Avatar-land coming to DAK-just hit the Orlando Sentinel

Well I did not even like the movie so I am not into this at all. The acting and the story were weak but the visuals were good so perhaps it will make a goodd ride, but this is not exciting to me at all. My initial reaction is bad choice disney.
I was so happy to hear the positive thoughts from Pete on the podcast. I understand that you can't please everybody all of the time, but I was getting so frustrated with the lack of enthusiasm with this news. Afterall, before this, as far as we knew, nothing was in the works for AK. Remember how disappointed everyone was when nothing was announced at D23? I, for one, am convinced that if any company can work their magic, it's Disney. :goodvibes
Avatar would make a good attraction, but not an entire section of AK. I enjoyed the movie, but I don't think it has the makings of a classic, like Indy or Star Wars.

I totally Agree. 1 ride would be good enough. With the amount of money they are throwing at this New Land, it would be better spent on:

1. Fix Dinoland!

A. Replacing Triceratops Spin with a better Dino themed coaster similar to Crush's Coaster in Paris.

B. Refurbishing Dinosaur to bring it up to par w/ Indiana Jones at Disneyland.

C. Add a stage show in prehistoric themed coliseum modeled after the "Walking with Dinosaurs" arena show.

2. Upgrade Asia

A. Extend Kali River Rapids to bring it up to par with Grizzly River Run.

B. Add a Dark ride based on Mulan

C. Add a new unique outdoor tree top ride based on The Jungle Book.

3. Accentuate Africa

A. Build a new Mountain coaster based on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Everest needs some company!

B. Add the new Lion King show building!!!

C. The Nile Floom Ride... Theming I'm not sure of but something could work.

When these much needed refurbs were done, then add anew land!!! Fix what's broken first.
I totally Agree. 1 ride would be good enough. With the amount of money they are throwing at this New Land, it would be better spent on:

1. Fix Dinoland!
A. Replacing Triceratops Spin with a better Dino themed coaster similar to Crush's Coaster in Paris.
B. Refurbishing Dinosaur to bring it up to par w/ Indiana Jones at Disneyland.
C. Add a stage show in prehistoric themed coliseum modeled after the "Walking with Dinosaurs" arena show.

2. Upgrade Asia
A. Extend Kali River Rapids to bring it up to par with Grizzly River Run.
B. Add a Dark ride based on Mulan
C. Add a new unique outdoor tree top ride based on The Jungle Book.

3. Accentuate Africa
A. Build a new Mountain coaster based on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Everest needs some company!
B. Add the new Lion King show building!!!
C. The Nile Floom Ride... The ming I'm not sure of but something could work.

When these much needed refurbs were done, then add anew land!!! Fix what's broken first.

Those things either aren't broken or aren't built in order to refurb. Nothing to fix there. ;) What you mean to say is "Disney isn't doing what I want them to with the money so they are fools." They've been doing pretty good for 56 years. :thumbsup2
I totally Agree. 1 ride would be good enough. With the amount of money they are throwing at this New Land, it would be better spent on:

1. Fix Dinoland!

A. Replacing Triceratops Spin with a better Dino themed coaster similar to Crush's Coaster in Paris.

B. Refurbishing Dinosaur to bring it up to par w/ Indiana Jones at Disneyland.

C. Add a stage show in prehistoric themed coliseum modeled after the "Walking with Dinosaurs" arena show.

2. Upgrade Asia

A. Extend Kali River Rapids to bring it up to par with Grizzly River Run.

B. Add a Dark ride based on Mulan

C. Add a new unique outdoor tree top ride based on The Jungle Book.

3. Accentuate Africa

A. Build a new Mountain coaster based on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Everest needs some company!

B. Add the new Lion King show building!!!

C. The Nile Floom Ride... Theming I'm not sure of but something could work.

When these much needed refurbs were done, then add anew land!!! Fix what's broken first.

Ummmmmmmm, good list, but # 1 should be ...... FIX THE YETI!!!!!!!!
It was one of my first thoughts when I heard about Avatarland. Leave out a couple blue aliens and use the money on Yeti please.
I understand peoples thoughts of how the money could have been used but in truth it can't be and won't be diverted. Now even if you dislike the film I think it is impossible to deny the aesthetic power of the planet Pandora. I also think it would be out of sheer stubbornness to deny that even if the film was not to your liking that the world may be to your liking. My example is Wizarding World; I can't stand Harry Potter. The books, the films I just don't enjoy them but Wizarding World was SO much fun.

