Bed bugs at Bonnet Creek :(

I always try not to be paranoid when it comes to bed bugs..the registry lists about every disney resort. are we going to stop going ?..i guess no, I have stayed at bonnet creek..parkway and many listed on there ,,never a bedbug, im sure its an isolated incident, I do check when i get in my room , but wont stop going to disney because of reports of bedbugs, it happens all the time at least once im sure.
I am so sorry to hear what happened on your trip. I can't thank you enough for sharing your story though. I used to be very diligent when checking into a hotel room but have really slacked off lately.
We are currently planning our December trip and are about to decide on our accommodations. BC was at the top of my list and it has now been removed. Not because of the bed bugs but because of their terrible response to the bed bugs.
I've never been exposed to bed bugs but we had live in our house and I lost sleep over it for months. It is so hard to get rid of the pesky critters. I thought my life would always revolve around coming hair. If a hotel can't take the initiative to treat the problem it will be back in a week or two exactly how you described it was for you. That is unacceptable.
I thank you again for sharing your story. It narrows my list by one more.
I always try not to be paranoid when it comes to bed bugs..the registry lists about every disney resort. are we going to stop going ?..i guess no, I have stayed at bonnet creek..parkway and many listed on there ,,never a bedbug, im sure its an isolated incident, I do check when i get in my room , but wont stop going to disney because of reports of bedbugs, it happens all the time at least once im sure.

Not isolated ,...there are a lot of reports on BC..a lot
There are also many reports of them at the Disney resorts....BUT the big difference is how Disney handles it...

Any hotel can ( and will ) get them...but to not rtoperly treat the room is unforgivable...and that would be one place I would never stay. Now, because of BC and the lack of care they gave the OP's room she has to wait 5 1/2 more months to see if she carried them home. Her nightmare could have been prevented by BC management.
Indy Denise said:
Not isolated ,...there are a lot of reports on BC..a lot
There are also many reports of them at the Disney resorts....BUT the big difference is how Disney handles it...

Any hotel can ( and will ) get them...but to not rtoperly treat the room is unforgivable...and that would be one place I would never stay. Now, because of BC and the lack of care they gave the OP's room she has to wait 5 1/2 more months to see if she carried them home. Her nightmare could have been prevented by BC management.

Not every Disney report has a perfect ending. A couple had management delays as referenced here. I arrive in 12 days and this thread has me unsettled. But it can happen anywhere and I'll learn from the OP to check and be diligent with management.
I can. My daughter who had a horrible infestation in her house was oblivious for a couple of weeks (and she is an OCD type cleaner).

She came home from a trip with friends and she was covered in big blotchy bites, but her friends didn't have any.

She went to a dermatologist who was an ex Army dr, and he told her bed bugs. She kept looking for them and couldn't find them and her husband never had any signs of bites. Her friends never had any signs either.

She decided the dr was crazy and went to another derm and was put on steroids for an allergic reaction (to what who knows).

One day she looked around the bed and there were bedbugs everywhere. She called her friends and they looked again and they had them as well.

Not everyone reacts to the bites, but how 3 OCD neat freaks missed seeing the bugs for a couple of weeks is beyond me.

She did call the original dr and apologize.

Because they are almost impossible to spot unless the infestation is well established. They are horrifying! It took me weeks to discover what it was and that was after a British friend joked "sounds like bed bugs lol!!!!". Ha ha. I didn't even know they were real, I thought they were from a nursery rhyme or something.
Is it possible to have only 3 or 4 bites? We just got home from WBC yesterday and were in tower 4. I have a 4 little red "bites" on one leg, it never occured it might be bed bug bites. Now I am really worried about our luggage and clothes etc. which we have already put away!

Yes. They especially bite ankles and faces, upper arms. Whatever is most likely to be exposed at night. The bites have what looks like a tiny blister right in the center.
If you get home and think you have been exposed please contact WBC and the DOH and report this...also the bedbug registry.
Someone else is probably in the room you were in right now.
I can understand how you might think this story is exaggerated, and I sure wish it was too. Unfortunately it is not, which is why we took photos to prove it

I think this is perfectly reasonable and I don't think the story is exaggerated and feel bad for what happened to you and how management handled it.

