Birthday Trip To WDW (pre-TR turned TR) w/LOTS of pics **COMPLETED 2/5**

I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I got the UG too( last year)..and I LOVE it! I never knew that you could get ice water (or just ice) in a cup for FREE anywhere in the parks! And most of the time(just 1 time last trip it wasn't) it is filtered. We sometimes would have water, and other times we would mix crystal light packages in there and have lemonade or raspberry lemonade. It was WONDERFUL!
Hitting our favorites first

Stuff your face

After we get off Pirates I assume it should be around 10am or 11am which is around the time most of the resturants start opening. We'll probably be hungry already so if I can find a stand that sells those oh so scruptious turkey legs then we'll probably head in that direction and pick us up one to tide us over until we get out of the next ride. I want to try and eat our counter service meal around 2 or 3pm because my dinner ressies aren't till 9pm!! :scared:

Liberty Square

Once we get done chowin' down on that awesome turkey leg we'll probably mosy on over to the Hall of Presidents. I know this is not many people's favorite attraction but I married a history nerd so I'm dragged to it kicking and screaming. At least it's always nice and cold in there and it has nice comfy seats so it's a nice break. I also read a little tid bit about this ride in the UG that some CM's like to play jokes on the animatronics like place condoms in Bill Clinton's jacket pocket and things like that. I wish I could go up there on stage after the "performance" and join in on the fun. One day, when I live in Florida, I will be a Disney CM and do some of these things myself! Well, a girl can dream, can't she!? :laughing:

Adventure Land

Once we meander (don't you love all my terms for walking!?) through Liberty Square for a little bit, making sure not to miss anything, we'll head over to Adventure Land. I'm gonna try and head over to the Swiss Family Treehouse seeing as though I have never been there before. Is it worth the time? Then we'll hit The Jungle Cruise. I think I'm gonna pass on the Tiki Room for now since we'll be back in the park @ two other times on this trip. We'll catch it on one of the other days I'm sure. I don't really enjoy it as much as I did when I was a child though. I'm not liking the "New Management". Ugh! Some things are just better left alone IMHO!

Frontier Land

We'll then head over to Frontier Land. I also learned another neat little tidbit on the KTTK tour that every "land" has a texture, sound and smell change as you enter it. ie: As you enter Frontier Land, you walk accross a gritty bridge (texture), you smell more animals and meet and things like that brewing (smell), and the music changes to more rustic, early settler banjos and guitars and things of that nature...oh and also the gun slingin' show if you happen to catch that (sound). Disney really wanted his guests to feel like they were traveling to that time and place that he created. It's amazing. So, Frontier Land I want to go over to that shop that takes the "old time" photographs. I haven't done this since I was about 7 or 8 years old. I didn't even want to do it then. I was a scared and extreemly shy little girl! After the picture with my DH I'll probably try to coax him into going on Splash Mountain and fail misserably. No, he doesn't like that ride either. I love him but it really bums me out that he doesn't enjoy thrill rides. Not that Splash Mountain is really a thrill ride, but for him it is.

Stuff your face, again

After being disappointed that DH won't ride Splash Mountain I assume it will be around 1 or 2pm so we'll probably start to try and find a good counter service meal to enjoy. Any suggestions??

:offtopic: I HATE it when sales people call and ask to talk to the business owner about dumb stuff that we don't want anyways and then get angry at me for screening the call. They're not supposed to hang up on me, it's supposed to be the other way around!!! Arg!! :headache: Ok, I feel better now. On to more things Disney.

Tomorrow Land

After our bellies are full once again we will back track over to Tomorrow Land. My husband, as well as being a history nerd, is also a video game nerd. So, guess which ride we will head to first! That's right! Buzz Lightyear! I'm so horrible at this ride! I love the ride itself but I'm just not good at scoring points. Any tips from my readers would be much appreciated. After embarrassing myself thoroughly once again on that ride I want to try and get on Stitch’s Great Escape seeing as though I still have not been on this ride since it was Alien Escape. I really hope the wait isn’t too long. Every time my DH and I decide to try and get on it the wait is about 2 hours or so. We never want to wait because we usually only have one day in each park but this time, since we’ll be in MK at least 3 times we will get on it at one point or another! I’m determined. We also like to ride the Tomorowland Transit Authority…again, air-conditioning and seats so it's not all bad. And the line is short. Plus, I love seeing that model of Walt's dream town (aka Celebration, FL). We'll skip the Indy Speedway, Astro Orbitor and Space Mountain (again, no way DH will get on this).


