ArielsDad: In search of 220lbs, via SBD... (comments welcome)


Earning My Ears
Nov 12, 1999
This is a great idea! THANKS!

I started reall thinking about doing something shortly after turning 40 and hitting my all-time high in weight. I knew I needed to so something.
Lots of WWW research led me to the South Beach Diet web page. Encouraged by the success stories and armed with a guift card to a book store, I went out and bought the book.
My wonderful wife has been so supportive and really helped me get through the 1st phase (I was on it for 3 weeks) by helping prepare lunches and snacks for me to take to work. She does the grocery shopping, and she would just take the book and buy food on the allowed list(s).

I started on 29-Sept...
Monday weigh-ins...
9/29/2003 263.00 0.00
10/6/2003 253.50 9.50
10/13/2003 249.50 4.00
10/20/2003 247.50 2.00
10/27/2003 245.50 2.00
11/3/2003 246.00 (0.50)
11/10/2003 245.00 1.00
11/17/2003 242.50 2.50
11/24/2003 243.00 (0.50)
12/1/2003 242.50 0.50
12/8/2003 242.50 0.00
12/15/2003 243.50 (1.00)
12/22/2003 238.50 5.00
12/29/2003 242.50 (4.00)
1/5/2004 243.50 (1.00)
1/12/2004 239.00 4.50
1/19/2004 239.00 0.00
1/26/2004 239.00 0.00
2/2/2004 242.00 (3.00)
2/9/2004 240.00 2.00
2/16/2004 236.00 4.00
2/23/2004 236.00 0.00
3/1/2004 237.00 (1.00)
3/8/2004 238.50 (1.50)
Welcome to the wonderful world of journaling! :D You are already doing great on SBD; I hope this can add to your success. Let us know if you have any specific questions--Good luck, have fun, and check in often. :wave2:
A little more info...

Age: 40
Height: 6'4"

Married, 2 kids. DD (9), DS (5).

Other health/fitness related goals.
I've run the Broad Street Run (Phila, Pa. - 10 Miles) and the Philadelphia Distance Run (Half Marathon) in the past (1998 and 1999).
Starting a running program for this year's BSR.

If all goes well, I'd love to be able to do the Philadelphia Marathon this fall.

hopefully the training will be OK with less weight...
Welcome to the WISH journals. You'll find tons of support here. You are doing a great job on SBD. There are a lot of people training for the WDW 1/2 marathon. There are also a couple of avid runners. (I'm not one of them) Keep up the great work.
hi and welcome! :wave:

you've got a great plan, and you look like you've been doing such a great job so far! and that is awesome that you're running and you want to train for a marathon! i'm a runner too, never done any racing though. my first racing will be at the disney half in january that beth mentioned. it's great to have a concrete goal to work toward, so that should help you stay on track ::yes::

good luck and stop by often :bounce:
made it out the door this morning for an easy (paced) 2 miles.
i used to be able to get home at lunch to run, but things are just way too busy and i don't see them changing soon.

hopefully the start of something new!
Ariel's Dad - you are doing so well with SBD! Good for you! It is so nice you have your wife's support. DH is doing SBD with me and it makes all the difference in the world!

Journaling can be so helpful in the road to weight loss success. I hope you find it true in your case. Take care and keep up the great work! :)
Ariel's Dad, SBD seems to be working well for you!! You've set some great goals - they can be very motivating!

Welcome and stop by often! :sunny:
Hey great job getting up early for exercise. Keep it up.
I updated my weekly weight loss/gain list on the 1st post...

rut-roh gained a pound this week... :mad:

I think I need to start a "What I Ate Today" Journal to keep myself in track....

on the positive side, I got out for 3 runs...

Wed (2miles), Thurs (3 miles) and Sun (7 miles)

I'm a bit sire today, shoulders, thighs and glutes but it's a good sore :)
Hey, it's just one pound; with all that running it really could be muscle! Keep doing what you're doing and it will come off. The daily journal has really helped me look at what I'm eating and watch for trends. Have a great week! :sunny:
Writing down what I eat on a daily basis has REALLY helped me. Also, are you drinking your water? Gotta drink, drink, drink!! I journal that too!

Hope all is well this sunny March 1st! :sunny:
1-March 04

B: Fiber 1 w/ 8oz of 2% milk
MS: peanuts
L: salad w/ balsamic dressing
AS: orange
D: tuna mixed w/ ww pasta
WO: 2x 20reps upper body on Nordic Track weight machine
NS: pretzels (booooooo)

plenty of water, liter bottle filled at work 2x, plus water at home...
2-March 04

WO: 3 miles running (9 min run/1 min walk)
B: Fiber 1 w/ 8oz of 2% milk
MS: {none}
L: left over tuna/ww pasta and an orange
AS: peanuts
D: salad w/ chunked grilled chicken, sm bowl of rice
WO: 2x 20reps upper body + abs
ES: peanuts and pretzels
good idea to start journaling your food, it really helps you keep track of what you're eating.

great run this morning! that extra pound could definitely be from building muscle, don't worry about it! keep up the great work, you'll see results, i promise :)

have a great day today :sunny:
Thanks Marcia, you "promise"? Cool!!!! ;)

It feels good to be running again.
Maybe I'll put a timer for the race in May, hmmmmmm.
Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated and on track! Keep it up - you're donig GREAT! :sunny:
Workout Schedule:

Weights + Abs : M,T,Th,F nights
Run : T, W, Th + a long run on the weekend
I just wanted to comment that your work outs are awesome!

Keeping track of what you eat helps too. Keep up the great work!!!! :)


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