BEWARE! Theft at Saratoga Springs Resort


Earning My Ears
Feb 5, 2005
Forewarning to anyone staying at Saratoga Springs Resort: Beware of housekeeping staff as we were robbed of 2 laptops, 1 digital camera, and 1 cell phone charger the day after we had our 2 bedroom villa cleaned during our stay. We were only gone from our room for about 4-5 hours that evening and someone entered our room with a room key and stole our things. Prior to leaving for the evening, my husband and I separately received calls to our room phone during the day where nobody was as the other end??? We believe they were checking to see if we had left our room yet so they could come in. Security came and took a report, Orlando Police also came and took a report and although Disney Security assured us that they could tell who entered our room (cause each room key has a specific number assigned to it) we were never given any information regarding who was responsible. Therefore we could never press charges and possibly get our things back. We have been DVC members since 1998 and never had a problem like this, but we also never stayed at Saratoga Springs until this year. We were disappointed with the way Disney handled our theft as we were constantly calling Security and Management at the resort to get updated on what was discovered. They handled the case poorly and the only compensation given to us was $500.00 (that is REQUIRED BY FLORIDA LAW to cover any theft liability by housekeeping staff), and that was after many phone calls to Disney inquiring about our case and what they may or maynot have found out. Our Disney memories have been sadly ruined by this theft and we will never feel "safe at home" as we once did.
I am sorry to hear that happened. How terrible. I hope everything works out for you.

Theft can happen at any resort :(
How awful! I am so sorry for you! How do you know it is housekeeping? Did Security or Resort Staff tell you (since they can tell whose key was used)?
DVCBdwalk98, that's so sad! I can't believe that all they compensated you was $500.00! :sad2: They should tell you who it was so you could press charges and maybe get some of your things back or at least more money! I know we won't leave anything lying around again. We usually request NO housekeeping while we are there for that reason. I think you should still stay after WDW about this. I would write a letter to Customer Service and anyone else who could help you! I hope things will have a better ending for you!
If you the OP filed a police report, and Disney has the information on who entered the room using a room key, wouldn't failure to provide that information be impeding a police investigation, something that I'm sure is against the law.

It's a crappy thing that happened, but are you sure it was housekeeping? You said the theft occurred:
the day after we had our 2 bedroom villa cleaned during our stay.

It would seem to me that any department with a key could have gotten in (bell services, maintenance, management) without it necessarily being housekeeping.

As for the $500, I wonder if that's to cover the deductiable under a typical homeowners or renter's policy? I know if my stuff is stolen, my policy will pay replacement value less $500.

Sorry to hear about the theft. I imagine it is very difficult to feel safe in a room that has been robbed.

Does anyone know if you can put a laptop in the room safe at SSR? As I recall the safe is too small, but I'm not sure. I like to take my laptop so that I can download my pictures each day.
Sorry to hear about you getting robbed at SSR.We are staying there after our DVC member cruise in october so thanks for the info.My friends son had put his back pack on the cart when staying concierge at the grand Floridian but when the bags came no back pack.Like you they putted around saying they are checking but nothing.he got very mad and went over the concierge mgr head to the office.he explained that his son had his new playstation with games and a handheld game system with games and wanted something done.They took a list of what he had and the next day they had all brand new stuff for was over $1000.00 to replace his stuff and Disney payed cash.he found that out when he tried to return one of the items that Disney bought at a target or wal-mart store.I also had my Yukon XL damaged by a bell hop at the Wyndam Palace Downtown Disney and they called the police on me because they gave me a chance to take twenty dollars from the attendant to wax my truck when they scratched the paint thru to metal and also scratched my back glass.The officer was very nice about it and told me I have no chance winning this fight and let me walkaway since he was going to bring me in on harrasment charges that they would press charges.HOW UNFAIR
my friend who is a lawyer said it would cost me more to fight for the $1400.00 in damages and I would most likely would lose.he said they have somewhere that they are not responsible for any damages.On every trip I have something special for them every trip.Maybe wax will work for them:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I'm sorry to hear that. That's horrible.

When we were there in July we also got 2 phone calls one morning, when we were still sleeping, and no one was on the other end. The calls were made about 30 minutes apart.
I have been told that I am being paranoid to tell people to LOCK THAT STUFF UP!!!

I am very sorry that this happened to the OP. I think we can all take a minute to learn from it however.

