Beauty and the Beach ~ Deluxe Edition

You can bet I'll be checking that itinerary frequently!!
I just think, what if I didn't know until that day (miss the flight!) or shortly before and it would be too late or hard to change? Ooh, my blood is boiling!
That kind of stuff gets me all stirred up too.....not Mike. He is sooooo laid back, he would say, "Why are you upset? You found out in plenty of time..quit griping and adjust your plans"....needless to say we don't agree on that front!!!! Causes quite a bit of uproar on my end!!! I am such an over-planner that I get riled up!! this is why I do all the planning around here!!!!
This is the view of the resort at Port Canaveral from the Disney Wonder. (I think they are zoomed in). There are a couple buildings, one is right at the beach and the other is more the "main" building where the pools, lazy river etc. are.

That resort looks so nice!!! Can't beat a hotel at the beach! My parents are at their "home" resort this week in Fort Lauderdale (so jealous). It's literally across the street from the beach (the hotel is on A-IA...the song that is mentioned in "Ice Ice Baby"!!! :laughing: ). I've been there twice and it's lovely. It's actually on top of a 3 story open-air mall!!! Of course, I enjoy Marriott's Orlando properties a bit more. :goodvibes
Sheree, you all are going to love meeting Teena!
That lady is wonderful and truly makes staying at Beach Club a memorable experience.
Yes Shawna i'm in a group on the boards and it's great. Just slowly working toward a 15-20 lb loss. We have a thread over on W.I.S.H. I think there's a link in dizneydawn's sig. When you have a 5 lb loss she sends the palm tree.
Wigd - really hoping to meet Teena! I've read a lot from and about her on the yc/bc threads.
Well good for you!! That first 5 is soooo hard!!! I tell you what helps me sometimes...if I take out Dr. Pepper and do water ...add lemon's a metabolism raiser! I am not a work out girl, but if I walk about 3 miles a day I really start to see a loss...I feel better too..keep us know we will cheer you on!!!
Well good for you!! That first 5 is soooo hard!!! I tell you what helps me sometimes...if I take out Dr. Pepper and do water ...add lemon's a metabolism raiser! I am not a work out girl, but if I walk about 3 miles a day I really start to see a loss...I feel better too..keep us know we will cheer you on!!!

Thanks Shawna! I have been drinking a lot more water. I don't drink much soda anyway. But just adding water and watching food intake, trying to eat healthier. It's going okay so far. I have pretty low expectations and am not trying to change everything at once. I'll keep you updated. My boss told me the other day to go buy new pants because mine looked too big! I was thrilled!!!
Thanks Shawna! I have been drinking a lot more water. I don't drink much soda anyway. But just adding water and watching food intake, trying to eat healthier. It's going okay so far. I have pretty low expectations and am not trying to change everything at once. I'll keep you updated. My boss told me the other day to go buy new pants because mine looked too big! I was thrilled!!!

How exciting!!!! That is wonderful!! Are the girls ready for summer....when do your schools let out?

How exciting!!!! That is wonderful!! Are the girls ready for summer....when do your schools let out?

We're a long way from summer despite the gorgeous weather! Our school ends on June 10. Paige is already in summer wardrobe mode. She hates socks and would go barefoot everywhere if I let her!
We have gymnastics and dance until about that time too.
I am sure after the long winter you had this year they are so glad it's spring! That's only about a week and half longer than Texas schools...our latest day out locally has been June's usually just a couple of days before that. It has been getting pretty warm here already...nights have been cool still---but poor Gracie...every restaurant you go to freezes you to death! I have just started making her leave a sweater in the car...she gets so cold she can't eat. I know they don't want customers cold, but man....if it's so cold that I am complaining, I feel bad for everyone else!
We are waiting for the days when they can go swimming!! That water is stil CHIIIIILLLLLY!!!
I am sure after the long winter you had this year they are so glad it's spring! That's only about a week and half longer than Texas schools...our latest day out locally has been June's usually just a couple of days before that. It has been getting pretty warm here already...nights have been cool still---but poor Gracie...every restaurant you go to freezes you to death! I have just started making her leave a sweater in the car...she gets so cold she can't eat. I know they don't want customers cold, but man....if it's so cold that I am complaining, I feel bad for everyone else!
We are waiting for the days when they can go swimming!! That water is stil CHIIIIILLLLLY!!!
Hi Shawna, just saw that you are south east Texas and that is such a nice area. My BFF lives in Orange and wondered if you were anywhere close? Have a great day!!
Nothing big - but I did call Disney today! I wanted to add Magical Express for our arrival. Had to be on hold for a few minutes - which I really didn't mind! They play Disney music! Got to hear a song from Monsters Inc!
So I managed to do add ME and while I was on the line I made them update the girls' ages since they've had their birthdays since we made the reservations.

