.
Here are the tallys I have, let me know what I need to add.

TN Travlor-4
Spinning- 48
Beanie -6
Valerie K-32
I'm not having a very good month! Have been so busy w/taxes, work, and baby goats being born left and right, I just haven't had time to sit long enough to work on anything. I did complete 2 pages over the weekend from soccer in the Spring of 2003. Hopefully I'll get to do a couple more pages before Friday and work up to 10 pages. That's lousy but I hope May will be better. Planning to go to a crop on the 13th so hopefully will make a bigger dent in these old pictures and get up to 2004 at least!!
Congrats to those that have done so well!
Karen aka TN Traveler
did 5 more pages today so that puts me at 53 and if we count the year book layouts it would be 59.
I am very pleased with myself right now! i am semi caught up on the the school books. One teacher book is totally up to date!
Hi guys,
Are y'all going to get alot done today and tomorrow? I would think it is ok to count Spinnings yearbook pages. Can anyone clue me in on the set $ amount of the goodie bag for the winner? Since I am a relative newcomer, I can't find the thread that explains that part.
Hi I just have a question about the challenge. I have made my son a 6x8 book to use when we go to Disney in July does that count (its a spiral bound one from AC Moore with like 53 pages - we cut a few out that had been scribbled on) I have everything done except the picture and/ or character signature? If not, I did 27 complete with picture & journaling 12x12 pages this month. Michelle and by the way if it does count please give Spinning the prize cause I just stumbled across this thread today. I will be sure to find the May page and get myself added from the beginning rather then the end.
I have spent anywhere from $10 -25 on the challenge gift. Sometimes I throw in things of mine that I no long need or use. Last time I won, I bought a bunch of snow things- paper, stickers, fibers that were all snow related because is was Feb. I have received WDW stuff and things that have no relation whatsoever, so it doesn't really matter. I am sure whoever wins will like whatever you get.

I also need to add a few more pages. I am now up to 28. I also went to a crop last night and I need to journal a few pages and do some titles on the computer. No where near winning but I will have my mom's book complete for Mother's Day.
Wow that is a lot of work! What a great autograph book you will have! It really doesn't matter if they want to count those pages or not! The thrill for me is get the pages done! The prizes are just an extra special treat! So someone else can decide.
I am going to a crop today so I will post my totals sometime tomorrow. I don't think I will make it to first place but it will be nice to get more done!
I did 3 more pages last night & may get a couple more done today....I know I'm nowhere near the other totals, but it's good to be scrappin again. :goodvibes


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