August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer

On a happier note...I'm toying with the idea of sending a joke a day to the school staff--or maybe just the teachers--I just thought of it--once school starts. What do you think of that? Teachers out there, would that be a good thing? Anyone know of any sites for good, clean jokes?
I love this idea!!! We have a teacher who is quick witted with that dad-joke kind of humor. He often responds to whom school emails with something funny and it really helps my mood! Especially if the whole school email is causing stress ;)

But just like how we do Thankful Thursday, I think being purposeful with one a joke a week (might be good to start with weekly and build up to daily if you think it won’t cause you more stress...just a thought).
I am thankful to be retired. I went back to work later in life and needed to work until 62 to get full retirement. It wasn’t a hardship because I loved my job but going back to school at age 60+ would have been very stressful. (My district is opening to students-smaller groups two days each and Wednesday closed for cleaning and online).

Thankful for our place at the beach. I plan to spend most of September there, hopefully with my daughter’s family for some of the time-they are virtual until January. MickeyMom76, we had lots of work done there this summer, so I understand the relief when it’s done! Can’t wait to reorganize my new kitchen!
I am thankful to be retired. I went back to work later in life and needed to work until 62 to get full retirement. It wasn’t a hardship because I loved my job but going back to school at age 60+ would have been very stressful. (My district is opening to students-smaller groups two days each and Wednesday closed for cleaning and online).

Thankful for our place at the beach. I plan to spend most of September there, hopefully with my daughter’s family for some of the time-they are virtual until January. MickeyMom76, we had lots of work done there this summer, so I understand the relief when it’s done! Can’t wait to reorganize my new kitchen!
It all sounds fantasy really. Enjoy!
I'm thankful that although my knee is still swollen, I can walk, and my range of motion is pretty good. It just smarts. Remember that feeling when you were a kid and skinned your knee? That's what it feels like. I can work with that. I'm also thankful that other parts of my body seem okay including my shoulder which would be a serious injury.

I'm thankful that I was able to register for tomorrow's physical on MyChart online to fill out everything that normally is done in the waiting room in a rush. It was more relaxing in the comfort of my home where I could take a minute to check a date or whatever. I downloaded the app so that I could finish check-in tomorrow morning. One less thing to worry about.

I'm focusing on calm today. I need to be calm for my appointment so that my blood pressure doesn't spike. Last year I listened to spa/relaxation music on my way to the appointment and watched videos of the ocean waves on YouTube in the waiting room. I guess I will do that in my car while I wait.
Other than my new white cabinets, I think I am thrilled the most with the crushed oyster shells we got to replace grass.

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One of our future projects is to redo our driveway. Our old tree roots destroyed the driveway over time. We have always dreamed of using crushed shells🐚 instead of traditional asphalt. Some of our favorite places in Cape Cod use them, and being on the east coast, it wouldn't be expensive for us to do. So, someday our driveway will look like your beautiful photo. It will really work with our beachy theme.
I'm thankful for the light drizzle that was happening when I got up this morning, it felt so so good. And that the cloud cover is already burning off and it is going to be a nice sunny but not too hot day.

I'm also thankful for my goofy little girl. She's figured out my morning "commute" routine and walks me to the front door when she gets me out of bed in the morning (she hasn't figured out the putting clothing on before you leave the house part yet). She's the hit of all my video conferences, or at least her tail is as she walks back and forth on the desk. And she's started doing this thing with her food where she takes a bite full out of the bowl and drops it on the floor, then eats it from there... not quite sure why it tastes better that way. I'm grateful that we've had this one-on-one time together, so I could really get to know her, but we are both ready for a kitten.
I'm thankful for the light drizzle that was happening when I got up this morning, it felt so so good. And that the cloud cover is already burning off and it is going to be a nice sunny but not too hot day.

I'm also thankful for my goofy little girl. She's figured out my morning "commute" routine and walks me to the front door when she gets me out of bed in the morning (she hasn't figured out the putting clothing on before you leave the house part yet). She's the hit of all my video conferences, or at least her tail is as she walks back and forth on the desk. And she's started doing this thing with her food where she takes a bite full out of the bowl and drops it on the floor, then eats it from there... not quite sure why it tastes better that way. I'm grateful that we've had this one-on-one time together, so I could really get to know her, but we are both ready for a kitten.
My basset hound used to do that!
I am thankful my chiropractor could squeeze me in today. Did something to my back/hips and have been in some pretty serious pain since last evening. Hoping he can work his magic. If I can get 50% relief I will be in heaven.
And thankful for my awesome MIL who is always helpful but is going the extra mile driving me to my appointment today.
Hi everyone -- I am still around. I am just trucking along. This month my weight loss journey has been bad. No excuses. I have been pain lazy. I need to move more. I will get back on track. Work has kept me really busy. I am doing my job plus 1.5 peoples jobs. I have employee on maternity leave and one who's last day was the beginning of August. We have his replacement and he gave enough notice, like 3 months, that he was able to the replacement. We couldn't do full trainings before he left so we are still getting her up to speed. Thankfully we I am off all of next week. We were supposed to going to Disney with mom and step day. I was finally going to be able to go to the Halloween party. Every were we have gone in the past the party started like the day after we left. I swear I am never going to get to go to the party.

