As God as my witness.I'll never be sick at Disney World again~~~wrapping things up...

Well I'm happy I decided to check your PTR because I kept thinking.. man this is taking her a long time.. I know she's back by now! hehe and then I seen your post- about starting you PR! So I'm here! YAY! :rotfl:
looking forwarded to reading all about your wild adventures:goodvibes

Woo hoo!!! :banana:


Well I'm happy I decided to check your PTR because I kept thinking.. man this is taking her a long time.. I know she's back by now! hehe and then I seen your post- about starting you PR! So I'm here! YAY! :rotfl:
with me, you never know how long it could take! I've made procrastination into a fine art.

You crack me up and I can't wait to read more!!

Count me in - I just finished reading the pre-trip report - so I can't wait to hear about this trip!!
My all time favorite movie is Gone With the Wind, and I've always wanted to be Scarlet O'Hara...........just for a little bit. I've wanted to stand in a baren field, with the wind blowing my long skirt and touseld hair and yell "As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again"!
Once you see a picture of me, you'll realize that hunger has never been a problem for me.:laughing:
So, after 2 trips to DisneyWorld with health "issues" and a third trip with possible problems, I have finally had my Scarlet O'Hara moment. I stood on mainstreet facing the castle, baloons bouncing in the wind, raised my fist and cried........."As God as my witness, I'll never be sick in Disney World again!"

Yeah, you should have seen the looks I got.

Ok, now THAT'S the shortest post you ever got!

I'm confused, is this the start of the Prosac pre-sequel report?
I finally got used to the Prosac and you take it away from me? Great, maybe there's a Zoloft report out there that I can ease myself off of these drugs. I know, here's where you say: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Ok, Cherie, great start, you got us hooked, now, reel us in.
Wow, what a huge response so far. I will try to put in my 2 cents worth and hopefully not spill the beans of any of the suprises we had planned. Cherie took notes to go along with the pictures. We had a lot of fun and will keep all of you posted on what happened. Needless to say we had quite a few of them. It's comming.... be patient.

Just have to say that this trip would never have happened without the hard work of Cherie:lovestruc :lovestruc . I hope you all enjoy.:woohoo:
Hi DH! Thanks for adding to this TR - we are all excited to see what you have planned!
West Coast Representing at 12:40am! I can't sleep as I took a 5 hour nap this afternoon! I hope I get over this jetlag soon.
Subbing! This looks like fun and I'm not one to miss out on some good disney fun:rotfl:
Hi! Welcome to my craziness!

Count me in - I just finished reading the pre-trip report - so I can't wait to hear about this trip!!
hopefully you won't go throught he drug withdrawls like Nebo.;)

Oh! Oh! I found your TR - Welcome Home! I'll be back to catch up - sounds ominous:eek:
I'll go slow so you can catch up......:thumbsup2


I've been faithfully reading, but don't take the time to post. I'll try not to be so lazy! :rolleyes1

thanks for de-lurking!

Ok, now THAT'S the shortest post you ever got!

I'm confused, is this the start of the Prosac pre-sequel report?
I finally got used to the Prosac and you take it away from me? Great, maybe there's a Zoloft report out there that I can ease myself off of these drugs. I know, here's where you say: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Ok, Cherie, great start, you got us hooked, now, reel us in.
I didn't know you were so competitive!:rotfl2:
As for the drug withdrawls.....Jenny (rentayenta) can recommend something for you to deal with the switch.

West Coast Representing at 12:40am! I can't sleep as I took a 5 hour nap this afternoon! I hope I get over this jetlag soon.
:laughing: Ethan and I are both still messed up with just a 3 hour difference. I've been getting up at 3 every morning and Ethan joins me @ 4.

I am so totally in!!! Can't wait to read about your adventures! :goodvibes

I'm subbing too!!!! Can't wait to read more *thumbs up*
If you haven't already read my pre trippy....Please Pass the Prozac, I'll give you a little bit about the group of crazies on this vacation.

My name is Winkers, aka Cherie. I have a slight flare for the dramatic. I try to hide it but I'm not very good at it.;) My alter ego, if I had one, would be a Scarlet O'Hara wannabe opera singer. I know....crazy.
I fell head over heels in love with Disney on our first trip to Disneyland 4 years ago.
During our first family trip to DisneyWorld, I ended up visiting a dentist and the second trip involved horrendous back pain and a wheel chair. Good Times. So, like my title said, I was determined to be healthy this trip.

My dh, D.Jay......if anyone deserves a vacation it's him. He has worked full time while going to school full time for the past 3 years.:worship: He knows how to work hard and play hard.
Lucky for me.....and him........he lets me do all the planning and enjoys being along for the ride. We've been married for 16 years, wow, I can't believe that!

Evan, who is 15 is a pretty good mix of our personalities. He's already dreaming of college and serving a 2 year mission when he's 19. He has as much fun in Disney World as the youngest which makes him alot of fun to be with.

Bailie, is 13 going on 30. She is little Miss Sunshine with a chance of thunder. One minute she's hugging Stitch or holding my hand and the next she can't believe her mis fortune of being related to me.:laughing:

Hunter, is 11 and a comedian. He can make me laugh like no other. There's never a dull moment with him around. He's kinda a Jekyl & Hyde, because one minute he's joking around and the next he's upset because someone isn't following a rule. No one breaks a rule when he's around.

Ethan, is 8 and my baby. I refuse to believe that he's growing up. The flip side of this is that he's spoiled and has me wrapped around his little finger. Evan and Bailie are at his command most of the time too.

Katie, D.Jay's mom,or MIL. She has lived with us for the last 9 years and we are still speaking to eachother.;) We suprised her with this trip for christmas. 99% of the time I get along fine with her, but she has her moments. I'm sure I drive her crazy too.

Don't worry this won't be a report about bashing my mother in law, but there will be a few incidents which for the most part are comical. I always try to see the humor in things and with her around I get alot of practice.


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