Next up, It's A Small World. This is my all time favorite ride from my childhood. I know the song is a little obnoxious since it keeps repeating and I'm a little nerdy for loving this ride but I just love all the little dolls and outfits they are wearing and the way they dance. It's all so cute! It's a Disney classic and a tradition in my book. I'm glad they updated it a few years ago instead of getting rid of it. That would've been tragic. Then we'll see how long the waits are on Peter Pan and all the other rides in this land. If they're not too long (haha yeah right) then we'll get on the shortest wait. But otherwise we'll just wait till the next time we're here first thing in the morning and hop on/get fast passes for them then. I don't want to do absolutely everything in this park on the first day. I want to be able to stop and see the things that we haven't paid attention to before. I did tell DH that we're getting on the Mad Tea Party this time. He's never been on that ride so I told him he has to at least experiance it once. Spin around till you want to throw up. What fun! :rotfl2: My sister and I used to get on this ride every single trip. I think the last time I went on it was with her. It will be great to make a new memory with my DH on that ride while remembering my sister. :cloud9: I'll have to see if I have any pictures of her on my PC at home and post them later. She passed away before Digital Cameras were around so I'll probably have to scan some in.

End of the day

The End

That's it for Pre-trip Day #2. Stay tuned for more.

This is a LOT more than what I was planning on writing! :laughing: Hopefully ya'll aren't asleep yet!

43 more days until I'm in the "World"!!!

Great Update!!

I love all the little tidbits that you shared from your Keys to the Kingdom Tour...I thinjk that is what you called it

Turkey Legs I believe are on the way into Frontierland.

As far as counter meals in MK...Pecos Bill and Cosimic Rays are good.. I wuold skp the one in Fantasyland, Pinocchio something, as that is always the most crowded:scared1:

In my opinion, Swiss Family treehouse is SO BORING!!!!!

In Buzz Lightyear Ride, just hold the gun button in for long periods of time, you get more points that way. AIM FOR BIG BATTERIES AND HIT THE BIG Z!!!

Since you DH is a history buff, are you going to hit Carousel of Progress in Tomorrowland? I LOVE that ride.

Okay, I think I covered everything I cuold comment on.

can't wait for more..

:cool1: :cool1:
Wow! It is awefully quiet on these boards today. Where is everyone?? :confused: :confused3

Oh well, I'll continue to talk to myself.

Me: "how are you!?
Me: "ready for my Disney vacation!!"
Me: "me too!! And you know it's not YOUR's MINE!! Don't make me come over there and hurt you!!"

ok, well, maybe I should stop since I'll probably get into an arguement.

Anyhow, I figured I'd post up our whole itenerary for you folks to see. I'm still gonna type out each day as I forsee it happening. But here's the short of it.

Day #1 (Sept 13th)
7am to 11am : Go to work from 7am to 11am while DH drops off our "children" at the designated Grandparent's houses.
11am to 7pm : drive to Orlando
7pm and on : IN DISNEY!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: Ck into POP, drop off luggage, get food then come back to POP for sleep.

Day #2 (Sept 14th)
Wake up extra early, get ready & head down to the busses to try and catch the first one of the day.
8:30am : arrive at MK
9am : get into the park as fast as possible and head over to Guest Relations to get my "it's my birthday pin"
9:15am to 7pm : tour the park
7:15pm to 8:45pm : head over to the Contemporary Resort and lollygag around waiting for our ADR @ Concorse Steakhouse.
9pm : Dinner @ Concorse Steakhouse!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 (I haven't eaten here yet...any reviews? Also I heard they will be closing this resturant soon...any truth to that?)

