Best tool to make cut circles or ovals?


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Apr 27, 2000
I love to cut my pictures into circles or oval I have templates but no matter how careful I am it is never totally perfect! I've seen different tools at AC Moore but they cost a lot and I want to make sure if I put out money I get something that is easy to use. Any ideas?
and I loathe it! So, it was back to the templates for me until I saw someone use the CM oval templates and cutters. WOW! I got mine on Saturday - they are so great - I'm getting the circles next! (You can HAVE my Fiskars !)
I have the CM oval and circle cutter and they are very easy to use and make great shapes. They have some newer cutting tools I haven't gotten but will soon.
The CM cutting system is the absolute best, IMHO. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a CMC, honestly. I've only been a CMC for about a month and a half, but I've been using the cutting system since they came out with it a few years ago. I used to do the tracing with the templates too (that's all CM had when I first started scrapbooking) and now will never go back! The cutting system is an investment but well worth it. I've tried other things that ended up just being a waste of money. Better to make a good investment with no regrets.
I can't comment on the CM cutting system because I've never tried it, but I love the coluzzle, it's dead easy and I can do ovals, circles, squares and the alphabet. what more do I need!

Creative Memories has the best cutting system on the market. I am not a CM consultant, but I am a scrapbook NUT. I am familiar with just about every scrapbook tool that exists on the planet. I probably need to be commited - HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!

Anyway, CM is the best for cutting. Trust me.

One more vote for the CM cutting system. The wavy ruler is fantastic too. I like using the different color blades to make my mats all the same width. I haven't seen the new blades as yet.

The blade runner is on my wish list for cutting out stencils. You can use it with any stencil. I was able to try it a few times at crops. It takes a bit of practice but I think it will be very handy.

I don't have many tools. It takes me some time to decide which ones to purchase as I am at the time in my life where I am trying to scale down my possessions.

My SIL has a coluzzle book that shows a kajillion things you can make with a coluzzle so I'd have to vote that way for "gettting more for your money."
I've tried the CM cutting system and didn't personally care for it. I do like my coluzzle but I'm also a bit on the frugal side. (OK, I'm a miser, basically.)
Now for my #1 piece of advice:
If you have the opportunity to go to a crop you can try out everybody else's and form your own opinion. :)
Okay, I am a CMC, so my vote may be considered biased. But I definitely vote for the Creative Memories Custom Cutting System! After a little practice, I have even used it in the car--with a lap desk under the mat for added support. That is, when I can get the DDs to sleep or do some other quiet activity--not as often as I'd like, don't you know!
What exactly is a crop? Never heard of that. I assume it is a class or some type of get together. Where do you find out? I am very new to scrapping. I just started pretty much this summer. I've always taken a ton of pictures but just put them in an album. I started when my DD was 5 a photo book for her nothing fancy just cropped pictures of her and put it in a magnetic album (EEK I know!) But I wanted something for her to take with her. Then awhile back I bought a memory kit book, didn't like it but started to do the cut and glue and wrote some that is different! I want nice looking books with stickers and borders and all that fluff! HAHAHA so any info is great!
Spinning, I haven't been to a crop either (although I am working on it) but I understand that it's just when a group of scrappers get together and scrap. Sometimes they are organised at someone's home, and other times at a store, or CM organise them too (but then I guess you wouldn't get to try the Colluzzle)

The crops I've been to have been at a craft store, informally- just a bunch of friends at somebody's house, and my CMC has them once a month either at her home or at her church. She's really good about turning the other way when we use something "non-CM" so I have been able to check out other adhesives and such. (I still like the CM tape runner best.) I think she realizes after having seen my Disney album that I couldn't have done it the way I wanted to using only CM products.
Like I said, I liked crops when I first got started to get ideas and try out equipment. Now I like to go because I get time to be with other grown-ups!:D

CM consultants usually have crops. You can go to and locate a consultant if you don't already have one. Or scrapbook stores have them. I think CMC crops are more personal, though. I went to quite a few crops at my CMC's before I became a consultant. They're a lot of fun!!
Hi thanks everyone. I don't have a CM consultant. I will check there web site and see who is in my area. I really want to go to one! Shame all of you aren't in my area!
You could borrow my blade runner for a while (Permanently?) - I'm not that fond of it - when I use it, I have two left hands.
WOW!! the last post was a long time ago. Well, I have to say that CM circle cutters are the best!! They now have heart, star, diamond,etc. cutters that I really love. :lovestruc
Have a quick but urgent question for you all. I used to be a CM consultant, but haven't been for several years now. I'm trying to get some stuff ready for a craft fair and need to cut some things in a circle. Since I love the circle cutter I used to have from CM, I got me a new one, but can't remember how to put the blades in. I've searched the internet, but don't have much time to get these done so found you all and decided to ask.

Please help!!! Someone tell me how to get the blade into the OLD STYLE of circle cutter.

Thank you!
Spinning, I too like the CM cutters. I had the fiskars circle cutter and didn't like it. The CM ones are 3 or 4 different templates and 3 blades. Each blade cuts the circle or oval a different size. It's great for double and triple mats.

I used the ovals on these:

The brown is just a bit of shadow.
Another vote for the Creative Memories Custom Cutting System! :cool1: It is the easiest and so versatile.


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