DD is still doing good emotionally. We are now dealing with her foot hurting. This time is it not the bad one the she had surgery on last summer. She was supposed to go for a 1 year follow up form surgery in June but I have been pushing it off since that foot has been doing great. I am working on getting an appointment for the follow up and check the other foot. The issue she had in, what we call her bad foot, can be in both feet but only present in the dominate foot until that one is fixed. She also turns 13 on Saturday. I will officially have 2 teenagers.

DS is still the same. He has been going for more bike rides and moving more. I think he is getting bored with video games.

Schools here are a wreck. Our district went to full remote to start the year. We start September 9th. At that time sports had stopped too. Then they sent out a survey about doing child care during the day for parents that needed it but would be for a fee. People here lost there minds. as of today there has been no talk of the child care. I am guessing they dropped that after how upset parents were that the kids couldn't go to school but they could have child care at the schools. We are still remote to start the year, but the numbers in our area are going down. We got an email today that says sports will continue and will compete with other schools. I don't understand this reasoning. Kids can't be in school but we can have contact sports. Our governor started off good and now he is wavering all over the place. Something came out that he thinks schools will all be remote by flu season. No one really knows what is going on.

Hopefully I will be able to get on more often soon.
Hi everyone -- I am still around. I am just trucking along. This month my weight loss journey has been bad. No excuses. I have been pain lazy. I need to move more. I will get back on track. Work has kept me really busy. I am doing my job plus 1.5 peoples jobs. I have employee on maternity leave and one who's last day was the beginning of August. We have his replacement and he gave enough notice, like 3 months, that he was able to the replacement. We couldn't do full trainings before he left so we are still getting her up to speed. Thankfully we I am off all of next week. We were supposed to going to Disney with mom and step day. I was finally going to be able to go to the Halloween party. Every were we have gone in the past the party started like the day after we left. I swear I am never going to get to go to the party.

DD is still doing good emotionally. We are now dealing with her foot hurting. This time is it not the bad one the she had surgery on last summer. She was supposed to go for a 1 year follow up form surgery in June but I have been pushing it off since that foot has been doing great. I am working on getting an appointment for the follow up and check the other foot. The issue she had in, what we call her bad foot, can be in both feet but only present in the dominate foot until that one is fixed. She also turns 13 on Saturday. I will officially have 2 teenagers.

DS is still the same. He has been going for more bike rides and moving more. I think he is getting bored with video games.

Schools here are a wreck. Our district went to full remote to start the year. We start September 9th. At that time sports had stopped too. Then they sent out a survey about doing child care during the day for parents that needed it but would be for a fee. People here lost there minds. as of today there has been no talk of the child care. I am guessing they dropped that after how upset parents were that the kids couldn't go to school but they could have child care at the schools. We are still remote to start the year, but the numbers in our area are going down. We got an email today that says sports will continue and will compete with other schools. I don't understand this reasoning. Kids can't be in school but we can have contact sports. Our governor started off good and now he is wavering all over the place. Something came out that he thinks schools will all be remote by flu season. No one really knows what is going on.

Hopefully I will be able to get on more often soon.
It's great to hear from you!
Hi everyone -- I am still around. I am just trucking along. This month my weight loss journey has been bad. No excuses. I have been pain lazy. I need to move more. I will get back on track. Work has kept me really busy. I am doing my job plus 1.5 peoples jobs. I have employee on maternity leave and one who's last day was the beginning of August. We have his replacement and he gave enough notice, like 3 months, that he was able to the replacement. We couldn't do full trainings before he left so we are still getting her up to speed. Thankfully we I am off all of next week. We were supposed to going to Disney with mom and step day. I was finally going to be able to go to the Halloween party. Every were we have gone in the past the party started like the day after we left. I swear I am never going to get to go to the party.

DD is still doing good emotionally. We are now dealing with her foot hurting. This time is it not the bad one the she had surgery on last summer. She was supposed to go for a 1 year follow up form surgery in June but I have been pushing it off since that foot has been doing great. I am working on getting an appointment for the follow up and check the other foot. The issue she had in, what we call her bad foot, can be in both feet but only present in the dominate foot until that one is fixed. She also turns 13 on Saturday. I will officially have 2 teenagers.

DS is still the same. He has been going for more bike rides and moving more. I think he is getting bored with video games.

Schools here are a wreck. Our district went to full remote to start the year. We start September 9th. At that time sports had stopped too. Then they sent out a survey about doing child care during the day for parents that needed it but would be for a fee. People here lost there minds. as of today there has been no talk of the child care. I am guessing they dropped that after how upset parents were that the kids couldn't go to school but they could have child care at the schools. We are still remote to start the year, but the numbers in our area are going down. We got an email today that says sports will continue and will compete with other schools. I don't understand this reasoning. Kids can't be in school but we can have contact sports. Our governor started off good and now he is wavering all over the place. Something came out that he thinks schools will all be remote by flu season. No one really knows what is going on.