Day #3 (Sept 15th)
6am : wake up, get ready and head out to go visit my Grandparents that live in Lake Placid (it's a 2 hour drive from Disney).
8:30am : arrive at Grandparent's house and visit
2pm : say our goodbye's to family and head back to WDW
4pm : arrive back at POP to get cleaned up and change clothes
6pm : Dinner with best friend and family and other friends @ Rainforest Cafe in DTD
9pm - 1am: fun in pleasure Island!! I've never been here before. Any info on this end of things would be great.

Day #4 (Sept 16th)
This is more of a anything day so I plan on shopping at DTD and City Walk since it's the weekend and the parks will be crowded. I wanna go to the parks when all the other cumps (I mean...uh....lucky central Floridians) from the area will be working.

Day #5 (Sept 17th)
This is DH's 27th birthday
7am : wake up, get ready and head to the bus for MGM (this is DH's all time favorite park)
8:30am : arrive at MGM for park opening
9am : go to guest relations for DH's "it's my birthday" button
9:15am to 8pm : tour MGM with ADR @ SiFi @ 3:45pm
8pm to 11pm : EMH @ MGM!!!!

Day #6 (Sept 18th)
6am : wake up, get ready & head to bus for MK
8am - 2pm : MK
2pm : park hop over to Epcot
2:30pm : tour Epcot
9pm : Illuminations

Sidenote: we have no ADR's for this day yet...any suggestions!?

Day #7 (Sept 19th)
Right now I have this day blocked off for Universal/IOA but I am not sure we are gonna go. I've never been to either of these parks before and I'm a little affraid we'd be losing time and $ we could be using at Disney if we go to Universal instead. Any opinions on this? :confused:

Day #8 (Sept 20th)
7am : wake up, get ready and head to the bus for Epcot
9am : Epcot opening & touring
2pm : hop over to MK
2:30pm : MK touring....again, we have no ADR's for this day. I need to call and try to get some for LTT :-)rotfl2: I must be dreaming!!) Maybe we'll take the monorail off to another resort and eat there...any recomendations??
8pm : SPECTROMAGIC!!! :woohoo: :cool1: :banana: :dance3:
9PM : Wishes (I haven't seen the MK fireworks since I was a kid...this will be fun!! :yay: :yay:

Day #9 (Sept 21st)
This day is set aside for AK...we've never been to this park either. Is it worth it? I don't know a whole lot about it and I've heard mixed reviews of it :confused3 I don't want to waste our last day at WDW.

Day #10 (Sept 22nd)
7am : wake up, get ready and leave WDW :sad2: :sad1: :sad2: :sad1:
make the 8 hour treck back to Atlanta, pick up our "children" and go home to wind down from the vacation. Upload pictures onto computer and announce on the DIS that we're home & that there will be a post-trip report coming soon!! te he :woohoo:

Ok, that took up some more time. Wow, I'm sooo not busy today! :laughing: :laughing: I LOVE the benefits of working for my father.
Your plan sounds great! What a fun birthday! I'll try to touch on most everything you talked about...

I think HM might be a little more crowded than usual because the plan is for it to open up on the 14th! And I'm SO excited to ride it on the 16th!!

Wow! It's opening back up on the 14th!? I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up. That will definitely be the first ride we hit if that's the case. Don't want to miss out on that one.

I also plan on getting to the park openings each at least once. I don't remember EVER having been at an opening.

If you ever get to go to WDW during Star Wars Weekends, go to MGM for the park opening. They have storm troopers on top of the ticket pavillion that put on a little show before hand. It's so funny. I have pictures of this on my PC at home. I'll post later.

You will LOVE Pirates! Jack Sparrow looks SO REAL. I thought he was going to jump out at me! (And I would invite him to sit in DH's place...LOL)

I'm sooo excited to see the new pirates!! :cool1: I absolutely LOVE Johnny Depp and if it ever was the real Johnny I'd shove DH into the water just to have him join me! haha j/k...or am I? ;)

I like the SFT, and it may be changed within a couple of years (Disneyland already changed theirs to Tarzan's treehouse). So I'd suggest checking it out. I also could do without the Tiki Room...but it is nice to sit in the air-conditioning if you ever get dragged in. As for Hall of Presidents, the video bores me after seeing it so many times---but when I mentioned that is one thing we'd skip this time (DH went last year for his first time as an adult and got to see it) he was disappointed, so it looks like I'll be going as well. From then on I'll probably just go back to it when new presidents are added.