I asked a bit about upgrading the DDP to DxDP. She said she could do it today, but I declined. I might wait until after I pay the package. I hear that normally if you make changes after the 45 day mark they will charge you, but if you're adding/upgrading, they usually don't. We'll wait and see. If I recall, I did the math and it would add about $250 to our total.

She also said that we could add a rental car through them - they use Alamo on site and we were planning to use Alamo - but I'm not sure if I can score a discount or something, so I'm going to wait on that.
After she wished me a magical day, I hung up smiling and told my office mates - I just love talking to Disney - they wish me a magical day!! They just shook their heads. Clearly not Disneyaholics.

Came home early and went to meet DH to go to Lowes. We are remodeling our downstairs bathroom. We had our neighbor/handyman do the tile floor, we changed the counter/sink, painted, got new faucet and towel bar and needed a new light fixture and mirror. So we found a light fixture and bought that today. Didn't find a mirror yet, so we're going to do without for a bit until I find one I like.
Because we have a Disney Visa - I saved $10 at Lowes! If I spent over $50 and used my Visa - I got $10 off!! They had sent coupons a while ago. The other was if you spent $250 you saved $75 I think. I also just got some coupons for NY &Co. If you spend $75 you save $30!!! I should go there - it's a good deal!

I also did some "gardening" today! We are getting our hot tub next week, and I had to move some Hostas to prepare the site. So I dug them up (with a little help from DH) and divided them and replanted them up on our hill. DH dug the holes for me. My legs are tired! Then DH took the railing off the deck and leveled the spot a bit.
Got the kids to bed and kicking back watching Idol. They went like 25 minutes long!!!
I'm working from home tomorrow, and hoping to get some stuff done at home. Going to clean up the clutter, go through some kids' clothes, mark garage sale stuff and bake some bars/cookies. (Luckily, I don't have much work stuff to do! just check email and voicemail mostly!) I'm going on a girls' getaway weekend up to Duluth Friday afternoon and bringing some treats along. The rest will go to my parents' church as they are providing lunch on Sunday. Then the girls have dance pictures tomorrow night and Sarah has softball practice too.
So that's my news for today. I am pooped. Probably will be tomorrow too!!
looking for the best deal on flights to MCO from SWF Newburgh NY or White Plains NY airport, dates..July 8 to 20, we are flexible a few days each way for the best deals,myself and DD7, so two tickets, thx!! I have been searching but cant find better than $600 for both of us, maybe u frinds can do better!! I m counting on it!! :thumbsup2
I agree, Disney calls are cheerful calls!

You had a very productive day, I don't blame you for being tired!
My day with 2nd grade leaves me drained.
Summer can't get here soon enough!
I agree, Disney calls are cheerful calls!

You had a very productive day, I don't blame you for being tired!
My day with 2nd grade leaves me drained.
Summer can't get here soon enough!

Having recently had a second grader I can feel your pain. It must be that much worse with 25 or 30 of them!!!
I hope I'll have another productive day tomorrow. I've been wasting time tonight looking at VB Hipsters and mini hipsters on ebay! Thanks to all the VB talk on your thread! I am leaning toward the hipster since I have a small bag that I can bring. The hipster seems to be a good size for me.
Wow girl! You did get a lot done~ way to go!! I got the NY&C coupon today..yeah....go get some pants that fit!!!Ha!! Maybe even get a size smaller and make them your goal!
A bit late, sorry--- but i'm here!

Yay for that timeshare- it sounds like a fun time, and you know what? ANytime in WDW is wonderful- humidity and all. just pack sunscreen. Lots n lots of sunscreen.


Love the title btw.:cool1:


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