Laptops, digital cameras etc. should NOT be left out. The OP learned a hard lesson. If your laptop will not fit in the safe invest in a $20 cable lock. I have one of these and have left my laptop in LOTS of hotels that were probably much less "secured" then your avg Disney hotel and never had a problem. If the "thiefs" don't know you have it or if they see you have made it "hard" to get they won't bother..... So even if it was housekeeping if they didn't think the "pickings" were there they would have hit another room. Since the police didn't tell OP there was a rash of thefts that night something tells me the thiefs viewed this room as good "pickings"

The reason Disney (or any other) hotel will not really "cooperate" with you is that they really have no proof that we had the stuff we said we did. Plus if they "admit" that it was one of thier employees it assists the attorney in planning the suit. (I wouldn't be surprised if one trolls the boards and contacts the OP. People sue Disney because "Disney should have known the park was located in an area with rain and built shelter" I think that means put the park under a dome!)
If you the OP filed a police report, and Disney has the information on who entered the room using a room key, wouldn't failure to provide that information be impeding a police investigation, something that I'm sure is against the law.

It's a crappy thing that happened, but are you sure it was housekeeping? You said the theft occurred:

It would seem to me that any department with a key could have gotten in (bell services, maintenance, management) without it necessarily being housekeeping.

As for the $500, I wonder if that's to cover the deductiable under a typical homeowners or renter's policy? I know if my stuff is stolen, my policy will pay replacement value less $500.


I think what the OP was implying is that the Housekeeping identified valuables in the room, and then came back the next day to retrieve them. A little more likely than people just checking rooms randomly, although hard to prove.
How awful!! :scared1: I'm sorry that it's been so hard to get a follow-up on the situation. Thanks for the warning. We'll really have to think twice about what we keep in the room from now on! :sad2:
I have been worrying about this myself. I know how small the in-room safes are (assuming that they are the same as in the mods). I have a new laptop and plan to take it with me, and immediately wondered where I would put it when we are not in the room?

I guess I had better invest in one of those cables, or reconsider even bringing it.
Hopefully you have insurance that will cover that. I would think Disney would be better than that but I know they are not. They know exactly who entered that room! I know of someone who was attacked at GF and Disney took over for the police and the victim never heard another thing from Disney. After that, Disney installed a lot of lighting on their boat dock. As much as we all like to think that nothing bad ever happens in Disney, we should think again. I think it is ashame that one would have to lock up everything being on vacation. We very seldom have housekeeping come into our room. We tidy up ourselves and take our own trash out and change our own beds. I realize some don't like to do that on vacation but it doesn't take long. I am also amazed at how often maintenance comes in and out of the rooms unannounced. We have been out on the deck and have had them come in to "check the air conditioner" or "to change light bulbs". I think we would all be surprised who comes in and out of our rooms during the day and evening.
We've also received phone calls and then no one is on the other end.
You can never be too careful - even at 'Home'. When we travel, we always use either the room safe or a PacSafe Secure Day Safe (available at for our larger items. A great vacation can turn into a nightmare very quickly. I know first hand - it happened to me at a non Disney resort. Good luck in recovering your stuff.
I am so sorry for you and just told DH to make sure he hides all his electronics while we stay at OKW if we have housekeeping. Better to just hind it and not even leave temptation.

I hope perhaps the crime will be prosecuted and part of the the sentence will be paying you back!
Wow, I'm going there next April and will make sure to get a cable lock for my laptop. I just bought a new one last month. I think I will use the video feature on my sony camera and take pictures of the laptop etc. in the SSR room once we get there in case something happens and they perhaps don't think I had one. Really sorry that happened to you and hope you get your stuff back or at least some real compensation. But question for some of you others as I am not familiar with the ins and outs of home insurance. If your on a trip how would they accept a claim?? Wouldn't you need like some kind of trip insurance and list the stuff you bring with you to file a claim if something happens? Why would home insurance cover you your not at home?? :confused:
OP I'm so sorry this happened to you.:hug:
Unfortunately in this day and age it is always the prudent thing to secure your valuables. Its an important reminder to all of us.
But question for some of you others as I am not familiar with the ins and outs of home insurance. If your on a trip how would they accept a claim?? Wouldn't you need like some kind of trip insurance and list the stuff you bring with you to file a claim if something happens? Why would home insurance cover you your not at home??

Check with your agent, but yes, some policies do cover personal belongings on trips. Ours even covers our daughter's personal property in her dorm room at college (up to a certain $$). We don't need renter's insurance. It just depends on your policy.


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