I'll definitely have to check out SFT this time around since it's being rumored to be changed soon. Don't want to miss out on the origional. I tried to tell my DH that we'd be skipping HOP as well this time but he got that sad puppy dog face so I gave in. I'm a sucker...what can I say? :confused3

For your CS meal, try Pecos Bill(Frontierland) or Cosmic Ray's (Tomorrowland) I'd suggest going on allears website and check out the different menus. (click dining, then menus)

Thanks for the recomendations! And thanks for the great website. I've been to that site a couple of times but haven't really toured around it yet. I'll have to give it another looksee.

For Buzz, don't ever let go of the trigger and you'll score more points. Also, I heard that the robots score big points--and I'm going to try and focus on those next time.

Thanks for the tips for the Buzz ride!! I'm gonna try my best to woop DH's booty this trip! Wish me luck :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

Astro orbiter will be under refurbishment during your(and mine) trip anyway. You should go on space mountain without him!!

I probably will go on SM w/o DH since it's a one seater ride anyways. I haven't been on that roller coaster in sooo long.

And one last thing...Stitch burps...and it's the most disgusting vile smell ever....just a warning. But if you must see it once, don't wait long--you'll be disappointed. We saw it last year---because we tend to try EVERYTHING at least once, and I won't be back on it again. I wish they hadn't ever changed it. I loved AE.

I hope I didn't miss anything. If I think of more tips I will let you know.

that burp that stitch does sounds disgusting!! But I will bear through it just to check it out at least once. I think if I can sit through disgusting husbandly smells (I'm sure you know what I'm speaking of) then I can sit through a burp from stitch :rotfl2: :lmao:

I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I got the UG too( last year)..and I LOVE it! I never knew that you could get ice water (or just ice) in a cup for FREE anywhere in the parks! And most of the time(just 1 time last trip it wasn't) it is filtered. We sometimes would have water, and other times we would mix crystal light packages in there and have lemonade or raspberry lemonade. It was WONDERFUL!

That free water thing sounds like a great idea! I will definitely be doing this as well while we're there. haha maybe you should be planning my trip for me :laughing: I need someone like you to plan a Disney trip with so I can have the ultimate Disney experiance. I already have a friend of mine (who is more anal about planning things than I am) that has agreed to go to Disney with me next year for a "girls only" trip...but the only problem there is that she's never been to WDW. So, I'll have to do the planning as good as possible to make sure she has a GREAT first experiance!! :thumbsup2

Great Update!!

I love all the little tidbits that you shared from your Keys to the Kingdom Tour...I thinjk that is what you called it

Thanks!! And yes, it is called the Keys to the Kingdom Tour. They give you so many behind the scenes information that they don't allow anyone under 16 years old to go on the tour. It's a great way to get a behind the scenes peek at what goes on daily at MK and hear all the secrets that went into building and desiging the park. Two thumbs up on this tour :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Turkey Legs I believe are on the way into Frontierland.

Thanks!! I can never seem to find them!! I think the only time we had one in MK was during the Spektromagic parade the first year they had that parade back and the only reason we found it then was because we followed the rest of the crowd and stumbled upon the cart :laughing:

As far as counter meals in MK...Pecos Bill and Cosimic Rays are good.. I wuold skp the one in Fantasyland, Pinocchio something, as that is always the most crowded:scared1: :

Thanks! I'll definitely check those out along with the ones that cherbear recomended.

In my opinion, Swiss Family treehouse is SO BORING!!!!!

In Buzz Lightyear Ride, just hold the gun button in for long periods of time, you get more points that way. AIM FOR BIG BATTERIES AND HIT THE BIG Z!!!:

I think I'm gonna hit SFT just because I've never tried it out before. I'll try most anything at least once.

And thanks for the tips on Buzz!! I WILL be brining on the hurt on DH in that ride! For once I'm determined to make sure he walks out of that ride hanging his head in shame!1 hahaha :rotfl2: (we'll see if this actually happens)

Since you DH is a history buff, are you going to hit Carousel of Progress in Tomorrowland? I LOVE that ride.

