Attention all 10/12/03 4night Wonder Cruisers! Sign in here!

OHH ... there's grey in there too!! lol:teeth:

Well. I'm signing off now...

Until we meet...
Does anyone know what time the port opens for check in?

Is everyone ready to :boat: ?
Sorry, Maureen, I don't know.

But, yes, I am very ready to :boat: !

Final shopping...check!
Stop mail/newspaper...check!
Send out emergency contact info...check!
Packing....almost a check!

It looks like traffic on this board is slowing down as people are leaving home now. See you Sunday on Deck 10!!!

Maureen-I heard it is 10:30.....but not for sure...
anyone else know???

I cannot wait to :boat: ! We leave tomorrow......on the road baby! :moped:
I found this on page two!!!!! :earseek:

Did everyone already leave??? Come on now guys.... ::yes::

See you all soon! :wave2:
Say what, Kamy? What did you find? And on page 2 of what?

Anyone know what movies are showing on board? I think the search function is down, but I may scroll through a bit and see what I can find.

Lynne- I found our thread on page 2!!!!:earseek: We are way too popular to be there! LOL!!!!:hyper:

From what I have read this week, the current movies include:
Spy Kids 3, Under the Tuscan Sun, POC, Finding Nemo and some others. Sorry I don't recall all of them!

I am ready to go.....I just want to get outta here with my dh and go see ::MickeyMo and my friends! :grouphug:
We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

Come on everyone, sing it with me!!!! :hyper:
We're goin on vacation

We're goin on vacation

We're goin on vacation

We're goin on vacation :bounce:

12 hours 30mins to the taxi picking us up, then another 12 hours flying (including a short stop in Washington)

Then relax for 3 weeks.

Sounds good Wayne!!

Yeah, sing it!!!

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

We're goin on vacation ::yes::

Can't wait to :boat:
Is that all? We leave in like 25 hours!!! You guys are lucky. I have to work longer than that.
We're going on vacation

We're going on a :boat:

We're going to have some :sunny:

We're going to see ::MickeyMo and ::MinnieMo

I can't wait!!!!!::yes::
We're going on vacation :hyper:

We're going to have some drinks :crazy:

Hubby and I are going to have alone time:hug:

We're going to meet some new friends:chat:

I hope the MNSSHP isn't too :crowded:

We're going on vacation :boat:

Thanks to you Kamy, we now form a conga line at the house and all sing, "We're going on vacation, We're going on vacation."

See you all in a few days. I hope everyone has a safe and easy trip.
Well I guess I will be the last one here then talking to myself.

Hope everyone has a good and safe trip to:sunny: Florida

M-I-C see ya real soon K-E-Y Why because I like you M-O-U-S-E:wave: :wave2:
We're goin on vacation :bounce:

We're goin on vacation :bounce:

We're goin on vacation :bounce:

We want to see pirate: of the Carribbean on the :boat:. I hope it's still showing!

Do any of you girls want to see Under the Tuscan Sun together? I declare a Chick flick night!!

:boat: :boat: :boat:

The suitcases are packed and in the van!!

Lynne - pirate: of the Caribbean is still playing on the :boat: . We haven't seen it yet, as we decided to wait for the cruise to see it!! Saved me 50 bucks I'm sure.

Mo - Guess who DD is on the phone with right now?? ;) I'd say they're excited.

We're at 12 hours and counting. We head to the airport at 4AM tomorrow.

It's been great fun posting on this thread for the last few months - let's make the cruise even more fun!!! See you all in a couple of days.

Beano has left the building. :wave2:

One more day of work. Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!:tongue:

Chris wants to leave at 6:30 am on Sunday to drive 2 1/2 hours to the port. Guess he wants to be first in line!!!!!!!!!

What time are you leaving MO?
Tessa, We are about 1 hr from the port so I think we are planning to leave about 9. Kamy said they open about 10:30. Maybe I will call and check or post a thread on the main board to find out. Where do you live?
Kamy should not get any credit for the "We're goin' on vacation" song. Using my Cartman voice in the car on the way to work, I made it up. I will give you a little taste of the song at the port.
30 mins to leaving so last post. Have a Wonder-ful time everyone.


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