I am not denying anyone feelings because those are personal perspective and no one should try to change that. I just want to express the view that no matter your feelings towards the film the planet will be breathtaking. With more attractions available to tend with crowds this will allow for other attractions such a Everest to have longer refurbishments and still keep capacity balanced. I am just thankful they are not adding another Chester Hester :)

I think as time goes on and people actually step foot into this 12 acre land much of those negative feelings will melt away. I am so excited to see what they will create. All discussion seems to make it clear that this is less about the film and more about expanding on the universe Cameron had created. It will separate from the films and exist in it's own right. As others have mentioned with Splash Mountain it is unnecessary to love or even like Songs Of The South to enjoy the attraction. Avatar will bring a new demographic into the parks and will ultimately appease. There will never be enough to appease the world as our demands are ever changing and so varied depending on who you speak to.


Those things either aren't broken or aren't built in order to refurb. Nothing to fix there. ;) What you mean to say is "Disney isn't doing what I want them to with the money so they are fools." They've been doing pretty good for 56 years. :thumbsup2

I think sellsje stated his thoughts pretty well and doesn't need anyone to re-interpret them.

I think what you mean to say is "I don't agree with what you are saying".

Personally.....I think these are some great ideas and would compliment AK very well.
Those things either aren't broken or aren't built in order to refurb. Nothing to fix there. ;) What you mean to say is "Disney isn't doing what I want them to with the money so they are fools." They've been doing pretty good for 56 years. :thumbsup2

I think sellsje stated his thoughts pretty well and doesn't need anyone to re-interpret them.

I think what you mean to say is "I don't agree with what you are saying".

Personally.....I think these are some great ideas and would compliment AK very well.

The point I was attempting to make is that it is very annoying to watch people criticize Disney for this move just because other things need to be fixed or refurbished. Disney knows what they are doing and have proved it pretty readily for 56 years now. I suppose my point was kind of lost on my slightly sarcastic answer but I seriously doubt Disney has only a handful of Imagineers working for them and has them all stuck on two projects, New Fantasyland and Pandora. More likely Disney will be fixing all of the things that need to be fixed but just because they do not make a grand announcement that they are going to be fixing things people get angry and assume that Disney is ignoring the problems. Disney is very aware of the many design and repair issues in the parks but they aren't going to be announcing these repairs to the general public unless it requires them to shut down a ride for them. And even then the public may not get much advanced notice. And as for the Yeti... Disney has already said that a repair for him is unlikely to happen since they would need to tear out a good size chunk of the EE mountain to get him out, fix him, and then put him back in again then hope that he doesn't break his supports again. But just because Disney isn't doing that it doesn't mean that they are apathetic toward the feelings of their guests.
The point I was attempting to make is that it is very annoying to watch people criticize Disney for this move just because other things need to be fixed or refurbished. Disney knows what they are doing and have proved it pretty readily for 56 years now. I suppose my point was kind of lost on my slightly sarcastic answer but I seriously doubt Disney has only a handful of Imagineers working for them and has them all stuck on two projects, New Fantasyland and Pandora. More likely Disney will be fixing all of the things that need to be fixed but just because they do not make a grand announcement that they are going to be fixing things people get angry and assume that Disney is ignoring the problems. Disney is very aware of the many design and repair issues in the parks but they aren't going to be announcing these repairs to the general public unless it requires them to shut down a ride for them. And even then the public may not get much advanced notice. And as for the Yeti... Disney has already said that a repair for him is unlikely to happen since they would need to tear out a good size chunk of the EE mountain to get him out, fix him, and then put him back in again then hope that he doesn't break his supports again. But just because Disney isn't doing that it doesn't mean that they are apathetic toward the feelings of their guests.

As I stated before....this is a discussion forum where everyone is entitled to their opinion, provided they follow Dis guidelines.

If hearing opinions different than yours annoys you, this might prove more and more difficult.

The Dis and the Dis Unplugged podcast are based on the sharing those opinions whether they be good, bad or indifferent. If you have ever listened to the podcast, I'm sure you are aware that we often state what we think Disney is doing well and not so well.

My hope is that we can continue to share our opinions on this and other topics.

As you can see.....there is not 100% agreement on this topic and that has made for some lively discussion.
Ummmmmmmm, good list, but # 1 should be ...... FIX THE YETI!!!!!!!!

Ok. I have a question. I suppose I should know this but I don't. What is wrong with the Yeti? What is it supposed to do that it isn't currently doing? We rode Everest 2 or 3 times last month and I watched it each time and don't know what it is I'm missing.
wow... so many comments. I've only glanced through a few, but i'm glad other people are just as 'meh' on this as I am. I am still coming to grips that this movie made more money than any movie in history. It was just such a typical action/adventure script. Other than the spectacular effects, the plot, story and characters were forgettable.