I absolutely LOVE that ride as well. How could I forget to mention it!? Ugh!! :headache: I know it's one of the rides that's usually down for the slow season (which September is considered slow) it usually open @ this time of year or am I gonna be forced to skip it? I heard that there are rumors that they are gonna tear it down and put something new up in it's place. If they do tear it down the rumors say that pieces of it will be taken over to Epcot and put on display. While that's cool and all, it just won't be the same because it won't be the actual ride! :scared: I fear change!
Thanks!! And yes, it is called the Keys to the Kingdom Tour. They give you so many behind the scenes information that they don't allow anyone under 16 years old to go on the tour. It's a great way to get a behind the scenes peek at what goes on daily at MK and hear all the secrets that went into building and desiging the park. Two thumbs up on this tour :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Thanks!! I can never seem to find them!! I think the only time we had one in MK was during the Spektromagic parade the first year they had that parade back and the only reason we found it then was because we followed the rest of the crowd and stumbled upon the cart :laughing:

Thanks! I'll definitely check those out along with the ones that cherbear recomended.

I think I'm gonna hit SFT just because I've never tried it out before. I'll try most anything at least once.

And thanks for the tips on Buzz!! I WILL be brining on the hurt on DH in that ride! For once I'm determined to make sure he walks out of that ride hanging his head in shame!1 hahaha :rotfl2: (we'll see if this actually happens)

I absolutely LOVE that ride as well. How could I forget to mention it!? Ugh!! :headache: I know it's one of the rides that's usually down for the slow season (which September is considered slow) it usually open @ this time of year or am I gonna be forced to skip it? I heard that there are rumors that they are gonna tear it down and put something new up in it's place. If they do tear it down the rumors say that pieces of it will be taken over to Epcot and put on display. While that's cool and all, it just won't be the same because it won't be the actual ride! :scared: I fear change!

One time for Swiss Famil Treehouse is defintely enough...:rotfl2:

I hit that big battery on Buzz ride and got like 100,000 points!! I had no idea.. I totally suck at it and DH always whoops my butt on it..not that time.. Good Luckk:cool1:

Turkery leg cart I believe is right next to a pretzel cart...on your way into Frontierland....going towards the bridge I belive......

I think carousel of Progress will be open....They always say to be closed for slow seasons and it never is.....Hope it is open...:thumbsup2
Who Posted

Trentmom 17
Leger13 13
cherbear 8
Disneydad99 7
Goofyluver 1
Who Posted

Trentmom 17
Leger13 13
cherbear 8
Disneydad99 7
Goofyluver 1

:lmao: I think everyone but Goofyluver has surpassed Disneydad. What's up with that!? I might have to rethink the Post Master title for him and just dub you with it!
ok, well, maybe I should stop since I'll probably get into an arguement.

Anyhow, I figured I'd post up our whole itenerary for you folks to see. I'm still gonna type out each day as I forsee it happening. But here's the short of it.

Hey we’ll be in Epcot at the same time!
Well as far as ADRs go, I’d say try Le Cellier but if you get a dinner I will be jealous. LOL I have been trying to get a dinner there on the 18th for weeks. I have lunch there at 11:40 though.

