Bearville and anyone else who needs it The Link to Join DISNEY REWARDS

What sites are they talking about that we have to visit?
Are they talking about the disney boards ao disney sites ? JP
you have to do something in order to earn your reward at Disney Rewards you click on preassigned sites(and no they are not Disney Sites)and do searches(10)answer Trivia(optional-but gets you an additional entry)and bonus sites(another additional entry per week)

hope that helps if you have anymore questions just ask.

it is pretty self explanatory once you have received your invite for the test drive.This is a really simple program to get the hang of.No need to worry.

Have you signed up yet?

Thanks mal for the post. I signed up but never got my welcome email. Hopefully this program will stay.:p :p
Help! I can't access teh site through the link! I keep getting a window saying I need a password to view the site, but don't know what the password is! Can anyone help?
Karla B.
Thanks for the info....I tried signing up on disney awards main site last week, haven't gotten my
welcome email from there yet.but did write to contact person and she said she would look into it ( believe her name was Krisand that was on the 3rd) tried the site you posted above the day you posted info. Haven't gotten anything from there yet either. sounds like a great awards program, hopefully I can get into it and start clicking soon.
Thanks to those who help out with info like this , being new to reward clicking it helps alot.
:pinkbounc :bounce:

Just wanted to say THANKS for all the support of Disney Awards!

I'm working (very aprt-time) with kris on the site, and although it does take some time to get a program off the ground, Kris si trying very hard.

For all your support Mal, you're the greatest.

Barb :);) :p
Thanks Mal for the information about this award site. I signed up just now. Hopefully I'll get my email soon and can check it out.


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