Being Accountable


Wishes to You!
Jan 21, 2005
Hi all,

Let me introduce myself, I am Charleen, I live in AL, I have a ton of weight to lose but instead of starting out 2011 with the normal weight-loss resolution I put a twist on it. I didn't make the same old resolution. This year started out with a resolution to be more accountable to myself to ask for help when I needed it and to start journaling what I eat.

1st, How to be more accountable to myself. I've been posting on facebook and started a blog which I guess is already overdue for another post.
Well, I'm not perfect, but I have been diligent on logging everything I eat.

A few weeks into the year I started getting geared up to add some exercise back into my daily routine and in addition to all that this is the year we had decided to remodel our kitchen.

A nice thing happened my husband and I had thrown around the idea of trying the Half marathon in Jan 2012 as a goal to hep motivate us through out the year. About a week after making that small goal another friend of mine posted on FB that they had that same goal and after a few posts I have a new walking buddy a few days a week.

It's not easy going from sedentary to just moving again.
My knees are not my friends they tend to ache a lot, thou I really should give them a lot of credit they are still holding me up in the first place.
In Jan. I started off at 320.6 pounds and lost 21 pounds in the 1st month.
Yay, out of the 300's in a month, That is really just what I needed.

I hope that I help inspire anyone out there who is in the same boat as me.
My husband lost 46 pounds in the month, I'm still not sure why I haven't signed him up for the Biggest Loser I am sure he would make me proud, that man is a fat burning machine when he wants to be.

Well, I guess I have gone on long enough I'll try to update weekly.
Wishing you all a Magical week!:wizard:
Way to go on losing the 21!! You're doing great--I just started logging my food again and wow what an eye opener, it's hard to deny it when it's written down. Best of luck to you and your hubby!!
Welcome to the WISH journals. I have found this a great way to keep accountable and get support from a very friendly and often knowledgable community. Great job on the weight loss so far :thumbsup2


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