Ok, let me give you my opinion on Universal…
Last year, we had a 6 day trip to WDW….but blocked out one day to go to Universal Studios(IOA). After the day had ended we all decided we should have skipped it and just enjoyed our favorite rides at Disney. Our Disney trip was so fast paced as it was (only 4 days in the parks, and 1 day of water park/DQ), and if we hadn’t gone to Universal, we would have been able to finish doing everything we didn’t get to do—as well as save lots of money.
It seemed that most of the rides at Universal were either WATER rides or fast jerky roller coasters (ie. Not like Disney’s milder smoother forms). My dad and sister don’t like jerky rollercoasters and were bored the whole time, except when we all went on the Spiderman 3D ride. The Popeye water ride was not working the whole time. Dr. Doom’s Fearfall was stupid----I didn’t even feel like we went up all the way---when it was over I was like, ok when is this going to start? SERIOUSLY. We got COMPLETELY soaked on one of the water rides. The lines were RIDICULOUS (in July by the way) so we spent most of our time waiting in line. When we went on the hulk we had to pay to put our stuff in a locker, because they won’t let you have ANYTHING on the ride…even sunglasses, change in your pockets---NOTHING. The wait was so long that we RAN back to the lockers and nearly had to pay double because we took so long to get our stuff out. The hulk was cool, but the dueling dragons were better.
Before we had left, I was reading about their Universal Express system. I see that they’ve recently updated that page so that it makes more sense---BUT I had read somewhere, or got the impression that they also had a free version of this (much like Disney’s FP) that would let you ride each ride ONCE by going in a faster line. And thought the one you purchase was an UPGRADE that let you do this as many times as you want. Needless to say, when I found out it was $60.00 just to buy the special pass to “line cut” I was pretty upset. We ended up going back to Disney by early afternoon and going back to DisneyQuest.
All in all, I didn’t feel like I was anywhere special, I just missed the feeling of being in WDW, and we all just thought we wasted our time and money. I guess WDW just knows how to do it right, and that’s all I need.

Oh that was SO long…I’m sorry, I guess I’m just passionate about it!

On to happier things!.....AK is WONDERFUL! It’s not a full day park for me, but it’s still not to be missed. Check out Expedition Everest, Kilimanjaro Safari, and Kali River Rapids.

Wow! It's opening back up on the 14th!? I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up. That will definitely be the first ride we hit if that's the case. Don't want to miss out on that one.

That free water thing sounds like a great idea! I will definitely be doing this as well while we're there. haha maybe you should be planning my trip for me :laughing: I need someone like you to plan a Disney trip with so I can have the ultimate Disney experiance. I already have a friend of mine (who is more anal about planning things than I am) that has agreed to go to Disney with me next year for a "girls only" trip...but the only problem there is that she's never been to WDW. So, I'll have to do the planning as good as possible to make sure she has a GREAT first experiance!! :thumbsup2 .

Actually I have read the 13th some places and the 14th some places---so much that I don't remember what the WDW website says. Anywho, I'm sure it could vary by a couple of days--just hope it won't be LATER than they say.

Oh gosh, thanks for the compliment (about me doing your planning). I'm sure there are PLENTY of others here who are MUCH MUCH better than me at this. I thought I knew it all :rolleyes1 but I have learned SO much from the DIS.

Thanks! I'll definitely check those out along with the ones that cherbear recomended.

Actually, those were the ones I recommended, too. hehehe :goodvibes
Who Posted

Trentmom 17
Leger13 13
cherbear 8
Disneydad99 7
Goofyluver 1 I've got 10. I didn't even see this til after I posted (I was typing for a long time as you can see...hehehe)

My hatred for Universal goes on and on and on...any place that makes you PAY to line cut is just evil in my books. Not evil like DD...just PLAIN EVIL.
Hey we’ll be in Epcot at the same time!
Well as far as ADRs go, I’d say try Le Cellier but if you get a dinner I will be jealous. LOL I have been trying to get a dinner there on the 18th for weeks. I have lunch there at 11:40 though.

That's awesome that we'll be in Epcot at the same time. :laughing: Looks like we'll be doing at least two parks at the same time. Maybe we really will run into eachother. hah! :) I'll have to find something Lime Green to wear to one of the parks so I stand out.

