Beyond Recovery: Christin's journal of progress (comments welcome)

Christin, ONDERLAND!!! YEAH!!!!!

(yes, I'm finally trying to catch up on some journals)

You're doing GREAT!

I loved your video - I watched it right after you posted and am truly impressed. Talented, you are! Amazingly, your voice is exactly as I had pictured from your writing here.

I hope things work out with your advisor. Sometimes they have difficulty realizing that it is YOUR life.

Have great weekend! Glad Grandpa is doing better.

Grocery prices here are soaring as well - more than gas prices it seems.

Maybe I'll get to see you and do lunch when I'm in Austin for gymnastics.
Thanks for stopping by, Julie. I would LOVE to see you when you come to Austin- I sent you a pm.

B- skipped (first mistake)
L- leftover chicken and potatos from Thurs.
S- celery and laughing cow cheese
D- pizza and salad

Exercise- 30 min. walk with DH and dogs

I'm not eating what I need WHEN I need it. I'm falling into my old habit of ignoring food because I don't want to think about it, then getting super hungry and making bad choices.

I didn't make it to the store yesterday because I spent most of the day sending, receiving, and sending more emails. I have a big deadline coming up with committee work I volunteered for with this national academic organization. I'm not quite sure how I fell into this position, which is typically filled by faculty, but here I am and I'm feeling a little bit out of my league, like the little girl trying to play with the big kids. I'm just petrified of looking like an amateur!

Anyway, today I HAVE to get to the grocery store and stock up on fresh veggies and fruit, and health snacks. We are also having friends over tonight, so I need to pick up a few snacks. My DH is bringing a video projector home from work and we are having an outdoor movie night! Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

My plan, starting Monday: go back to my original goals of eating whole, non-processed foods, particularly refined sugars. Stick to whole grains for carbs, and focus on finding good sources of protein. If I can stick to this, along with my exercise routine, I should be able to go back to loosing 2-3 lbs a month, a pace I'm comfortable with. It's not a race; it's my life.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
How are you? Thanks so much for stopping by while I was out...

I missed you guys... Life had just gotten so hectic and I figured no one wanted to hear the drama of my divorce on a day to day basis OR maybe I just didn't want to share my madness of it all. Probably the latter, but oh well, I'm back!

I will catch up with your journal soon. But I wanted to pop by and say HI! :wave: And, thank you for not forgetting me!

Happy Tuesday! :sunny: :sunny:
Wow! I totally hear you on the ignoring food because I don't want to be bothered, then getting super hungry, then doing something dumb thing. It's amazing how long we can struggle with such a simple concept.

I hope you're feeling a little bit better about your role in the academic organization. From what you've shared with us, it sounds like you're quite well respected in your field. I'm sure you have lots to contribute to the group. When you think about it, how much difference is there really between you and the typical faculty person? You've done all of your academic work, you've spent plenty of time teaching. You've still got your writing to finish, but putting that last period on the last sentence isn't going to make you Yoda or anything. You've already got it--there are just some formalities left to take care of. You're going to do a great job!

Outdoor movie night sounds so nice! I really hope it was fun.
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear that, but you've got to follow your conscience. :guilty:

I know I'll miss you a great deal. You've really added a lot to this community.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey, both in terms of health and in your professional future. You are strong. You can do this.

I'll be thinking of you...
Hope you are doing okay. Sorry you had some derailments but you are on the right track of wanting to stick to this!!!! AND WHOOOHOOOOO on hitting Onderland!!!!!!

Great news about your grandpa. Sorry I'm just getting this to see this. That is great.

Keep up the good work, I'm sure things will work out the best for you as you see fit. Hang in there!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well, apparently my last post was deleted. It was a goodbye note and message of appreciation to all of those great people here who helped me.

Anyway, if anyone wants to know where I am and what' I'm up to, just send me a pm.

You are a wonderful, supportive community and I am glad that I was a part of it.
Just when I started to get caught up on my journals, I find that I am a little late. My belated congrats to you for reaching ONDERLAND!

Off to PM you! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


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