Hopefully I will be able to get on more often soon.
I am thankful my chiropractor could squeeze me in today. Did something to my back/hips and have been in some pretty serious pain since last evening. Hoping he can work his magic. If I can get 50% relief I will be in heaven.
And thankful for my awesome MIL who is always helpful but is going the extra mile driving me to my appointment today.
I hope you are pain-free soon.
Hi everyone -- I am still around. I am just trucking along. This month my weight loss journey has been bad. No excuses. I have been pain lazy. I need to move more. I will get back on track. Work has kept me really busy. I am doing my job plus 1.5 peoples jobs. I have employee on maternity leave and one who's last day was the beginning of August. We have his replacement and he gave enough notice, like 3 months, that he was able to the replacement. We couldn't do full trainings before he left so we are still getting her up to speed. Thankfully we I am off all of next week. We were supposed to going to Disney with mom and step day. I was finally going to be able to go to the Halloween party. Every were we have gone in the past the party started like the day after we left. I swear I am never going to get to go to the party.

DD is still doing good emotionally. We are now dealing with her foot hurting. This time is it not the bad one the she had surgery on last summer. She was supposed to go for a 1 year follow up form surgery in June but I have been pushing it off since that foot has been doing great. I am working on getting an appointment for the follow up and check the other foot. The issue she had in, what we call her bad foot, can be in both feet but only present in the dominate foot until that one is fixed. She also turns 13 on Saturday. I will officially have 2 teenagers.

DS is still the same. He has been going for more bike rides and moving more. I think he is getting bored with video games.

Schools here are a wreck. Our district went to full remote to start the year. We start September 9th. At that time sports had stopped too. Then they sent out a survey about doing child care during the day for parents that needed it but would be for a fee. People here lost there minds. as of today there has been no talk of the child care. I am guessing they dropped that after how upset parents were that the kids couldn't go to school but they could have child care at the schools. We are still remote to start the year, but the numbers in our area are going down. We got an email today that says sports will continue and will compete with other schools. I don't understand this reasoning. Kids can't be in school but we can have contact sports. Our governor started off good and now he is wavering all over the place. Something came out that he thinks schools will all be remote by flu season. No one really knows what is going on.

Hopefully I will be able to get on more often soon.
Good to hear from you!

I don’t understand having school sports as well. If colleges and professionals are having outbreaks, how can schools be safe? And traveling to other schools? Our governor is not in favor of it but the legislature is opposed.
I'm reaching out to you all because I really need some positive energy to get me through tomorrow morning. I have my annual physical at 8:30am. I do not like my doctor. She stresses me out, and normally my blood pressure is high with her. Last year, I worked hard at relaxing using various calming strategies which I plan to do tonite and tomorrow. It worked last year, but we weren't dealing with Covid protocols.

If you are awake at 8:30am, I would really appreciate it if you could think positive thoughts for me or pray if you do that. I would be truly grateful.

I'm reaching out to you all because I really need some positive energy to get me through tomorrow morning. I have my annual physical at 8:30am. I do not like my doctor. She stresses me out, and normally my blood pressure is high with her. Last year, I worked hard at relaxing using various calming strategies which I plan to do tonite and tomorrow. It worked last year, but we weren't dealing with Covid protocols.

If you are awake at 8:30am, I would really appreciate it if you could think positive thoughts for me or pray if you do that. I would be truly grateful.

Positive vibes headed your way.

I'm reaching out to you all because I really need some positive energy to get me through tomorrow morning. I have my annual physical at 8:30am. I do not like my doctor. She stresses me out, and normally my blood pressure is high with her. Last year, I worked hard at relaxing using various calming strategies which I plan to do tonite and tomorrow. It worked last year, but we weren't dealing with Covid protocols.

If you are awake at 8:30am, I would really appreciate it if you could think positive thoughts for me or pray if you do that. I would be truly grateful.

Will definitely be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow morning, @Summer2018!

Thankful Thursday:
Got DS to do some "boring practical stuff" with me today: go through school e-mail so we could figure out the hybrid cohorts for his schedule, go through some supplies to see what's taking back and what he really didn't need last year, and was even able to print his book list!

Had some low-key quality time with DH. We've been taping a fun game show lately calls "America Says" - the kind of light stuff we both need right now. We watched one during dinner...and then watched two more. It's good to just hang out together and not think about the world sometimes.

Also discovered a new YouTube channel this week, so I'm motivated to get on the treadmill, since that's when I watch. (For any other Harry potter fans, it's this one here. - They cover a lot of other topics as well, but lately I've been listening to their theories on the Fantastic Beasts series.)
thanks for all the joke ideas! you guys are awesome!!

@MickeyMom76 thanks for the slow approach to joke of the day suggestion!
I kinda had thought i would find a bunch of jokes and then schedule the emails to go out every day for a week at a time. i think i will add my name to my group because the last time i scheduled something i did it weeks into the future and then had no idea why people kept talking to me about the subject! :rotfl:

I'm thankful my co-worker worked in the building today. We were in different rooms, but managed to get lots of good chats in!


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