Ok, let me give you my opinion on Universal…
Last year, we had a 6 day trip to WDW….but blocked out one day to go to Universal Studios(IOA). After the day had ended we all decided we should have skipped it and just enjoyed our favorite rides at Disney. Our Disney trip was so fast paced as it was (only 4 days in the parks, and 1 day of water park/DQ), and if we hadn’t gone to Universal, we would have been able to finish doing everything we didn’t get to do—as well as save lots of money.
It seemed that most of the rides at Universal were either WATER rides or fast jerky roller coasters (ie. Not like Disney’s milder smoother forms). My dad and sister don’t like jerky rollercoasters and were bored the whole time, except when we all went on the Spiderman 3D ride. The Popeye water ride was not working the whole time. Dr. Doom’s Fearfall was stupid----I didn’t even feel like we went up all the way---when it was over I was like, ok when is this going to start? SERIOUSLY. We got COMPLETELY soaked on one of the water rides. The lines were RIDICULOUS (in July by the way) so we spent most of our time waiting in line. When we went on the hulk we had to pay to put our stuff in a locker, because they won’t let you have ANYTHING on the ride…even sunglasses, change in your pockets---NOTHING. The wait was so long that we RAN back to the lockers and nearly had to pay double because we took so long to get our stuff out. The hulk was cool, but the dueling dragons were better.
Before we had left, I was reading about their Universal Express system. I see that they’ve recently updated that page so that it makes more sense---BUT I had read somewhere, or got the impression that they also had a free version of this (much like Disney’s FP) that would let you ride each ride ONCE by going in a faster line. And thought the one you purchase was an UPGRADE that let you do this as many times as you want. Needless to say, when I found out it was $60.00 just to buy the special pass to “line cut” I was pretty upset. We ended up going back to Disney by early afternoon and going back to DisneyQuest.
All in all, I didn’t feel like I was anywhere special, I just missed the feeling of being in WDW, and we all just thought we wasted our time and money. I guess WDW just knows how to do it right, and that’s all I need.

Oh that was SO long…I’m sorry, I guess I’m just passionate about it!

Thank you SO much for the honest opinion on Universial/IOA!! My DH doesn't like jerky rides either and now just the thought of being taken out of the magic of WDW has me very against going to Universal. Maybe one day we'll try it out just for kicks. maybe once we have kids that whine and beg to go there :laughing:

On to happier things!.....AK is WONDERFUL! It’s not a full day park for me, but it’s still not to be missed. Check out Expedition Everest, Kilimanjaro Safari, and Kali River Rapids.

I noticed that AK closes so early (5pm) so I'm guessing we won't stay there long either. I doubt I'll get DH to do Expedition Everest but we'll check out the others. I'm hoping to see some cool animals. It's still Disney so it can't be all that bad I guess. :thumbsup2

Oh gosh, thanks for the compliment (about me doing your planning). I'm sure there are PLENTY of others here who are MUCH MUCH better than me at this. I thought I knew it all :rolleyes1 but I have learned SO much from the DIS.

You're very welcome :upsidedow I wish I could be a disney trip planner for my profession. I've learned lots from the DIS and also the UG. I feel much more prepared this year than I did in prior trips. I wish I had known everything I know now when DH and I went on our Disneymoon. Oh well :confused3 It was still magical.

Actually, those were the ones I recommended, too. hehehe :goodvibes

Yeah, I realized that after I posted my reply. :sad2: Doh!!'s bount to happen though.
That's awesome that we'll be in Epcot at the same time. :laughing: Looks like we'll be doing at least two parks at the same time. Maybe we really will run into eachother. hah! :) I'll have to find something Lime Green to wear to one of the parks so I stand out.

Thank you SO much for the honest opinion on Universial/IOA!! My DH doesn't like jerky rides either and now just the thought of being taken out of the magic of WDW has me very against going to Universal. Maybe one day we'll try it out just for kicks. maybe once we have kids that whine and beg to go there :laughing:

Yeah, I realized that after I posted my reply. :sad2: Doh!!'s bount to happen though.

Cool...I really need to take another looksie and see if we'll be in any other parks at the same time. I will get some LGMH at HD and tape them to my shirt....haha can you picture it? 2 right in the front? LOL :rotfl2:

You are welcome for the opinion. I kind of feel bad for bashing them.....well, ok, no I don't! LOL :lmao: It just seems like you are a lot like me, and although I enjoyed the couple of rides we went on, I could do without and it just didn't compare to WDW. I'd rather ride ToT and RnR back and forth for a whole day!

Do you know you can edit your post even after you post it? Just click the little Edit button with the scissor icon at the bottom right (next to "quote") Sorry if you already knew that and just didn't feel like editing your post.
I knew I'd remember what else I wanted to say. OK I promise this is it for this afternoon.