I'd rather have seen the money spent towards the rumored Beastly Kingdom, but that would cost just as much and wouldn't garner all the press.
Ok. I have a question. I suppose I should know this but I don't. What is wrong with the Yeti? What is it supposed to do that it isn't currently doing? We rode Everest 2 or 3 times last month and I watched it each time and don't know what it is I'm missing.

Several posts in this thread, including Aaron's (ADP) explain the sad history: of the Yeti. http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2677560
Ok. I have a question. I suppose I should know this but I don't. What is wrong with the Yeti? What is it supposed to do that it isn't currently doing? We rode Everest 2 or 3 times last month and I watched it each time and don't know what it is I'm missing.

It's supposed to move and grab you as you shoot around it on the coaster. Right now, depending on what VIP is in the park, it is either in disco mode (flashing lights for appearance of movement) or completely dark with just the roar. Hubby and I were lucky enough to ride it when it was actually working, and it completely scares the bejeezus out of you because it looked like it was reaching down and grabbing you. :scared1:

If you go on youtube I'm sure you can find videos... Right now I've got one bookmarked but it doesn't have the yeti moving- instead it's got a disappearing person in a car which has my "kids" convinced that the yeti eats someone each time the train goes through... :lmao::lmao:
it is either in disco mode (flashing lights for appearance of movement)

That's really interesting because when we rode it, I would have sworn it was moving. That's why I wondered what all the fuss was about. I'll have to pay extra close attention the next time we go (not until next summer unfortunately).
Those things either aren't broken or aren't built in order to refurb. Nothing to fix there. ;) What you mean to say is "Disney isn't doing what I want them to with the money so they are fools." They've been doing pretty good for 56 years. :thumbsup2

No, actually I like to pretend I am an Imagineer! Actually Animal Kingdom is my 2nd favorite park and I love most of what Disney does. I my favorite thing about the park is the trails but the rides are pretty scarce and it needs to be a full day park.

I dont think Avatar is a good fit. Meh. It's a pretty violent movie and isn't very Magical. That's what makes it a better fit at Universal.

I mean, even past the movie itself--which I don't think contains ounce of anything memorable or that will stand the test of time--the idea that the aesthetics of the Pandora world are enough to make the new land worthwhile seems ludicrous to me. It's a pretty rote CGI concoctions, cobbled together from much a dozen different and much more iconic film and fantasy sources.

They've been doing pretty good for 56 years. :thumbsup2

I'd say they did amazing for about thirty years, coasted pretty well up until and including Animal Kingdom, and have been sliding steadily for about a decade now. This Avatar move is keeping in line with the downwards trend, in my opinion.

With time-tested and truly classic IPs as yet fully untapped, and not to mention the idea of a Beastly Kingdoms drawing on truly timeless myths, this idea just feels forced and corporate and shallow. When I think of what would have happened if the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies (similarly meh entertainments) had come first and the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride had been derived from those movies, instead of the other way around, I know for a certainty in my heart that the charm of the Pirates ride would not exist in any way shape or form. What you would have got would be a Universal ride. Maybe great, maybe horrible, but a Universal ride of gloss and glitz. Not a piece of Disney magic. And that's what I fear with this.

Avatar, for all its standout components, was an assault on charm. And this will probably be too.
I'd say they did amazing for about thirty years, coasted pretty well up until and including Animal Kingdom, and have been sliding steadily for about a decade now. This Avatar move is keeping in line with the downwards trend, in my opinion.

With time-tested and truly classic IPs as yet fully untapped, and not to mention the idea of a Beastly Kingdoms drawing on truly timeless myths, this idea just feels forced and corporate and shallow. When I think of what would have happened if the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies (similarly meh entertainments) had come first and the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride had been derived from those movies, instead of the other way around, I know for a certainty in my heart that the charm of the Pirates ride would not exist in any way shape or form. What you would have got would be a Universal ride. Maybe great, maybe horrible, but a Universal ride of gloss and glitz. Not a piece of Disney magic. And that's what I fear with this.

Avatar, for all its standout components, was an assault on charm. And this will probably be too.

This ^

I just don't understand Disney's apparent need to compete with Universal "in kind" - as in a "pop culture" cool kinda way. This is not Disney's draw. I do not think they are fools, but I do think they are trying too hard to get into the cool kids club. (see American Idol Experience) Universal performed a coup in getting Harry Potter. It is a unique property with a fan base akin to Disney's. This is not at all the case with Avatar. I have faith in Disney's Imagineer's...but this is potentially Tom Skagg's DCA, only time will tell.


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