August Challenge

Well I have 25 pages completed, but regretfully my scrapbooking efforts need to come to a hault for now. I just found out today that my 14 month old son has lead poisoning :(. His levels are at a 12, definitively worth needing to address, but I guess they could be worse. Needless to say, we have to tend to some things in the house.

So 25 will be it for me. Though I won't win the challenge, I definitively feel like 25 is a HUGE accomplishment for me, and I did some of my best pages ever. In fact, It's disheartening to look back on my first pages. Though not THAT bad, I do feel like I ruined a LOT of beautiful pictures on some lousy layouts. I will admit that I have found a lot of ideas and inspiration in the layouts at twopeas.
My goodness. Hope your son is feeling better soon. :(

Chessie, I'm dying to see that page. Sounds like it would be a great cruise layout. Do you have a scanner?
Oh yeah! I wanted to ask that too! Chessie, please post those layouts!

My son is not obviously sick. He is as active and healthy-looking as any normal 14 month old. The bloodwork is just standard practice, and in all actuality I wasn't expecting it to come back abnormal as my daughter tests were perfectly fine 2 years ago. What I did not take into consideration were our the projects we took on before my son was born. That involved some dry sanding while I was pregnant, and so on. I've been crying and beating myself up all day long, feeling very neglient and irresponsible. I've come to realize that there is no point in wasting the energy in tears, but instead invest those energies in fixing the problem and getting his levels down. I am a home provider for a developmentally disabled woman and also do some respite for a young man with Downs. I worked in and operated state licensed group homes for years before having my daughter. So it was hard not to be emotional when our doctor told us the news this morning, knowing that years down the road, our son could be facing learning disabilities or more. As the hours have gone by, I have started to rationalize the situation. I think our son is going to be okay. I think, hope and pray that we caught it in time.
Beating yourself up won't do anyone any good. Stay positive and if there are complications down the road you can deal with them. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything will be fine.
Tammy, I will certainly keep you and your son in my prayers. Just take it one step at a time.
As far as posting my layout. My scanner is not that great. I bought a new computer last year, but I didn't upgrade my scanner or printer. They are on my list, but my list just keeps growing longer and longer.
Thanks to all of your for your kind words. I'm feeling MUCH better this morning. I talked to the state, who explained that Sam's levels are borderline, and that there is no reason to move from our home, etc. That the problems can affordably be remedied. Our doctor actually asked me yesterday if we could stay somewhere, or sell our home. I'm glad she is not conservative when it comes to my sons health, but you can imagine how I felt. When she mentioned staying somewhere else, I felt it had to be VERY serious. It does require immediate attention, but I am feeling much better about it this morning.

Just wanted to say thank you.
Tammy, My thoughts are with you. I hope your son improves quickly.

BTW, I think 25 pages is a HUGE accomplishment, congrats!!

Okay, the challenge is officially over, unless someone is scrapping at midnight EST :-)). Be sure to post your totals and the winner needs to PM me with their address or email so I can get their address. Also, hopefully the winner will start the challenge for September. Remember the prize limit is $5.00 :-).

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Ok, I know I'm nowhere near the winner, but I have to say this was probably my best month ever! I did 13 pages. Thanks for the encouragement, and congrats to all you over 20 pages. WOW!!!
I think my total for the month was about 18. Pretty good actually if you consider the fact that I didn't spend much time scrapping this month.

I'll be looking forward to September's challenge. Maybe I can get my act together and make some real progress.
Hi Just looking over my stuff. Last post on here I made a math error! LOL I thought I was up to 30 but actually 29. I completed 2 more pages this week so that brings me to 31! This was a great month! My girl friend and I scrapped every Friday from about 1 PM till 8!
I envy you guys getting all of that done. I think did about 14 pages, but had to stop because we've got the house for sale, BIG SIGH, hopefully it'll go soon and we can get relocated so I can start back up.

So far it seems Spinning is winning. Anyone over 31???

If not, just PM me Spinning with your contact info. I'm leaving for Disney in 25 days (just love that countdown clock) and will look for the prize there:bounce:


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