The Carousel of Progress will be open (it doesn't show that it's closing on their site). And I'm very happy about that!
Cool...I really need to take another looksie and see if we'll be in any other parks at the same time. I will get some LGMH at HD and tape them to my shirt....haha can you picture it? 2 right in the front? LOL :rotfl2:

You are welcome for the opinion. I kind of feel bad for bashing them.....well, ok, no I don't! LOL :lmao: It just seems like you are a lot like me, and although I enjoyed the couple of rides we went on, I could do without and it just didn't compare to WDW. I'd rather ride ToT and RnR back and forth for a whole day!

Do you know you can edit your post even after you post it? Just click the little Edit button with the scissor icon at the bottom right (next to "quote") Sorry if you already knew that and just didn't feel like editing your post.

That would be hillarious to see you walking around with two LGMH's on your shirt. You'd definitely be easy to spot and it'd be hillarious to see :lmao:

I just read my DH the review on Universal you wrote earlier and that pretty much solidifies us not going. We were already leaning towards not going...but now that we have a definite decision I can plan something else for that day. Yay! :woohoo:

And yes, I knew I could edit my post but I just thought my type-o was funny so I decided to leave it and make fun of myself :laughing:

I knew I'd remember what else I wanted to say. OK I promise this is it for this afternoon.

The Carousel of Progress will be open (it doesn't show that it's closing on their site). And I'm very happy about that!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2: :cheer2: I'm soooo excited!!!! I was really hoping to get to ride it one last time before they tear it down (if that's in fact, what they are going to do.).

Thanks again for the info!! ;)
:lmao: I think everyone but Goofyluver has surpassed Disneydad. What's up with that!? I might have to rethink the Post Master title for him and just dub you with it!

Hear that DD????

I am the POST MASTER!!!!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Originally Posted by cherbear

And apparently DD likes to be number 2.....yuck! LOL

If you read his report, you will get that joke.

Go to page 13, post 188 on Disneydad report...for that part that you missed

Here ya go:

Chapter 12: OCD Disneydad & the Packing Plan Cont.
Ok I know I am Evil but I Had to go # 2 & it would not wait......Sorry Heather I know TMI>>>>
I"m posting again so I can beat Disneydad!!! :teeth:

Your plans look great...and yay for CoP not being closed!

"It's a great big beautiful tomorrow..."
First of all - Goodmorning!! :)

Welcome to our new subscriber GoofyLuvr!! :wave2:

So, wow! I go to bed and get on here this morning only to see that I have THREE pages of crazyness! :lmao: Ya'll crack me up!!

I will be posting Day #2 here in a little bit. It won't really have pictures on it :guilty: since I'm at work and have none on this PC but I'll post some after I get home this evening from previous trips.

Anyhow, keep your pants on ppl...Day # 2 (aka my birthday) is coming up next. Stay tuned!!


I am waiting Patiently...well not so Patiently!!!!!

OK I have been Busy Updating My report...See Link Below...:rolleyes1

After getting my pin we will go down mainstreet, by pass all the shopping (for now) and head straight for the Haunted Mansion. I don't know if most of you know this or not but if you watch most of the rest of the crowd most of them will vear to the right of the park toward Tomorrow Land. Walt designed the park so that you felt as though you were walking into a movie and there are sights and sounds that draw you to certin areas of the park. I learned that little tidbit when my DH and I went on the "Keys To The Kingdom" tour on our Disneymoon. I definitely recomend that tour!!

Loved That Tour...DisneyMom & I went also!!!!
& My Favorite Haunted Mansion

:offtopic: I HATE it when sales people call and ask to talk to the business owner about dumb stuff that we don't want anyways and then get angry at me for screening the call. They're not supposed to hang up on me, it's supposed to be the other way around!!! Arg!! :headache: Ok, I feel better now. On to more things Disney.

See You are starting to get it...a Mini Report inside an Update...20 Focker points for You!!!

This is a LOT more than what I was planning on writing! :laughing: Hopefully ya'll aren't asleep yet!

43 more days until I'm in the "World"!!!

Nope not enough Detail :lmao: :lmao: We need More!!!



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