Ariel's Dress?


DIS Veteran
Mar 14, 2010
Ok, so I've JUST finished watching the Little Mermaid, and halfway through it, I started wondering..."where's her blue ballgown?" That being, the one that human Ariel wears in the parks:

In the movie, she starts out as a mermaid, switches to the pink ballgown, then to the blue dress that she wears into town for the day/for Kiss the Girl (NOT a ballgown), then back to a mermaid, then into the other blue, "slinky" sparkly dress, then her wedding dress.

The rest of the Princesses have dresses/outfits from their movies, I was just wondering, did they just decide to give Ariel a new one? Is it maybe from Little Mermaid 2, and I just don't remember?:confused3
My random thought of the day!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought about this :laughing: I haven't seen the second or third or however many there were after the first one, but you're right as far as I know. I guess the princesses don't appear in their wedding gowns and maybe they thought the sparkly one was a litttle to risque for the parks?? I have no idea, just glad someone else noticed!

ETA: Don't forget that stylish burlap sack thing from my userpic!!
Haha, yeah
I'm thinking that it looks basically the exact same as the pink ballgown, just blue.

Maybe they changed it because they realized that a red head and pink don't mix too well?? (I'm allowed to say that! I've been a read head, and that shade of pink...not the greatest) Or they thought "Aurora already has the pink dress, lets make hers blue?" Or "blue = water?"

I dunno...weird.
the dress is a mix of her wedding dress and her pink one.
correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the first park to have Ariel as a human was Disneyland Paris, and she was wearing that dress in that color at the parades. Why? I don't know, maybe it was ridiculous to have Ariel "dressed" as a mermaid in the middle of the chilly parisian winter so they decided to keep her warm in her human form. And, when they "exported her" to other parks for parades/character meet&greets they just exported the same dress/colors?
I remember seeing her like this in old DLP videos and I don't recall having seen her human in the american parks.

Please feel free to correct me because this is just me guessing. I wish she was wearing her pink dress because she would be more recognisable. Or her kingdom casual dress with corset, she would be comfortable and would look great ;D
Besides, if she looks great in the movie with her pink dress (even being a redhead) she would look great in the same dress in "real life" ;D
To add to the confusion, they call her dress the "Seafoam Dress" Whihc is the slinky one from the movie.

Also am I the only one who finds it weird that Tiana wears her lily pad dress in one brief scene in her movie, yet she's scene wearing it in the Merchindise and at the parks.
To add to the confusion, they call her dress the "Seafoam Dress" Whihc is the slinky one from the movie.

Also am I the only one who finds it weird that Tiana wears her lily pad dress in one brief scene in her movie, yet she's scene wearing it in the Merchindise and at the parks.

All very weird...I dunno...

And I KNOW! About Tiana, it's weird, but, she spends most of the movie as the frog, but they'd market her in her "princess" dress, it'd make more money to younger girls? I know she has the blue one as well, I dunno.
I think the main reason is so each princess can have a different color. Cinderella claims baby blue. Aurora, even though she spends time in both blue and pink in the movie, wears the pink dress. Ariel wears aqua to look "sea-like", even though she never wears that dress in the movie. Tiana wears the green "lilypad" dress because nobody else wears green.
I have watched bot movie and TV series. Both are worth watching. Role of Mermaid is really original. I like her acting.

I don't know when you grew up, but I'm guessing around the same time i did, and AWESOME!! I loved the tv show!!:rotfl2::worship:


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