That being said, I think its more just bad luck than anything else. There are tons of units in multiple towers, and some of the posters are acting like wbc is some flea ridden hotel. We just got back, no problems. If people are concerned, check first don't worry incessantly about it.

Sometimes bad things happen on vacation. My rental car got dinged ( either at wbc or the TTC) which is a pain. But I'm not going to impune wbc guests or Disney guests saying they are all irresponsible drivers and that guests should worry about their cars all night.

Again this is not to absolve wbc of responsibility, but a lot of things can go bad on vacation, having this idea of the perfect or ideal vacation is self defeating because the first time it deviates from the ideal people feel cheated. Vacation is still life and stuff happens in life. The best thing is to roll with it as opposed to trying to have a contingency for everything that might go wrong.

But I still hope the op gets something from wbc.
If you get home and think you have been exposed please contact WBC and the DOH and report this...also the bedbug registry.
Someone else is probably in the room you were in right now.

Seriously, if you think. There are all kinds of bugs that bite in Florida.

I'm sure the health department is already overwhelmed the last thing they need is a bunch of folks "crying wolf".

IMO this is a bit of hyperbole.
I agree. Florida is full of various types of bugs. I think the issue is they are usually confined to the area. If you have had the unfortunate experience to encounter bedbugs, being covered in bites, having to dispose of luggage and worrying they are in your home, it's a different scenario. What bothers me most is the way WBC handled it. The local health department in the area we stayed could not have been nicer and repeatedly told us they appreciate knowing about incidents and investigating them. I've had many bug bites (including the nasty noseeum's), but the bedbug bites were the worst.
I check for bedbugs before we take anything into a hotel room and have never found them. The only thing I usually check is the bed. Is that all that needs to be checked??? Also, if there would happen to be bedbugs in a room I check how quickly would they get onto a person? I just would hate to check for bedbugs, possibly find them, get a new room and take a few with my from my room check.
OP - thank you so much for sharing. This is a great reminder. We need to hear about these things to remind us about it. So sorry that your vacation was ruined. I can feel your pain just reading your post!
Although I have never had bed bugs, my daughter had lice once and it was a nightmare. I know bed bugs are worse, but I had a taste of it with the lice. Everything in the house had to be quarantined, washed every day for weeks. Everyone in the house treated. Weeks/months of checking afterwards. Hours of picking out nits from hair. I can't imagine dealing with bed bugs in my home. I hope for your family's sake that none came home with you. Fingers crossed.
We learned a few tips in addition to checking the mattress. Check for a white residue in the dresser drawers as well as the headboard. Also, when checking fabric areas use a lint roller.
We learned a few tips in addition to checking the mattress. Check for a white residue in the dresser drawers as well as the headboard. Also, when checking fabric areas use a lint roller.

Thanks for the tips! But....
What is the white residue? What are you looking for on the lint roller? Eggs? Feces?
The health department said to check in the corner of drawers for a powdery substance. The lint roller is just an easier way to find the bugs (dead or alive). The roller gets into a few more crevices and hard to reach areas.
to the OP ... did you ever hear back again from WBC??

I have heard nothing from any higher up people. We did email the manager who worked with us at the hotel, and at first he tried to say that if we found bed bugs in our home then it might be because they were there already. We told him that we had the house checked upon our arrival home and they didn't find anything. His only reply was that if we were "out" any items from our trip we should send him an itemized list and he'd "see" if there was anything there insurance company would do. I'm not holding my breath. His emails seem to continue to try to divert blame everywhere else but to WBC. Again, I just pray we don't find them in our home/car.
I have heard nothing from any higher up people. We did email the manager who worked with us at the hotel, and at first he tried to say that if we found bed bugs in our home then it might be because they were there already. We told him that we had the house checked upon our arrival home and they didn't find anything. His only reply was that if we were "out" any items from our trip we should send him an itemized list and he'd "see" if there was anything there insurance company would do. I'm not holding my breath. His emails seem to continue to try to divert blame everywhere else but to WBC. Again, I just pray we don't find them in our home/car.

OMG. What a horrible response. Maybe Wyndham corporate office will reply. Either way, I hope your car and home are free of them!
I'm wondering if the white residue is related to a "sign" that they've treated for bed bugs before. I know there's a white powder that people sprinkle in areas in the bedroom when an infestation has occurred.


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