At what age did you stop using a stroller all together for your child?

Our last trip our kids were 4 and 6 and that is the last time I will rent a double for the whole trip. I think we are planning a trip for next year and we may rent a single park stroller from time to time if needed, but my kids are much too large and heavy to push around all day. If they were more petite children, I might be more inclined to use a stroller for longer.
My son refused to use a stroller at home almost as soon as he could walk. His first trip to WDW he was just shy of 3. He walked most of the time, I think I rented a stroller once or twice late in the afternoon. He hated them and I was fine just going his pace and stopping to rest when he needed.
Oldest child was 3 on our first trip and it never occurred to me to use a stroller for him. Youngest child used a stroller on the trip when he was 3 and refused when he was 4--said he wasn't a baby. He had no problem.
My kids get to/have to be in a stroller until age 7. I don’t even own a stroller at home anymore, but I rented one at Disney until this last trip when my youngest was finally 7. She did awesome but omg SO SLOW. When they are younger, it’s so nice to plop them in there and just GO.
I am the odd one out, we are going next week and my kids are 6 and 8 (but small) and I rented a double. I went back and forth on whether to get one but decided in the end I needed one because:
1) We typically go to the parks all day. Even though I plan to take breaks this trip, if we don’t my kids will for sure need breaks.
2) They can escape the sun for a bit
3) I can keep track of them.
4) To cut down on whining...this trip is being gifted to us by my mom, my husband isn’t going. It’s my mom, me, and my 2 kids. I cannot carry my kids if they get tired and cranky. My mom spent a ton of money on this trip and even though we go to DW fairly frequently this will be the nicest we’ve ever done it. I am trying to keep things as smooth as possible.
5) We are going to Universal for 3 days before DW and I did not rent a stroller there. We were at Dollywood last week and walked about 8 miles according to my husband’s Fitbit. My kids did that fine, but that was one day. After 3 days at Universal, they will already be tired.

All this being said, I plan to park it and not drag it to all attractions. And we will just judge how much we need it. This trip is a surprise, I’m not telling my kids til we show up at the airport, so I got the stroller “just in case.”
Aren't you the grandparent? I'd let the parents decide.
This is our first trip without our double BOB. The kids are 8 and 10. We used it two years ago at 8 and 6, I can’t imagine not having it with the heat.
Took a stroller for trips on his 3rd and 4th birthdays. Very undecided this year (for his 5th birthday). We don't use it at home anymore, but I'm a single mom so carrying a tired child at the end of the day all the way to the bus stop and then to the room is more challenging as he gets bigger. I will probably take a stroller to WDW, but will only take it into actual parks if we have a late night planned (past normal bedtime).

His little legs will help me slow down and enjoy the small things, rather than speed walk from one attraction to the next!
Rented a double stroller when DD was 6 and DS was 2. They both used it. When we went again at 10 and 6, we rented a single even though he had not used a stroller in quite some time at home. It ended up staying in the room the entire trip. So much easier not having a stroller!
We have an 8 and 5 year old. We haven't used a stroller for probably 18 months or so. We do however still use the grocery cart seats occasionally. That said since we are driving we are taking both of the strollers we have. Don't know if we'll use one or both a lot, a little or not at all but as they say Hope foe the best, plan for the worst.
This is our first trip without our double BOB. The kids are 8 and 10. We used it two years ago at 8 and 6, I can’t imagine not having it with the heat.

I bet you are going to be amazed how easy it is to get around without pushing a behemoth of a stroller :) I'd think pushing that around in the heat would be that much worse?

We only used a stroller once at WDW, when one child was 2 1/2. The older one was 5 at the time and did fine. We did make sure to go at her pace, and she did get a piggyback ride here and there, but we took our time and made sure it was all about pacing it so the kids were having fun!
We stopped using a stroller for the most part when DS was around 2, except for trips like Disney. He loves roaming around when we go out, so the stroller became unnecessary at home. On our next trip we’ll have DS3 and DD1, so we’ll definitely be using a double stroller. I think we’ll probably use the double for a couple of years and maybe switch back to a single if we still feel like we need it. At this point having the stroller is useful more than inconvenient especially with all the gear we still need to lug around. At home we just use a single for DD now.
5.5- Everything but EPCOT was fine- we had to take a lot of breaks in EPCOT/WS due to its size.
I am the odd one out, we are going next week and my kids are 6 and 8 (but small) and I rented a double. I went back and forth on whether to get one but decided in the end I needed one because:
1) We typically go to the parks all day. Even though I plan to take breaks this trip, if we don’t my kids will for sure need breaks.
2) They can escape the sun for a bit
3) I can keep track of them.
4) To cut down on whining...this trip is being gifted to us by my mom, my husband isn’t going. It’s my mom, me, and my 2 kids. I cannot carry my kids if they get tired and cranky. My mom spent a ton of money on this trip and even though we go to DW fairly frequently this will be the nicest we’ve ever done it. I am trying to keep things as smooth as possible.
5) We are going to Universal for 3 days before DW and I did not rent a stroller there. We were at Dollywood last week and walked about 8 miles according to my husband’s Fitbit. My kids did that fine, but that was one day. After 3 days at Universal, they will already be tired.

All this being said, I plan to park it and not drag it to all attractions. And we will just judge how much we need it. This trip is a surprise, I’m not telling my kids til we show up at the airport, so I got the stroller “just in case.”

Haha.... same here. My DS7 only use the stroller when we go to Disney. And I totally agree it's mainly for him to escape the heat and to give me a break (from whining and dragging him to walk).

Also, we can keep our water and heavier items in the stroller too (easier for the adult to walk in the heat).

We are planning to rent a stroller for the upcoming trip too...
DS first trip he was 4 and we used one part-time (DD wasn't with us). Next trip DD was four and DS 7 so again part-time but less than the first trip. Next trip was a year later no Stroller.

We never used one after she turned 3 in everyday life and but used one at just turned 4 at Disney.

She was really too old to be in a stroller at 4 years old and didn't fit too well but we weren't used to the heat so it made it much easier.

I think I even understand people putting 5 year olds in strollers at WDW, but you actually see quite a few kids of 6, 7, maybe older being pushed around, which I find a bit distasteful but each to their own! My 7 year old certainly isn't going to be pushed around that's for sure!
First Disney trip, oldest had just turned 5, no hindsight she really could have used a stroller (especially for Epcot), but the 10 mth old baby was in the stroller.

Youngest child had a stroller until she was 6--we let her use one on the trip she turned 6--mainly needed for Epcot and the walks to/from Epcot/Hollywood Studios from the Boardwalk Resort where we were staying. She knew that was the last trip she'd have a stroller. Next trip she was 6 1/2, no problems walking everywhere.

Having a stroller longer for the second child was a blessing in disguise. Oldest DD(9 at the time) got sick/fainted on 1 trip and had to be strolled out of the park, also just a great place for the oldest to sit and rest at times when the youngest wanted to burn some energy. Also loved having the basket to leave things in and cupholders to put cups in.

While most kids are out of a stroller elsewhere well before age 6, Disney is just so big, hot, and humid that it makes sense to use one there up to age 6 (or a little older depending upon the kid.) We tended to always be on the go, and our youngest was on the shorter side/shorter legs. Anything you can do to help stave off some exhausted tantrums is worth it!
I have never used strollers at home after age 1, even for zoo visits. However, at Disney I took ours for DS until he was 7. DD was 20 months on the last trip, and we barely used it. All children are so different. Personally if you think your child might need it, I'd bring it. I don't care how old a child is in your stroller, none of my business. As long as everyone uses stroller etiquette it really shouldn't matter in my opinion only.


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