Big smile - hotels now sorted!

Mrs Dazzle

<font color=009900>Florida-mad (well, mad full sto
Mar 9, 2002
For those who read my panic earlier in the week, pleased to tell you that our hotels are now sorted.

Background - we were booked into Wyndham Palace & Spa in Orlando, then Marco Island Hilton and Cheeca Lodge in the Keys. However, there were many, many negative reports on the US boards about the Wyndham, so decided to change and got a quote from Virgin for the Dolphin - only for them to up it by an awful lot more the following night. So, we decided that as our past experience proved we'll probably spend far less time in the Orlando hotel, we decided to go for something less expensive and upgrade for our week in Naples. The Sheraton Safari came recommended, so that's where we're going. We love the Crossroads end of Lake Buena Vista and as we'll also be spending a couple of days at US/IOA, it seemed the best bet.

Thanks for all the tips and thoughts!!

Just gotta wait till October now........

Annie xx:p

Glad you managed to sort something out to your liking :) Roll on October.......
...... now you can just look forward to your holiday :) It can't be nice reading bad reports on a hotel you're booked into, thank goodness you could change it easily :)
That's a relief, Mrs D. I'd been reading those threads in the Orlando Hotels Forum about the Wyndham Palace - definitely sounds as though it's overdue for a refit! Pity about the Dolphin, but the main thing is that you've happy with what you've got now.
Glad you got it sorted. I'm sure that you will like the Sheraton Safari. Carolyn


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